You might have built, or inherited, a system built with Site and decide that you wish to move its functionality to another system.
It is possible to prototype a system’s functionality with Site and then embark on a project to re-implement the functionality in a custom-built system.
This chapter discusses how you should think about migrating from Site.
A Site instance is a set of web resources. A web resource is an entity with a URL, some state and some configuration. A web resources’s state can be accessed by making a request over HTTP.
Each request to a resource maps the method of the request to an operation.
To rewrite a Site system, you should recreate the set of resources and re-implement the operations that these resources delegate to when processing a web request.
Site keeps all resources in a database, but that is an unusual strategy. Most web frameworks will expect you to create a router to map a request onto a code function that you provide.