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Releases: juicedata/juicefs-csi-driver


24 Jan 08:35
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  • fix advisory: shell script injection by @Hexilee in #843
  • support injecting mountOptions from Node metadata by @Hexilee in #844
  • Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 in /dashboard-ui by @dependabot in #849
  • introduce feature flag --cache-client-conf by @timfeirg in #850
  • fix: use pod pvs to list mound pods by @zxh326 in #857

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode

  1. image version
  2. add watch/list secret permission

Sidecar mode:

  1. image version


27 Dec 06:22
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  1. dashboard: fix ROX/RMX map (#827)
  2. make csi driver name configurable (#828)
  3. fix sidecar inject error if sc of pvc.storageClassName donot exist (#833)
  4. update umount to umount -l of mount pod (#837)
  5. recover: umount target when count in mountinfo is more than 5 (#839)
  6. dashboard: disable system-namespace search (#841)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode

  1. image version

Sidecar mode:

  1. image version

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.1
  2. the included JuiceFS enterprise version is ee-5.0.6-b470bce
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.1
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.23


08 Dec 07:05
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  1. enhance quota: runs in background when block; no fail (#798)
  2. fix: get pod by pv volumeHandle & avoid mount pod leak (#801)
  3. dashboard: ignore error when get csi node in getPod (#819)
  4. dashboard: add dark mode (#820)
  5. fix dashboard: avoid duplicated indexes (#824)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode

  1. image version

Sidecar mode:

  1. image version

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.1
  2. the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 5.0.4
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.1
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.23


15 Nov 12:18
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  1. support vci serverless & del initContainer in mount pod.(#753)
  2. mount pod: use node selector instead of node name. (#755)
  3. Support setting mountOptions by referencing PVC metadata. (#759)
  4. when resource is set smaller than 0, do not set resource request/limit. (#771)
  5. add csi dashboard. (#774)
  6. kubelet reconcile: skip pod without status changes. (#783)
  7. mount pod: inherit affinity, schedulerName and tolerations from app pod. (#785)
  8. fix the format option issue. (#786)
  9. when old mount pod is deleted, create a new one. (#787)
  10. update: do not check object storage when auth in csi node. (#795)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode

  1. image version
  2. add dashboard yaml including Deployment, Service, ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding

Sidecar mode:

  1. image version
  2. add dashboard yaml including Deployment, Service, ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding
  3. add MutatingWebhookConfiguration for juicefs-admission-serverless-webhook

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0
  2. the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 5.0.2
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.0
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.23


11 Sep 05:08
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  1. revert #741: bind fuse connections into mount pod

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode & Sidecar mode:

  1. image version

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0
  2. . the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 4.9.20
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.0
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.20


08 Sep 08:18
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  1. Introduce JUICEFS_IMMUTABLE, mount /etc/updatedb.conf only in mutable environments.(#680)
  2. Support template secret in StorageClass (#699)
  3. Support customized hostpath for mount pod (#703)
  4. Support secret finalizer in provision mode (#708)
  5. backoff when err in reconcile mount pod (#720)
  6. improve CE image: strip size & install fuse3 (#723)
  7. check corrupted mount before mkdir target (#726)
  8. fix app pod label and annotation when using multi pvcs (#732)
  9. quota: override volume attributes by PV.Spec.Capacity (#733)
  10. fuse: bind connections into mount pod (#741)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode & Sidecar mode:

  1. image version

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0
  2. . the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 4.9.20
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.0
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.20


13 Jul 09:42
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v0.21.0 Pre-release


  1. fix mount pod priority (#678)
  2. support PVC capacity expand (#679)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode & Sidecar mode:

  1. image version
  2. add rules patch of persistentvolumes in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  3. add rules get/list/watch/update/patch of persistentvolumeclaims/status in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  4. add rules patch of persistentvolumeclaims in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  5. add sidecar csi-resizer in juicefs csi controller
  6. update podInfoOnMount: true in CSIDriver

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0-beta2
  2. . the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 4.9.12
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.0-beta2
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.12


21 Jun 02:42
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v0.20.1 Pre-release


  1. fix client version parser (#673)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode & Sidecar mode:

  1. image version

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0-beta1
  2. . the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 4.9.9
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.0-beta1
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.9


13 Jun 02:05
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v0.20.0 Pre-release


  1. Support PVC capacity
  2. Sidecar mode: fix if pod namespace is empty && fix pod using multiple juicefs pvc (#645)
  3. Sidecar mode: add sidecar install with certmanager (#641)
  4. del job when csi node not exist (#662)
  5. recycle job when ttl not work (#661)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode & Sidecar mode:

  1. image version
  2. add rules watch/list of job in juicefs-external-provisioner-role

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0-beta1
  2. . the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 4.9.6
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.1.0-beta1
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.6


08 Apr 02:15
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  1. pick up a random port for metrics when MountPod using hostNetwork (#586)
  2. Fix del-vol Jobs created by CSI Controller didn't inherit attributes from CSI Node Pod (#589)
  3. reject PVCs with volumeMode block (#605)
  4. fix get uuid error when database not format (#606)
  5. add no-update in mount to avoid query against JuiceFS Web Console repeatedly (#615)
  6. del useless rbac (#618)
  7. support ha of csi controller (#621)
  8. validate target path to avoid illegal access (#625)
  9. split ce and ee image of mount pod (#630)

Yaml Changed

Mount Pod mode & Sidecar mode:

  1. image version
  2. del rules list/create/update/delete/patch/watch of pods/log in juicefs-csi-external-node-service-role
  3. del rules list/watch of secret in juicefs-csi-external-node-service-role
  4. del rules list/watch of job in juicefs-csi-external-node-service-role
  5. del rules get of event in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  6. del rules list of secret in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  7. del rules list/watch of job in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  8. add rules get/list of daemonset in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  9. add rules get/list/watch/delete/update/patch of leases in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  10. add rules get/list/watch/delete/update of configmaps in juicefs-external-provisioner-role
  11. update replicas of juicefs-csi-controller to 2
  12. add --leader-election parameter in juicefs-csi-controller
  13. add --enable-leader-election parameter in csi-provisioner

Included JuiceFS

  1. the included JuiceFS community version is v1.0.4
  2. the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 4.9.0
  3. default mount pod image of community is juicedata/mount:ce-v1.0.4
  4. default mount pod image of enterprise is juicedata/mount:ee-4.9.1