For this micro-tutorial we use conda environment manager and Python=3.8. Please follow the instructions to set it up.
In your terminal run:
git clone
then, go to the repository directory. In your terminal run:
cd ray-tune-micro-tutorial
In your terminal run:
conda env create --file environment.yml
(this can take a while)
conda activate ray_tune_demo
pip install "ray[default]" "ray[tune]"
🟩 Environment setup is done. You now have Ray and Tune installed. 🟩
Here, you check if Ray is installed correctly. This is optional but recommended.
In your terminal run:
Wait until you see >>>
prompt. Now Python is ready 🐍
>>> import ray
>>> ray.init()
You should see output like this:
2022-08-02 15:25:26,966 INFO -- View the Ray dashboard at
Feel free to open Ray dashboard at
🟩 Congrats: ray is installed correctly. 🟩
Please head over to the Where to Start? section in the README to start the tutorial!
Please check installation docs for more details and troubleshooting for issues with installing.