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Server API

Javier Pedemonte edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 9 revisions

List Dashboards

GET /dashboards/[PATH/]

  • Returns an HTML page listing the contents at the given path. However, if there is an index.ipynb at this path, this will instead display that dashboard (see Show Dashboard section).


  • Equivalent of GET /dashboards

Show Dashboard

GET /dashboards/[PATH/]NAME

  • Returns an HTML page displaying the dashboard.

GET /dashboards-plain/[PATH/]NAME

  • Returns an HTML page displaying only the dashboard content (e.g. no site headers). This is useful for embedding or demonstrating a single dashboard.

Upload Notebook

POST /_api/notebooks/[PATH/]NAME

  • URL Parameters:

    • NAME: the new dashboard's public name
    • PATH: optional path to place the notebook
      • For example, POST /_api/notebooks/foo/bar/baz will name the uploaded notebook baz.ipynb and place it in the foo/bar directory
  • The uploaded dashboard is accessible at /dashboards/[PATH/]NAME.

  • If the server is configured with an authentication token, provide the token in the "Authorization" header:

    Authorization: token 1234567890abcdef
  • To send the dashboard data, use a "form data" request with a field named "file" set to either a Jupyter Notebook file (*.ipynb) or a bundled dashboard file (*.zip).

    • A bundled dashboard is a ZIP archive containing an index.ipynb notebook file along with any resources the notebook requires. For example:
  • Response contains the following fields:

    • message: upload result status message
    • status: HTTP response status code
    • url: relative URL used to upload notebook
    • link: public link to access uploaded notebook


        "message": "Notebook successfully uploaded",
        "status": 201,
        "url": "/notebooks/p1",
        "link": ""

Delete Dashboard

DELETE /_api/notebooks/PATH

  • URL Parameters:

    • PATH: path of dashboard to be deleted
      • For example, to delete a dashboard available at http://HOST/dashboards/foo/bar/baz, send a request to DELETE /_api/notebooks/foo/bar/baz
  • If the server is configured with an authentication token, provide the token in the "Authorization" header:

    Authorization: token 1234567890abcdef
  • Returns status code 204 on success.

    • Only allows deletion of notebook files or bundled dashboards. A request for any other path will return status code 400.

Clear Cached Dashboards

DELETE /_api/cache[/PATH]

  • Clear the cached version of a dashboard or all dashboards. On the next GET request(s), the dashboard(s) will be read from storage.

  • URL Parameters:

    • PATH: path of dashboard; if not specified, deletes entire cache
  • If the server is configured with an authentication token, provide the token in the "Authorization" header:

    Authorization: token 1234567890abcdef
  • Returns status code 200 on success.

Kernel Proxy


  • Proxies Jupyter Kernel requests to the appropriate kernel gateway.

  • For execute_request messages, only a cell index is allowed in the code field. If actual code or non-numeric are specified, the entire message is not proxied to the kernel gateway.


POST /login

  • Login to the dashboard server, passing username and password in the request body. Starts a session.

POST /logout

  • Logs out user defined by session.