diff --git a/src/core/tUnification.ml b/src/core/tUnification.ml
index 0cac5763cc6..6736102db29 100644
--- a/src/core/tUnification.ml
+++ b/src/core/tUnification.ml
@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ type eq_kind =
 	| EqDoNotFollowNull (* like EqStrict, but does not follow Null<T> *)
 type unification_context = {
-	allow_transitive_cast : bool;
-	allow_abstract_cast   : bool; (* allows a non-transitive abstract cast (from,to,@:from,@:to) *)
-	allow_dynamic_to_cast : bool; (* allows a cast from dynamic to non-dynamic *)
-	equality_kind         : eq_kind;
-	equality_underlying   : bool;
+	allow_transitive_cast   : bool;
+	allow_abstract_cast     : bool; (* allows a non-transitive abstract cast (from,to,@:from,@:to) *)
+	allow_dynamic_to_cast   : bool; (* allows a cast from dynamic to non-dynamic *)
+	allow_arg_name_mismatch : bool;
+	equality_kind           : eq_kind;
+	equality_underlying     : bool;
+	strict_field_kind       : bool;
 type unify_min_result =
@@ -53,12 +55,50 @@ let check_constraint name f =
 let unify_ref : (unification_context -> t -> t -> unit) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ -> ())
 let unify_min_ref : (unification_context -> t -> t list -> unify_min_result) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false)
+	we can restrict access as soon as both are runtime-compatible
+let unify_access a1 a2 =
+	a1 = a2 || match a1, a2 with
+	| _, AccNo | _, AccNever -> true
+	| AccInline, AccNormal -> true
+	| _ -> false
+let direct_access = function
+	| AccNo | AccNever | AccNormal | AccInline | AccRequire _ | AccCtor -> true
+	| AccCall -> false
+let unify_kind ?(strict:bool = false) k1 k2 =
+	k1 = k2 || match k1, k2 with
+		| Var v1, Var v2 -> unify_access v1.v_read v2.v_read && unify_access v1.v_write v2.v_write
+		| Method m1, Method m2 ->
+			(match m1,m2 with
+			| MethInline, MethNormal
+			| MethDynamic, MethNormal -> true
+			| _ -> false)
+		| Var v, Method m when not strict ->
+			(match v.v_read, v.v_write, m with
+			| AccNormal, _, MethNormal -> true
+			| AccNormal, AccNormal, MethDynamic -> true
+			| _ -> false)
+		| Method m, Var v when not strict ->
+			(match m with
+			| MethDynamic -> direct_access v.v_read && direct_access v.v_write
+			| MethMacro -> false
+			| MethNormal | MethInline ->
+				match v.v_read,v.v_write with
+				| AccNormal,(AccNo | AccNever) -> true
+				| _ -> false)
+		| _ -> false
 let default_unification_context = {
-	allow_transitive_cast = true;
-	allow_abstract_cast   = true;
-	allow_dynamic_to_cast = true;
-	equality_kind         = EqStrict;
-	equality_underlying   = false;
+	allow_transitive_cast   = true;
+	allow_abstract_cast     = true;
+	allow_dynamic_to_cast   = true;
+	allow_arg_name_mismatch = true;
+	equality_kind           = EqStrict;
+	equality_underlying     = false;
+	strict_field_kind       = false;
 module Monomorph = struct
@@ -410,45 +450,6 @@ let invalid_visibility n = Invalid_visibility n
 let has_no_field t n = Has_no_field (t,n)
 let has_extra_field t n = Has_extra_field (t,n)
-	we can restrict access as soon as both are runtime-compatible
-let unify_access a1 a2 =
-	a1 = a2 || match a1, a2 with
-	| _, AccNo | _, AccNever -> true
-	| AccInline, AccNormal -> true
-	| _ -> false
-let direct_access = function
-	| AccNo | AccNever | AccNormal | AccInline | AccRequire _ | AccCtor -> true
-	| AccCall -> false
-let unify_kind k1 k2 =
-	k1 = k2 || match k1, k2 with
-		| Var v1, Var v2 -> unify_access v1.v_read v2.v_read && unify_access v1.v_write v2.v_write
-		| Var v, Method m ->
-			(match v.v_read, v.v_write, m with
-			| AccNormal, _, MethNormal -> true
-			| AccNormal, AccNormal, MethDynamic -> true
-			| _ -> false)
-		| Method m, Var v ->
-			(match m with
-			| MethDynamic -> direct_access v.v_read && direct_access v.v_write
-			| MethMacro -> false
-			| MethNormal | MethInline ->
-				match v.v_read,v.v_write with
-				| AccNormal,(AccNo | AccNever) -> true
-				| _ -> false)
-		| Method m1, Method m2 ->
-			match m1,m2 with
-			| MethInline, MethNormal
-			| MethDynamic, MethNormal -> true
-			| _ -> false
-let unify_kind_strict cfk1 cfk2 = cfk1 = cfk2 || match cfk1, cfk2 with
-	| Var _, Var _ | Method _, Method _ -> unify_kind cfk1 cfk2
-	| _ -> false
 type 'a rec_stack = {
 	mutable rec_stack : 'a list;
@@ -545,9 +546,10 @@ let rec type_eq uctx a b =
 		let i = ref 0 in
 			type_eq uctx r1 r2;
-			List.iter2 (fun (n,o1,t1) (_,o2,t2) ->
+			List.iter2 (fun (n1,o1,t1) (n2,o2,t2) ->
 				incr i;
-				if o1 <> o2 then error [Not_matching_optional n];
+				if not uctx.allow_arg_name_mismatch && n1 <> n2 then error [Unify_custom (Printf.sprintf "Arg name mismatch: %s should be %s" n2 n1)];
+				if o1 <> o2 then error [Not_matching_optional n1];
 				type_eq uctx t1 t2
 			) l1 l2
@@ -572,8 +574,7 @@ let rec type_eq uctx a b =
 			PMap.iter (fun n f1 ->
 					let f2 = PMap.find n a2.a_fields in
