- support vci serverless & del initContainer in mount pod.(#753)
- mount pod: use node selector instead of node name. (#755)
- Support setting mountOptions by referencing PVC metadata. (#759)
- when resource is set smaller than 0, do not set resource request/limit. (#771)
- add csi dashboard. (#774)
- kubelet reconcile: skip pod without status changes. (#783)
- mount pod: inherit affinity, schedulerName and tolerations from app pod. (#785)
- fix the format option issue. (#786)
- when old mount pod is deleted, create a new one. (#787)
- update: do not check object storage when auth in csi node. (#795)
Yaml Changed
Mount Pod mode
- image version
- add dashboard yaml including Deployment, Service, ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding
Sidecar mode:
- image version
- add dashboard yaml including Deployment, Service, ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding
- add MutatingWebhookConfiguration for juicefs-admission-serverless-webhook
Included JuiceFS
- the included JuiceFS community version is ce-v1.1.0
- the included JuiceFS enterprise version is 5.0.2
- default mount pod image of community is
- default mount pod image of enterprise is