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Bootstrap Nested Sortable Tree

A drag and drop sort able list library. Demo

bootstrap Nested Sortable 1


There are some projects about sortable divs, and one of them is treeSortable project. But developers need so many requisites like using Bootstrap and serialization. The utilized data should be reorganized; therefore, auto-leveling existing data were need. This library has sound new features which simplify its usage by developers or new starters.


Download BsNestedSortable.css and BsNestedSortable.min.js files from this project and use them on your server. Use the following tags in head part of html.

<head><meta  charset="UTF-8"><meta  name="viewport"  contents="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>bootstrap Nested Sortable</title>
    <link  href=""  rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-iYQeCzEYFbKjA/T2uDLTpkwGzCiq6soy8tYaI1GyVh/UjpbCx/TYkiZhlZB6+fzT"  crossorigin="anonymous">
    <script  src="" integrity="sha384-u1OknCvxWvY5kfmNBILK2hRnQC3Pr17a+RTT6rIHI7NnikvbZlHgTPOOmMi466C8"
    <link  rel="stylesheet"  href="" integrity="sha512-q3eWabyZPc1XTCmF+8/LuE1ozpg5xxn7iO89yfSOd5/oKvyqLngoNGsx8jq92Y8eXJ/IRxQbEC+FGSYxtk2oiw==" crossorigin="anonymous"  referrerpolicy="no-referrer"  />
    <script  src=""></script>
    <script  src=""></script>
    <link  href="./css/BsNestedSortable.css"  rel="stylesheet"  />
    <script  src="./js/BsNestedSortable.js"></script>

In the body section following tags can be included:

<div  class="container">
   <div  class="row">
      <ul  id="tree"></ul>

You can change the id and other parts of the code as your need. The following codes should be included in the body section too.

const data = [
    id: 1,
    parent_id: 0,
    title: 'Branch 1',
    description: '<p>Test Desc.</p>',
    id: 2,
    parent_id: 1,
    title: 'Branch 2',
    img: 'images/profile.jpg'
 $(document).ready(function () {        

If you have yourself, data name, and keys, it can be done by changing the last code:

const myData = [ { myid: 1, myparent_id: 0, mytitle: 'Branch 1', mydesc: 'desc.', myimage:'a.jpg'  },]
 data: myData,
  options: {
   dataKeys: {
       id: 'myid',
       parent: 'myparent_id',
       title: 'mytitle',
       description: 'mydesc',
       image: 'myimage',

Using your modals is available too. In this case, it can be defined in options as:

  options: {
   modal: {
   id: "#myModal",
   ModalDelete: "#myModalDelete",
   name: "#CatName",
   description: "#CatDescId",
   image: "#image"


The most important about sorting branches are using the results. Therefore this project aims to obtain complete output after each action. serializeOption can be used for this proposal. There are four different methods to get the results:

  1. JSON , retruns the serialized values as json format.
  2. alert , alert the serialized values.
  3. console , write the output in console to check them.
  4. asVar , returns the results as variable.

By using JSON, the results can be called in the page as value (of form' input) or html and text. The equivalency of these options in Jquery are as .html() , .val() and .text() .

The output of serialized values can be obtained as following formats simultaneously.

  • catObj: Returns all branches data as array. [{"id":0,"parent_id":"","level":0,"title":"Root","parents":[],"children":[],"img":"","description":""},
  • parentArr: Returns parents array {"1":["0"],"2":["1"],"3":["1"],"4":["3"]}
  • childrenArr: Returns children array for each branch {"0":["1"],"1":["3","2"],"2":["6"],}
  • Hierarchy: Returns expanded hierarchical array containing all children data {"id":0,"parents":[],"level":0,"children":[{"id":"1","parents":[0],"level":"1","description":
  • minHierarchy: Return minimized hierarchical array included just id and children. {"id":0,"children":[{"id":"1","children":[{"id":"3","children":[{"id":"4","children":[{"id":"5"}]},
  • allParentsArr: Returns all of parents of branches. {"1":[0],"2":[0,"1"],"3":[0,"1"],"4":[0,"3","1"],
  • allChildrenArr: Returns all of children of the branches. {"0":["3","4","5","9","10","7","6","1","2","8"],"1":["2","8"],"3":["4","5","9","10","7"],"

The following command can perform this serialization.

