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Kaia.js platform's JS client library

We have not yet launched the platform. For launch announcement please follow us on Facebook.

Live Demos

Installation robot apps run on Android smartphones. To run sample apps:

  1. Go to, familiarize yourself with how the robot platform works
  2. Optional, but highly recommended: if you don't have account, create an account
  3. Go to Google Play, search for "" to find and install Android app
  4. Launch Android app on your Android smartphone
  5. In Android app: (optional, but highly recommended): sign in, navigate to App Store
  6. Choose a robot app to launch
  7. Optionally: click the heart icon to pin the robot app to your launch screen

API Overview

TensorFlow Lite API

let tfLite = await createTensorFlowLite(model); // load model
let result = await[img], {  // classify image
  input: [{width: size, height: size, channels: 4, batchSize: 1, imageMean: 128.0, imageStd: 128.0,
           type: 'colorBitmapAsFloat'}],
  output:[{type: 'float', size: [1, 1001]}]
let probabilities = result.output[0][0];

Configuration options passed to run():

// Input parameters
  type: 'colorBitmapAsFloat', // input data type colorBitmapAsFloat|float|int|double|long|byte|colorBitmapAsByte
  width: inputWidth,          // input layer width
  height: inputHeight,        // input layer height
  channels: inputChannels,    // input layer channels
  batchSize: inputBatchSize,  // input layer batch size
  imageMean: imageMean,       // input image mean, 0...255, default 128
  imageStd: imageStd,         // input image standard deviation, default 128
// Output parameters
  type: 'float',              // output data type float|int|double|long|byte
  size: [1, 1001],            // output data size
// Miscellaneous options
  useNNAPI: false,            // use Android NN API, default false
  numThreads: 0               // number of threads to use, default 0

TensorFlow Mobile API

let tfMobile = await createTensorFlowMobile(model); // load model
let result = await[img], {    // classify image
  feed: [{width: size, height: size, inputName: 'input', imageMean: 128.0, imageStd: 128.0,
          feedType: 'colorBitmapAsFloat'}],
  run: {enableStats: false},
  fetch: {outputNames: ['MobilenetV1/Predictions/Softmax'], outputTypes: ['float']}
let probabilities = result.output[0];

TextToSpeech API

textToSpeech = await createTextToSpeech();
await textToSpeech.speak('Hello');

Serial API

serial = await createSerial({ baudRate: 115200, eventListener: onSerialEvent });
serial.write('Hello Arduino!\n')

function onSerialEvent(err, data) {
  if (!err && data.event === 'received')

MultiDetector API

Detects faces, barcodes, text. Decodes barcode data. Performs OCR (optical character recognition) on text.

let multiDet = await createAndroidMultiDetector({
  "face" : {"enableDetection" : true, "computeLandmarks" : false, "useFastSpeed" : true, "tracking" : true,
            "prominentFacesOnly" : true, "computeClassifications" : false, "minFaceSize" : 0.2},
  "barcodes" : {"enableDetection" : false},
  "text" : {"enableDetection" : false},
  eventListener: (err, res) => { if (!err) reactToFaces(res); }
let imageURI = grabFrame();
await multiDet.detect(imageURI);

function reactToFaces(data) {
  if (data.faces.length == 0) {
    console.log('I don\'t see any faces'); return;
  if (data.faces.length > 1)
    console.log('I see ' + data.faces.length + ' faces');    
  let face = data.faces[0];
  let left_x = face.left;
  let width = face.width;
  let top =;
  let height = face.height;
  // ...

Device Settings API

Control device settings including full screen view, screen orientation, disabling swipe-to-reload gesture, wake lock, page zoom, sound volume, muting sound. Obtain device information including Android app version, GPS state, network connection type, WiFi state and IP, display rotation.

// Query device settings
const deviceSettings = createDeviceSettings();
const deviceConfig = await deviceSettings.getConfig();
// Sample output:
// { fullScreen: false, swipeToReload: true, screenOrientationLock: false,
//   wakeLock: false, pageZoom: true, appVersion: '0.4.0.beta.rel',
//   muted: false, gpsEnabled: true, networkEnabled: true, connectedToInternet: true,
//   wifi: { inUse: true, signalLevel: 3, rssi: -63, ip: },
//   volume: 1, maxVolume: 0.25, displayRotation: 0
// }

// Change device settings
let config = {
  fullScreen: true, // enter full screen
  swipeToReload: false, // disable swipe-to-reload-page (for gamepad apps)
  screenOrientationLock: true, // lock current screen orientation, or choose orientation below:
    // 'behind', 'fullSensor', 'fullUser', 'landscape', 'locked', 'nosensor', 'portrait',
    // 'reverseLandscape', 'reversePortrait', 'sensor', 'sensorLandscape', 'sensorPortrait',
    // 'unspecified', 'user', 'userLandscape', 'userPortrait'
  wakeLock: true, // keep display on
  pageZoom: false, // disable page pinch zoom (for gamepad apps)
  mute: true, // mute (e.g. speech recognition beep)
  volume: 1.0, // set volume (max=1.0)
await deviceSettings.configure(config);


Via npm + webpack/rollup

npm install kaia.js

Now you can require/import kaia.js:

import { createTfMobile, createTfLite, createTextToSpeech, createAndroidMultiDetect, createPocketSphinx
         createAndroidSpeechRecognition, createDeviceSettings, createSerial, createSensors} from 'kaia.js';

Via <script>

  • dist/kaia.mjs is a valid JS module.
  • dist/kaia-iife.js can be used in browsers that don't support modules. kaiaJs is created as a global.
  • dist/kaia-iife.min.js As above, but minified.
  • dist/kaia-iife-compat.min.js As above, but works in older browsers such as IE 10.
  • dist/kaia-amd.js is an AMD module.
  • dist/kaia-amd.min.js As above, but minified.

These built versions are also available on jsDelivr, e.g.:

<script src=""></script>
<!-- Or in modern browsers: -->
<script type="module">
  import { createTfMobile, createTfLite, createTextToSpeech } from '';

and unpkg

<script src=""></script>
<!-- Or in modern browsers: -->
<script type="module">
  import { createTfMobile, createTfLite, createTextToSpeech } from '';

Customizing NN Model


  • TensorFlow Lite will be replacing TensorFlow Mobile
  • Expect TextToSpeech to be eventually deprecated in favor of Web text-to-speech API.
  • Expect Serial API to be eventually deprecated in favor of WebUSB