Studies on Terraform Workspaces with Docker provider.
- Create directory.
- Initiate terraform with kreuzwerker/docker provider.
- Create workspaces-
- Create as many workspaces .tfvars files.
- Create a file.
- Export a env var TF_WORKSPACE to be used with plan/apply.
- Define env_prefix variable in .tfvars and vars.
- Call tf apply command with workspace env var for tfvars file. Ex: tf apply -var-file=$TF_WORKSPACE.tfvars -var-file=globals.tfvars --auto-approve
Building a scenario to test workspaces with AWS multiple accounts
- Prepare docker-compose.yaml with as many localstack instances you need. Attention to change the port mapping for external env for avoind conflict. Example in here in repo.
- Run the docker compose build + up. Ex: docker-compose up -d --build
- aws ec2 describe-vpcs --profile dev --query "Vpcs[*].[VpcId,IsDefault]"