Watch the file system for changes and built any files that change
Watch for file changes, and then build them as they happen.
rome watch
rome watch -v -f ent -d /tmp/sugar /path/to/mango/git/checkout
--clean-cache Clears the cache before doing the build. This will only delete certain cache files before doing a build.
-d, --destination string Where should the built files be put
-f, --flavor string What Flavor of SugarCRM to build (default "ent")
-l, --folder string What folder should we build to on the server, if left empty, it will build to a folder named <version><flavor>
--port string What is the server port (default "47600")
-s, --server string What server should we build to
-v, --version string What Version is being built
- rome - A Tool for Building Sugar from source