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Peter Parente edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 12 revisions

Jupyter Dashboards


Alice is a Jupyter Notebook user. Alice prototypes data access, modeling, plotting, interactivity, etc. in a notebook. Now Alice needs to deliver a dynamic dashboard for non-notebook users. Today, Alice must step outside Jupyter Notebook and build a separate web application. Alice cannot simply transform her notebook into a secure, standalone dashboard application.


The Jupyter Dashboards effort covers:

It is also has close ties to jupyter-incubator/declarativewidgets which provides one way (but not the only way) of enabling rich interactivity in notebook-defined dashboards.

Taken together, these components enable the following workflow:

  1. Alice authors a notebook document using Jupyter Notebook. She adds visualizations and interactive widgets.
  2. Alice arranges her notebook cells in a grid- or report-like dashboard layout.
  3. Alice one-click deploys her notebook and associated assets to a Jupyter Dashboards server.
  4. Bob visits the dashboards server and interacts with Alice's notebook-turned-dashboard application.
  5. Alice updates her notebook with new features and redeploys it to the dashboards server.

The following animation shows this workflow in action using one of the many example notebook-dashboards available in the project:


Jupyter Dashboards facilitate the transition from research and exploration in notebooks to the deployment of just-good-enough web applications for non-notebook users.

Get Started

This workflow requires multiple Jupyter components working in concert. The jupyter-incubator/dashboards_setup repository has a variety of starter recipes for deploying these components using Docker, Cloud Foundry, tmpnb, etc.

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