This ROS package can be used to control the COMAU e.DO educational robot. It provides the ability to initialize, calibrate, and operate the e.DO from the Linux terminal without the use of the Android tablet application. The program supports jog and move commands and can output data from the e.DO to the terminal. It can be helpful in understanding how the e.DO Robot can be controlled by any ROS compatible program.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
This package has been run and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and ROS Kinetic. In order to use the jog mode, the Ncurses library must be installed on your Linux machine.
e.DO Software Version: 2.1.0
Clone/save this repository into the "src" folder in a catkin workspace directory. Use catkin_make from your catkin workspace directory to build.
Clone/save directory into src folder
cd catkin_ws/src/
git clone
Build the package
cd catkin_ws
Connect to your e.DO's WiFi network and set the ROS_MASTER_URI of your machine to the e.DO's IP address and the ROS_IP to your machine's IP on the e.DO WiFi network. NOTE: You can also add these two lines to the bottom of your .bashrc in your home directory.
export ROS_IP=
Source your setup.bash file within your catkin workspace.
source devel/setup.bash
Run the node.
rosrun edo_manual_ctrl edo_manual_ctrl
If you prefer to access the e.DO over your own LAN using an Ethernet cable, you mush change the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP within the e.DO as well as on your own machine.
Connect to e.DO via ssh using e.DO's IP on your LAN. NOTE: It may be helpful to reserve an IP on your router for the e.DO.
ssh edo@
The e.DO's password is "raspberry".
Next, you'll need to edit the "ministarter" file in the home directory. Change the IP address in lines 20 and 21 to e.DO's IP address on the LAN. Save and close the file and restart e.DO. Change the ROS_MASTER_URI as explained above to the new IP address and the ROS_IP to you machine's IP address on the LAN.
- Ncurses - Used for asynchronous jog control
- ROS Kinetic
- eDO_core_msgs - Must be cloned in catkin_ws/src/
- C++11 - Used to sleep to give time for e.DO to process commands
- Jack Shelata -
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see file for details