All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #65 Upgrade dependencies
- #29 Add support for login via Pbkdf2 challenge-response (propsed by @linnex81)
- #58 Datatime attribute added in devicestats XML response since Fritz OS 7.50 (thanks to @LutzHelling)
- #37 Support empty device lists
- #39 Add new command "getdeviceinfo" (thanks to @odin568)
- #46 Add additional attributes to group (thanks to @TDesjardins)
- #47 Add hkr attribute supported by FritzOS 7.29 (thanks to @philippn)
- #38 Add commands to set status for hkr (tsoll) and for blind (open, close etc.) (thanks to @JunkerMartin)
- #45 Upgrade dependencies
- #34 Support new device "Blind" and supply device statistics (thanks to @JunkerMartin for his contribution!)
- #35 Upgraded dependencies
- #18 Added new fields to be compatible with Fritz!OS 7.25
- Device (Fritz!Dect440) serves now relative humidity
- ColorControl (Fritz!Dect500) got some more fields
- Added some getter for fields that did miss them
- #19 Support for device groups
- No changes, update deployment to Maven Central
Requires Java 11 instead of Java 8
Moved from JCenter to Maven Central due to deprecation of JCenter. In your build script use
repositories { mavenCentral() }
- #17: Update for Fritz-Dect!4XX devices. Thanks to SmokingDevices!
- #16: Update for FRITZ-Dect 500 devices. Thanks to SmokingDevices!
- Make Device properties
optional to distinguish between missing values and zero, see issue #11.