If you want better LSP support outside of vscode, you can't just use the extension. You will need to generate the lua ls plugin and set the path to it in your editor.
Get fmtk from npm, which is the commandline tool.
Find the docs that came with your game install (recommended) or download them. On Windows the default directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\doc-html
If for some reason you need to, download the docs(direct link) or go to the API docs and download from the link in the bottom (same thing as the direct link).
Open that folder in a terminal and run the following command to generate the files:
fmtk sumneko-3rd -d runtime-api.json -p prototype-api.json
This will make a folder called factorio in the directory you opened the terminal in. You can copy paste this anywhere at all, I put it in C:/libraries (luals will look in the entire folder for any libraries you put there).
Make sure you already have your LSP server working - add the following to your lspconfig:
lspconfig.lua_ls.setup {
settings = {
Lua = {
workspace = {
library = {
[vim.fn.expand "C:/libraries"] = true,