- docs: 📝 修改简易版本地址 (842b247)
- docs: 📝 英文README 简易版本描述 (c8fc7d2)
- fix(.github): 🐛 自动部署工作流分支校验 (f155ae9)
- fix(tailwind): 🐛 tailwind 配置文件esm (dad740a)
- feat: ✨ 分享meta设置 (7802c14)
- docs: 📝 v2.0.1 changelog (ee7e992)
- docs(README): 📝 版本标题大驼峰 (a8b4d7f)
- docs(README): 📝 版本标题大驼峰 (0b6a8a8)
- build: 📦️ 更新依赖 (7f59cb3)
- build: 📦️ package (4605534)
- build(eslint): 📦️ eslint.config (58d0edf)
- build(package): 📦️ eslint (d00ea37)
- build(package): 📦️ prettier (43da768)
- ci(.github): 🛠 - 自动发布Tag (a275503)
- ci(.github): 🛠 - 自动合并GitHub pages (e74161c)
- ci(.github): 🛠 - 自动化部署GitHub pages (fa952a1)
- perf(views): ⚡️ function pdf (0dbee78)
- perf(views): ⚡️ login (55aa5ca)
- feat: ✨ package (f65ca92)
- feat: ✨ package (67678d4)
- feat: ✨ package (2468295)
- feat(components): ✨ table、form (09fa9c5)
- feat(husky): ✨ husky@9 (3353329)
- feat(lint): ✨ eslint (8d08427)
- feat(package): ✨ - update @jsxiaosi/eslint-config (8c35540)
- feat(vite): ✨ cssVite (c9070c6)
- fix: 🐛 - build project SyntaxError: Cannot resolve TS type: * (6883140)
- fix: 🐛 .vscode (828bad5)
- fix: 🐛 删除多余依赖 (3f12c5c)
- fix: 🐛 package.json (e4f02e0)
- fix(components): 🐛 html (18b85a3)
- fix(package): 🐛 scripts (a08fecb)
- fix(styles): 🐛 layout (cf242dd)
- fix(styles): 🐛 layout (2d3c096)
- style(prettier): 💄 - prettier 格式化 (703be5f)
- fix(components,views): 🐛 type error (ce0791a)
- fix(husky,package): 🐛 commit-msg,lint-staged (d8ef4e5)
- types(types): 💡 - 添加window类型扩展 (74d2d6a)
- feat: ✨ tailwind css (46372e7)
- feat: ✨ version: 2.0.0 (31de98f)
- feat: ✨ vite (b829131)
- feat(layouts): ✨ sidebar (8acd3a0)
- fix(components): 🐛 seamless-scroll, count-to (7c47f0b)
- fix(views): 🐛 pdf、docx (b410194)
- build: 📦️ mock (250b847)
- build: 📦️ package.json (6927583)
- build: 📦️ vite (754df3d)
- build(package.json): 📦️ - peerDependencyRules 添加忽略过期依赖警告 (621d52a)
- perf: ⚡️ style (fe4905c)
- feat: ✨ v1.9.0 (c1d9ac0)
- feat(layouts): ✨ tabs (0c700ee)
- feat(layouts): ✨ tabs (01911b2)
- fix: 🐛 mock (1a085cc)
- fix(hooks): 🐛 intro (4267823)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 修改类型报错 (831a03a)
- build: 📦️ i18n (54a2cce)
- perf(layouts): ⚡️ tabs (2d4a677)
- refactor(locales): ♻️ 重构国际化功能 (2820cec)
- fix: 🐛 delete useadmin (1b4014a)
- fix: 🐛 mork (7f63950)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 tabs (b6811df)
- fix(router): 🐛 link (4899150)
- fix(router): 🐛 semantic (031f48e)
- feat: ✨ 添加工作区建议 (e610504)
- feat: ✨ v1.8.1 (1044eb2)
- feat(hooks): ✨ useTheme (b3d63b9)
- docs: 📝 rEADME (61e3a86)
- style: 💄 delelte console.log (4933976)
