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Side Project Deployment Template

This repository is a template for a simple single-server multi-site deployment scheme, based on NGINX and Docker. This template makes it easier to manage multiple projects on a single server by setting up an extensible composition that serves most needs out of the box.


Make sure that you have Python 3.x and Docker Compose installed. Clone the repository and run python docker_compose up. See "Extending" for instructions on extending the template to include other containers.


This template includes four pre-configured Docker containers.


NGINX is used to direct incoming web traffic to the appropriate project containers, including handling HTTP to HTTPS redirects and SSL certificates. The entrypoint script generates self-signed certificates for each domain given in the configuration files (Certbot is used to generate live certificates), which allows NGINX to start before live certificates are generated.


Certbot is included and configured to automatically renew SSL certificates. It is included as part of the Nginx configuration.

Docker Registry

A Docker registry container is included in this project. It serves as an easy way to manage project images, and as an example of how this template can be extended to deploy other containers. This registry requires authentication by default, and is served from the host specified with the REGISTRY_HOST environment variable.

When deploying this template, be sure to configure the SSL cert paths in registry.nginx to match the correct hostname.

Once the container is running, the htpasswd authentication for the container can be set by running registry_create_password <user> <pass>.

See docker-compose.registry.yml and registry.nginx for more.


Semaphore is a simple Python server that facilitates remotely updating the composition (for example, as part of a CI/CD process). It is served from the host specified with the SEMAPHORE_HOST environment variable. Requests to the server require a password, set via the SEMAPHORE_PASSWORD environment variable.

Making a POST request to<SEMAPHORE_PASSWORD> with a plaintext body containing the name and tag of a Docker image or the name of a container in the composition will queue matching containers to be updated and rebuilt. This update can be triggered by update_from_semaphore, and can be run on a schedule with schedule_background_update <interval_minutes>.

For example, a server at running myimage:latest and nohup python schedule_background_update 5 & could be updated remotely with curl -X POST<PASSWORD> -d "myimage:latest".


Management commands are collected in, which is written for Python 3.x. Python is chosen for its ease of execution, large standard library, and cross-platform support.

  • available_commands: Lists available commands.
  • docker_compose: Takes arguments up, down, and reload. Manages a Docker composition that includes all docker-compose.yml specifications enumerated in ./files/*.files.csv.
  • registry_create_password <username> <password>: Sets the authentication for the Docker registry to the given username and password.
  • certbot_new_domain <domain> <email>: Gets a new certificate for the given domain, registered to the given email. This uses an HTTP verification challenge, which means wildcard certificates cannot be generated.
  • update_from_semaphore: Update and restart containers based on received data from Semaphore. schedule_background_update <interval_minutes> will run this command at regular intervals.


This .env file is loaded across all docker-compose files. Therefore, any environment variables referenced in these files should be included here. If no .env file is present in the directory, the default.env file will be copied to replace it.

  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: Ensures that the container, network, and volume names are consistent
  • CSR_SUBJ: Used by the NGINX entrypoint to generate self-signed certs.
  • SIDEPROJECTDEPLOYMENT_ENV_PATH: Path to the shared .env file (relative to this repository's root)
  • SIDEPROJECTDEPLOYMENT_TEMPDIR: Path to the temporary directory, where extension files are copied and mounted from.
  • REGISTRY_HOST: Hostname from which NGINX should server the Docker registry.
  • SEMAPHORE_HOST: Hostname from which NGINX should server Semaphore.
  • SEMAPHORE_PASSWORD: Password to require for updating Semaphore.


New Docker images can be included in this composition by including an entry in the ./files/ directory (with the extension .files.csv). The CSV should contain a list of source files and their destination - files will be copied to the path specified by SIDEPROJECTDEPLOYMENT_TEMPDIR. If the second line of the *.files.csv file is structured as $GIT,<path>, then the script will attempt to pull from the git repository at the given path before copying files.

Any docker-compose.*.yml files are automatically included in the project composition when docker-compose is run from Any files with the destination nginx/*.nginx will be included as fragments in nginx.nginx.

A minimal extension consists of three files: a *.files.csv entry in ./files, a docker-compose.*.yml file, and an Nginx fragment. Refer todefault/registry/ and files/registry.files.csv as an example.

By default, new docker-compose files inherit the .env file and the composition's network settings and . This allows NGINX to direct web traffic to specific containers.

An example NGINX configuration is as follows:

upstream example {
  server example:8000;

server {
  listen              443 ssl http2;
  listen              [::]:443 ssl http2;
  ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/live/;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/live/;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://example;

Note the upstream directive, which directs traffic to a container. This means that SSL certificates only need to be managed by the NGINX container, and sibling containers can ignore it safely. The ssl_certificate directives provide a path to the SSL certificates, which are generated at startup, and can be replaced by Certbot. For the cert file to be generated at startup, the ssl_certificate directive must target a file matching /etc/nginx/ssl/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem, where <domain> is a valid (sub)domain. This path matches that generated by Certbot, so that self-signed and live certificates share a path.

Environment variables can be embedded in NGINX configuration files in the format ${VARIABLE}, and are expanded only once when the container loads. Note that to avoid name collisions with NGINX variables, embedded variables ought to be strictly in upper case.

An example docker-compose file is as follows:


    container_name: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME:-deployment}_example
    image: alpine:latest
    restart: always
      - persistent:/data
      VARIABLE: "${VARIABLE:-default}"

Since the file will be copied to SIDEPROJECTDEPLOYMENT_TEMPDIR, any path specifications should be relative to the other destination paths specified in ./files/*.files.csv.

Environment variables should be given defaults, and defined in this repository's .env file (or, of course, on the server itself).

Refer to ./files/, ./default/registry/, and ./default/semaphore/ for examples of extensions.