  serializeOption: {
	method: "JSON", // JSON alert console asVar
	call: "val", // html val text jquery .html() ,.val() or .text()
	outPuts: {
		catObj: "#catObj", // the places which will have all categories
		parentArr: "#parentArr", // parents array
		childrenArr: "#childrenArr", // children array
		Hierarchy: "#hierarchy", // expanded hierarchical array
		minHierarchy: "#minHierarchy", // minimized hierarchical array
		allParentsArr: "#allParentsArr", // all of parents
		allChildrenArr: "#allChildrenArr"  // all of children


The most critical issue for developers is saving the serialized results. In this regard eventsOptions may be useful for developers. onComplete , onDelete , onEdit and onAdd are envisaged for this propose. All of the mentioned functions make an object as follows:


EventsOptions can modify user-defined functions. An example of a delete event is as follows:

   eventsOptions: {
     onComplete: function (_, newSer) { console.log("Completed"); console.log(JSON.stringify(newSer)); },
     onDelete: async function (_, newSer) {
       await $("#proceeding-modal").modal({backdrop: 'static',keyboard: false,}).modal("show");
          url: "proceeding.php",
          type: "POST",
          data: {
            deletedArray: newSer.deleted
       }, function (data) {
           const returnVals = JSON.parse(data);
           initialSerilized = newSer.theLastSerializ;
           function (error, exception) {
               $('#proceeding-modal').on('', function (e) {
     onEdit: function (_, newSer) { console.log("Edited"); console.log(newSer); },
     onAdd: function (_, newSer) { console.log("Added"); console.log(newSer); },


Option Default Description
treeSortable #tree The tree root ID selector. If you change the root selector then you have to update the CSS as per requirements.
branchSelector .tree-branch The tree branch class selector. This need to be applied at the li element of the tree.
branchPathSelector .branch-path The left side path indication element's class selector.
dragHandlerSelector .branch-drag-handler The drag element. This element is responsible for enabling the dragging features of the branch.
placeholderName sortable-placeholder The placeholder name. This is for jquery-ui sortable. Note that there is no dot(.) or hash(#). See the jquery-ui sortable library.
childrenBusSelector .children-bus The children bus selector. This element is responsible for carrying the children on sorting a parent element.
collapseChildren .collapseChildren Collapse children class
levelPrefix branch-level This prefix is added to the li element and create a level class. For example, for the level 1 branch the class would be .branch-level-1
insertNewButton <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block w-100">Insert New Branch</button> The button when the data is empty.
imagesUrlPrefix Url of the images directory (http://localhost/images/)
icons { remove: '<i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i>',edit: '<i class="far fa-edit"></i>',add: '<i class="far fa-plus-square"></i>',expand: '<i class="fas fa-plus"></i>',collapse: '<i class="fas fa-minus"></i>',} Fontawsome was used for icons. Don't forget to change header part of HTML when it is modified.
maxLevel 10 The maximum level the tree could go. For example, if you set the maxLevel to 2 then the branch could have maximum .branch-level-2.
depth 30 The Depth of a child branch. If you change the depth then you have to update the CSS of the .branch-level-X classes. See the treeSortable.css for more references.
rootID 0 The root ID. This is crucial for reordering the data. Both string and numeric values are compatible.
language {createTheFirstBranch: "Insert New Branch", newItem: "New Item", editBranch: "Edit Branch", addBranch: "Add a new child", removeBranch: "Remove Branch" } Change the texts by these variables
dataAttributes {id: 'id',parent: 'parent',title: 'title',} Attibutes in the produced tags. data-title etc
dataKeys {id:'id',parent:'parent_id', title:'title', description:'description',image:'img',order:myorder} Change these values based on your row data structure
eventsOptions {
  onComplete: function () { },
  onDelete: function () { },
  onEdit: function () { },
  onAdd: function () { },
  excludedObjElms: [],
Events' functions.
serializeOption {
  serializeON: false,
  method: "JSON",
  call: "html",
  outPuts: {
    catObj: "#catObj",
    parentArr: "#parentArr",
    childrenArr: "#childrenArr",
     Hierarchy: "#hierarchy",
    minHierarchy: "#minHierarchy",
     allParentsArr: "#allParentsArr",
     allChildrenArr: "#allChildrenArr"
- method optons are JSON,alert,console,asVar
- call optons are : html,val,text
-outPuts options are as follow
- - catObj, the places which will have all categories
- - parentArr , parents array
- - childrenArr, children array
- - Hierarchy, expanded hierarchical array
- -minHierarchy, minimized hierarchical array
- - allParentsArr, All of parents
- - allChildrenArr, all of children


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