- refactor(locales): ♻️ 匿名导出 (abed8be)
- refactor(locales): ♻️ 修改翻译目录名称 (562d79b)
- feat(router,views): ✨ 外部链接 (7d4ab92)
- refactor(locales,layouts,router,views): ♻️ 语义化重构目录 (9f76057)
- feat: ✨ 1.8.0 (e41a930)
- feat(router): ✨ 权限路由 (623e538)
- feat(store): ✨ userInfo (319bdeb)
- feat(views): ✨ error (430fc45)
- feat(views): ✨ permissions (02d1db5)
- fix: 🐛 类型报错 (004bedd)
- fix: 🐛 mock (7a0aa7e)
- fix(styles,views): 🐛 transition,国际化 (57a3d57)
- refactor(views): ♻️ login (c827f17)
- feat: ✨ vue 3.3 (699d320)
- feat: ✨ 1.6.2 (f010b22)
- feat: ✨ 水印功能 (5fb7687)
- feat: ✨ functions (7815ee7)
- feat: ✨ utils (6fb9a4d)
- feat: creact gh-pages.yml (174b3c5)
- feat(components): ✨ xs-vue-utils (0b8f6df)
- feat(server): ✨ axios Type (5c2b86d)
- feat(views): ✨ 预览docx (77f93d1)
- feat(views): ✨ preview pdf (6c77e93)
- types: 💡 tsc error (34e5b3c)
- build: 📦️ 添加包管理器约束 (e88fcc8)
- build: 📦️ node version (c4a0824)
- build: 📦️ upgrade Dependencies (bd244d1)
- build: 📦️ vite4 (f02f54d)
- build: 📦️ yarn.lock (4c9b467)
- chore: 🔨 删除多余的依赖 (66e68a9)
- docs: 📝 - (ad2c4c2)
- docs: 📝 md 预览地址 (6193c4a)
- fix: 🐛 delete git-pages file (bc7c0e7)
- fix: 🐛 type error (0e9774f)
- fix(router): 🐛 父路由无权限子路由不在白名单能访问问题 (a9f6669)
- fix(utils): 🐛 [utils] axios type error (8f7125a)
- fix(views): 🐛 pdf link (4024f28)
- style: 💄 style lint (d151ef4)
- perf: ⚡️ xs-vue-utils file (698ac5b)
- perf: ⚡️ xs-vue-utils is (10ec432)
- docs: 📝 log (fcf7470)
- fix: 🐛 npm install Error pngquant failed to build, make sure that libpng is (5716a32)
- fix(locales): 🐛 修复刷新 灰色模式 色弱模式不生效 (168d3e6)
- build: 📦️ update eslint (11d2c7c)
- feat: ✨ 1.6.0 (959d43e)
- feat: ✨ add image 压缩 (56a0836)
- feat(layouts): ✨ [layouts] 修复侧边栏隐藏问题 (1a6fcfa)
- feat(views): ✨ 词云 (daccd8d)
- build: 📦️ vite4 (c378308)
- fix: 🐛 修复login自动填充背景颜色 (65a7725)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 [layouts] 浏览器回退标签页显示问题 (23b3d2c)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 [layouts] 修复标签页右击选项不正确 (b833a07)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 [layouts] 修复面包屑问题 (f252f50)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 修复标签页右击不关闭右侧展开按钮 (a24c1cc)
- docs: 📝 docs add min-xs-admin (d95e88b)
- feat: ✨ 1.5.0 (b2ec5a5)
- feat: ✨ add @jsxiaosi/commitlint-config (b73f163)
- feat(layouts): ✨ [App] 设置添加色弱模式、灰色模式 (44b0f15)
- feat(layouts): ✨ [App] 主题切换功能 (4160a11)
- feat(layouts): ✨ [layouts] 标签页持久化 (1b3e039)
- feat(layouts): ✨ [layouts] 混合菜单模式下折叠按钮显示在底部 (2480e7a)
- feat(layouts): ✨ [layouts] 清空缓存回到登录页 (701bf06)
- feat(layouts): ✨ 调整布局,添加设置选项 (15309b5)