-					(* if f1.cf_kind <> f2.cf_kind && (param = EqStrict || param = EqCoreType || not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind)) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind]; *)
-					if f1.cf_kind <> f2.cf_kind && (param = EqStrict || param = EqCoreType || param = EqDoNotFollowNull || not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind)) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
+					if f1.cf_kind <> f2.cf_kind && (param = EqStrict || param = EqCoreType || param = EqDoNotFollowNull || not (unify_kind ~strict:uctx.strict_field_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind)) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
 					let a = f1.cf_type and b = f2.cf_type in
 					(try type_eq uctx a b with Unify_error l -> error (invalid_field n :: l));
 					if (has_class_field_flag f1 CfPublic) != (has_class_field_flag f2 CfPublic) then error [invalid_visibility n];
@@ -750,7 +751,7 @@ let rec unify (uctx : unification_context) a b =
 				let _, ft, f1 = (try raw_class_field make_type c tl n with Not_found -> error [has_no_field a n]) in
 				let ft = apply_params c.cl_params tl ft in
-				if not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
+				if not (unify_kind ~strict:uctx.strict_field_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
 				if (has_class_field_flag f2 CfPublic) && not (has_class_field_flag f1 CfPublic) then error [invalid_visibility n];
 				(match f2.cf_kind with
@@ -906,7 +907,7 @@ and unify_anons uctx a b a1 a2 =
 		PMap.iter (fun n f2 ->
 			let f1 = PMap.find n a1.a_fields in
-			if not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind) then
+			if not (unify_kind ~strict:uctx.strict_field_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind) then
 				error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
 			if (has_class_field_flag f2 CfPublic) && not (has_class_field_flag f1 CfPublic) then error [invalid_visibility n];
diff --git a/src/typing/tanon_identification.ml b/src/typing/tanon_identification.ml
index 16bd7018f75..f5ab7653963 100644
--- a/src/typing/tanon_identification.ml
+++ b/src/typing/tanon_identification.ml
@@ -59,7 +59,17 @@ object(self)
 		DynArray.add (DynArray.get pfm_by_arity pfm.pfm_arity) pfm;
 		Hashtbl.replace pfms path pfm
-	method unify ?(unify_kind = TUnification.unify_kind) ?(strict:bool = false) (tc : Type.t) (pfm : 'a path_field_mapping) =
+	method unify ?(strict:bool = false) (tc : Type.t) (pfm : 'a path_field_mapping) =
+		let uctx = if strict then {
+			allow_transitive_cast = false;
+			allow_abstract_cast = false;
+			allow_dynamic_to_cast = false;
+			allow_arg_name_mismatch = false;
+			equality_kind = EqDoNotFollowNull;
+			equality_underlying = true;
+			strict_field_kind = true;
+		} else {default_unification_context with equality_kind = EqDoNotFollowNull} in
 		let check () =
 			let pair_up fields =
 				PMap.fold (fun cf acc ->
@@ -73,7 +83,7 @@ object(self)
 					let monos = List.map (fun _ -> mk_mono()) pfm.pfm_params in
 					let map = apply_params pfm.pfm_params monos in
 					List.iter (fun (cf,cf') ->
-						if not (unify_kind cf'.cf_kind cf.cf_kind) then raise (Unify_error [Unify_custom "kind mismatch"]);
+						if not (unify_kind ~strict:uctx.strict_field_kind cf'.cf_kind cf.cf_kind) then raise (Unify_error [Unify_custom "kind mismatch"]);
 						Type.unify (apply_params c.cl_params tl (monomorphs cf'.cf_params cf'.cf_type)) (map (monomorphs cf.cf_params cf.cf_type))
 					) pairs;
@@ -83,15 +93,9 @@ object(self)
 					let monos = List.map (fun _ -> mk_mono()) pfm.pfm_params in
 					let map = apply_params pfm.pfm_params monos in
 					List.iter (fun (cf,cf') ->
-						if not (unify_kind cf'.cf_kind cf.cf_kind) then raise (Unify_error [Unify_custom "kind mismatch"]);
+						if strict && (Meta.has Meta.Optional cf.cf_meta) != (Meta.has Meta.Optional cf'.cf_meta) then raise (Unify_error [Unify_custom "optional mismatch"]);
+						if not (unify_kind ~strict:uctx.strict_field_kind cf'.cf_kind cf.cf_kind) then raise (Unify_error [Unify_custom "kind mismatch"]);
 						fields := PMap.remove cf.cf_name !fields;
-						let uctx = if strict then {
-							allow_transitive_cast = false;
-							allow_abstract_cast = false;
-							allow_dynamic_to_cast = false;
-							equality_kind = EqDoNotFollowNull;
-							equality_underlying = true;
-						} else {default_unification_context with equality_kind = EqDoNotFollowNull} in
 						type_eq_custom uctx cf'.cf_type (map (monomorphs cf.cf_params cf.cf_type))
 					) pairs;
 					if not (PMap.is_empty !fields) then raise (Unify_error [Unify_custom "not enough fields"]);
@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ object(self)
 				raise Not_found;
 			let pfm = DynArray.unsafe_get d i in
-				if strict then self#unify ~unify_kind:unify_kind_strict ~strict tc pfm else self#unify tc pfm;
+				if strict then self#unify ~strict tc pfm else self#unify tc pfm;
 			with Unify_error _ ->
 				loop (i + 1)