Lay-outs in Github:
Login to remote machine: ssh ubuntu@
See the history of the commands: $ history
Help for a command: $ command --help
Find path of working directory: $ pwd
Data folder (as ubuntu user): /home/ubuntu/data/drone
Remove files: $ rm -i file
Nano go to end of line: $ ctrl+w+v
Go back to the normal ubuntu user: $ exit
What user am I: $ whoami
Edit documents with: $ nano -w filename
Edit this new resource configuration file:
$ nano -w /etc/vts/mapproxy/sandwich.d/sandwich_ortho.json
ctrl+x to exit: it will ask to save, (say yes) and then the file name, type it and enter
Change working directory: $ cd data/drone
List everything in directory: $ ls data/drone
Check if directory exists: $ [ -d /home/ubuntu ] && echo 'Directory found' || echo 'Directory not found'
Check if file exists: $ [ -f /home/ubuntu ] && echo 'File found' || echo 'File not found'
Make directory: $ mkdir /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/sandwich
Copy files (works only if you're logged in as the vts user):
$ cp /home/ubuntu/data/drone/2017-03-16_Sandwich_v1_ORTHO_10cm.tif /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/sandwich
Bash paths on local computer:
Normal paths:"C:\Users\Gebruiker\Downloads\Targets_planned_for_10-Jan-2018.kmz"
Ubuntu paths:"/mnt/c/Users/Gebruiker/Downloads/Targets_planned_for_10-Jan-2018.kmz"
Copy file from local computer to a remote machine (as local user): $ scp /mnt/c/Users/Gebruiker/Downloads/Targets_planned_for_10-Jan-2018.kmz ubuntu@
List files from a remote machine: $ ssh ubuntu@ ls -l /home/ubuntu/data/drone
Reading .kmz files with gdal package: $ ogrinfo Targets_planned_for_10-Jan-2018.kmz -al -so
Convert .kmz to Geojson: $ ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON Targets.json Targets_planned_for_10-Jan-2018.kmz