- feat(layouts): ✨ 全屏 (edb9602)
- feat(layouts): ✨ add 全屏设置,修改appstore调用方式 (9483bba)
- feat(styles): ✨ add css var font-size (e128762)
- fix: 🐛 进度条主题颜色 (b06ae55)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 [layouts] 修复标签关闭跳转问题 (efb52da)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 [layouts] 修复关闭标签页判断问题 (6451bc2)
- fix(layouts): 🐛 删除多余的判断 (3da06af)
- perf(hooks): ⚡️ [hooks] 主题切换优化 (289ee42)
- perf(layouts): ⚡️ [layouts] 优化标签也逻辑,修复详情页不支持query问题 (ed77635)
- perf(layouts): ⚡️ [layouts] isUrl (55087d8)
- refactor: ♻️ commitlint ts (584f8e5)
- refactor(utils): ♻️ add sessionStorage function (8eadfcf)
- refactor(views): ♻️ 更换首页UI (5879e7b)
- docs: - (de11f16)
- docs: - (3b8b46f)
- docs: - (eeeeeef)
- docs: - (09e617e)
- docs: 📝 捐赠 (f4b958f)
- docs: 📝 english md (371bf57)
- docs: 📝 update README.md (3ac5e6e)
- docs: 更新文档 (8328bd8)
- docs: 添加electron-xs-admin连接 (1eae1db)
- docs: docs: 更新文档 (76a63ac)
- docs: gnore (2b292d6)
- docs: maintainers name (eff6fde)
- docs: maintainers name (80ddded)
- docs: update (595c0d9)
- docs: update README (427548e)
- style: @jsxiaosi/eslint-config-vue (4922f8c)
- style: lint (80d2ab6)
- style(router): 💄 [router] 修改注释 (21798ce)
- fix(hooks,locales): 🐛 [hooks] type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite (a8df18b)
- build: 📦️ jsxiaosi/eslint-config 0.0.8 (49eb51c)
- feature: 添加 @jsxiaosi/eslint-config-prettier (bc43edb)
- feature: 移动端适配 (c3d7d34)
- feature: add visualizer (04ec10e)
- feature: add vitest (299c6f1)
- chore: 更新依赖 (ad9995b)
- chore: update @jsxiaosi/eslint-config-vue (4fbdd60)
- chore: update tsc-vue (98fbfa3)
- fixbug: i8n (da0ac3c)
- fixbug: ts (52c87a4)
- docs: - (eefb606)
- docs: - (834d6d2)
- docs: title (00b8c85)
- fixbug: - (62e3543)
- fixbug: 退出登录清除标签页 (af6d8d0)
- fixbug: 修复多层sidebar选中问题 (761d9c1)
- fixbug: 修复混合模式导航显示问题 (87e8ed8)
- fixbug: 修复面包屑显示问题 (9ea89f2)
- fixbug: 修复删除其他标签问题 (186294d)
- fixbug: 修复退出登录不跳转登录页问题 (75d0307)
- fixbug: 修复自定义添加tabs翻译问题 (f82dd80)
- fixbug: 修复style lint问题 (6e33ca5)
- fixbug: 修复ts检查 (edf828e)
- fixbug: 修改打开默认添加标签逻辑 (b1fc36a)
- fixbug: html添加Theme (3462251)
- fixbug: pnpm 依赖项 (f28d628)
- fixbug: tsError (e773d80)
- feature: 标签页操作栏 (ced84d5)
- feature: 封装storage (1a357b4)
- feature: 添加标签页 (a199bfd)
- feature: 添加路由进度条 (683fd08)
- feature: 添加全局设置 (3a51ea2)
- feature: 添加自定义插件 (cb66c47)
- feature: 添加node版本限制 (643a22a)
- feature: 统一主题色 (b6fc34d)
- feature: 异步组件 (40c8fd4)
- feature: add inspect (db62128)
- feature: add tag log (e5211a2)
- feature: feature: 添加路由进度条 (f5271fc)
- feature: html添加夜间模式 (2aa8687)
- feature: pnpm (4fedf22)
- feature: setup 使用 options (eab7afa)
- chore: - (dd1d9f7)
- Update README.md (e85d69c)
- refactor: 重构路由 (9301305)
- refactor: 重构路由目录 (b621fc1)
- docs: 1.3.0 (77a7502)
- docs: add pwa (c0d13bb)
- feature: 添加混合模式菜单 (295f242)
- feature: 添加切换权限功能 (1070948)
- feature: 添加权限路由 (2b32625)
- feature: 添加日期组件,日历 (c028947)
- feature: aa (79d931d)
- feature: add 农历 (658038d)
- feature: add date components (5e501cc)
- feature: add pwa (03e088f)
- feature: feature: 添加404页面 (8ac8010)
- fixbug: 请求拦截问题 (70c7bc4)
- fixbug: 修改问题 (e6956c6)
- fixbug: 修改问题 (c6c12c6)
- chore: upgrade dependency (bf09c46)
- refactor: delete theme vitePlugin (c6d4b77)
- feature: 保存布局设置 (504eb4e)
- feature: 封装axios (af442c7)
- feature: 封装axios (c560e38)
- feature: 配置ts (b5a2a55)
- feature: 升级vue3.2.11 (22b9b90)
- feature: 体验ref语法糖 (b5bcbc3)
- feature: 添加布局切换 (0648c70)
- feature: 添加地图 (78b05fc)
- feature: 添加登陆逻辑 (725a9f0)
- feature: 添加登陆逻辑 (a5b71fb)
- feature: 添加登录页 (f9ea319)
- feature: 添加动态折线图 (20017b4)
- feature: 添加动态主题切换 (aa662f6)
- feature: 添加多级路由实例 (dfdd3a6)
- feature: 添加富文本编辑器 (bfae205)
- feature: 添加构建命令 (805e472)
- feature: 添加缓存 (7386e4c)
- feature: 添加空模板layouts (77ff040)
- feature: 添加流程编辑功能 (12d40f3)
- feature: 添加手选规范提交 (10df4f9)
- feature: 添加首页路由 (805e579)
- feature: 添加数字动画,添加vue_types (46573cb)
- feature: 添加拖拽组件 (31bdba8)
- feature: 添加无限滚动 (25cf6b5)
- feature: 添加引导页 (e2f65bc)
- feature: 添加折叠菜单 (835c7ec)
- feature: 添加中英翻译按钮 (37f2b1c)
- feature: 添加dev/build eslint检查 (504c25c)
- feature: 添加form表单,删除wincss (ac3c1d1)
- feature: 添加loading页 (d91fe50)
- feature: 添加Markdown解析器 (93719b9)
- feature: 添加md描述文件 (d28a1c2)
- feature: 添加mock (728769a)
- feature: 添加table (fe68187)
- feature: 添加tsx (8dfb20a)
- feature: 添加windicss (27b4488)
- feature: 修改配置,添加husky isntall 命令 (ec822fb)
- feature: 修改文档 (fe83083)
- feature: 指定customizable配置文件路径 (fba625d)
- feature: 主题模块 (2630b28)
- feature: add 压缩图片 (3b51555)
- feature: add editor Route (a1867ce)
- feature: add env (263648b)
- feature: add file function (9110a3a)
- feature: Add Project Info (b097b44)
- feature: add table (872c417)
- feature: echarts (2577f5b)
- feature: form 添加插槽 (d131d7b)
- feature: pinia (b357253)
- feature: svg支持使用elementpush icon 组件 (dca6e19)
- feature: vuex转ts (e231f31)
- Update README.md (c2b590d)
- chore: 更新依赖 (8a90329)
- chore: 更新依赖 (064467b)
- chore: 更新依赖 (10d8313)
- chore: 更新依赖 (d802de4)
- chore: 更新依赖 (0af00aa)
- chore: 更新依赖,正式版本elementPush (5d6d36d)
- chore: 更新element-push (da1b6a3)
- chore: 修改配置 (64dafca)
- chore: update package.json (45e40d4)
- chore: update package.json (9dd95f1)
- chore: update依赖 (04bafdf)
- style: - (f4131ae)
- style: - (a2772a5)
- style: - (fd20ba6)
- style: - (bc9625a)
- style: - (a3f57e0)
- style: - (316b651)
- style: 修改代码格式 (c47b5a0)
- fixbug: 多级菜单栏面包屑无法正常回退到上一级路由问题 (d8cbea9)
- fixbug: 解决菜单栏title重复点击会被选中问题 (e14dfe5)
- fixbug: 解决layout页面ts报错 (3f68088)
- fixbug: 解决vite在某些情况下启动会很慢的问题 (0d0468f)
- fixbug: 删除多余的东西 (e99abb6)
- fixbug: 删除多余定义的types (ac5a9aa)
- fixbug: 删除多余引入 (8adf1a6)
- fixbug: 添加水平菜单 (6c55193)
- fixbug: 完善主题 (54bd9e7)
- fixbug: 修复3.2.11版本语法问题,element-push1.1.0版本导航栏组件问题 (99a4972)
- fixbug: 修复打包css警告问题 (269f260)
- fixbug: 修复打包vite-lint插件报错问题、添加打包脚本 (50c0e4c)
- fixbug: 修复登陆后还能跳登陆页问题 (2711520)
- fixbug: 修复多级选择器 日期选择在生产环境中无法在component正常显示问题 (d29c886)
- fixbug: 修复翻译不能保存问题 (396bb25)
- fixbug: 修复没登陆没跳转登陆页问题 (b2bca4c)
- fixbug: 修复全局UI问题 (f61bb3c)
- fixbug: 修复样式问题 (51426d0)
- fixbug: 修复样式问题 (57ef1e6)
- fixbug: 修复样式问题 (1363cc0)
- fixbug: 修复tsconfig paths报错 (5429616)
- fixbug: 修改暗黑主题问题 (60c36cf)
- fixbug: 修改登陆页面动画显示不流畅 (efb7e82)
- fixbug: 修改饿了么国际化打包报错问题 (dbb1527)
- fixbug: 修改国际化问题 (505e6c9)
- fixbug: 修改配置 (328b420)
- fixbug: 修改请求问题 (91e3668)
- fixbug: 修改水平菜单选中显示颜色问题 (7760014)
- fixbug: 修改图标逻辑 (d95e922)
- fixbug: 修改md文件 (e752c6e)
- fixbug: 注释无用配置 (24a2563)
- fixbug: from (9b005ad)
- fixbug: vuex ts (05cb5b8)
- docs: - (a5ef18e)
- docs: 废弃目录的文档 (8c0113a)
- docs: 更新依赖 (7f48bf9)
- docs: 添加主题注释 (992a5c3)
- docs: 添加注释 (beff43c)
- docs: 修改仓库地址 (c55ed0f)
- docs: 修改文档 (99c2c9c)
- docs: update废弃文档 (7f73532)
- perf: 模块化路由、I18n (2e0a9d3)
- perf: 优化逻辑 (89a5788)
- perf: from (2aca6aa)
- refactor: 饿了么按需引入 (2c6c117)
- refactor: 饿了么样式按需引入 (1309068)
- refactor: 更换icon (b4472e2)
- refactor: 路由、国际化i18n转TS (6931f6c)
- refactor: 配置模块化 (f1efb1c)
- refactor: 切换菜单栏icon使用svg组件 (6902c4d)
- refactor: 删除useDraggable (49c173f)
- refactor: 修改样式 (0cc6968)
- refactor: 重构表单 (676973d)
- refactor: 重构I18n目录结构,添加地区选择列表 (76ac8c5)
- chore: 格式化文件 (f325452)
- chore: 添加commit审查 (fab6dbe)
- feature: 修改问题 (5387127)
- 测试 (6915d16)
- 测试 (1dfc67f)
- 测试 (e3bd5bd)
- 查找文件 (6d7fad5)
- 查找文件 (830b0c1)
- 创建vite2+vue3项目,安装route4,饿了么push,搭建侧边栏 (5e6fba9)
- 国际化翻译 (2aea59b)
- 可以吗? (4230812)
- 配置全局scss (52df049)
- 配置压缩 (7ac21b8)
- 配置eslint (5d46c39)
- 配置vuex (c7f42e7)
- 添加 LICENSE (9ccf662)
- 添加动态改变主题 (a488031)
- 添加国际化,环境编译 (73fb842)
- 添加面包屑 (c5bf9e9)
- 添加配置 (c48b395)
- 添加项目信息,修改细节 (4b07883)
- 添加样式的校验 (d6eb94a)
- 添加夜间模式和白天模式 (8fa1af2)
- 添加commit (1802424)
- 添加eslint (84ccc87)
- 添加prettier格式化工具 (a0f90b6)
- 添加svg配置 (2911a8e)
- 添加vuex (bd5914d)
- commit开启检测eslint (59608c4)