- 使用分解条件表达式处理复杂的条件表达式
- 用合并条件表达式理清逻辑组合
- 用以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式表达"在主要处理逻辑之前先做检查"的意图
- 以多态取代条件表达式可以处理switch逻辑
- 可以用引入特例处理逻辑大多相同的情况,消除重复代码
分解条件表达式(Decompose Conditional)
合并条件表达式(Consolidate Conditional Expression)
以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式(Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses)
以多态取代条件表达式(Replace Conditional with Polymorphism)
// 重构前
if (!aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd))
charge = quantity * plan.summerRate;
charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
if (summer())
charge = summerCharge();
charge = regularCharge();
function summer() {
return !aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd);
function summerCharge() {
return quantity * plan.summerRate;
function regularCharge() {
return quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
// 重构后
charge = summer() ? summerCharge() : regularCharge();
function summer() {
return !aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd);
function summerCharge() {
return quantity * plan.summerRate;
function regularCharge() {
return quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
// 重构前
function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
if (anEmployee.seniority < 2) return 0;
if (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) return 0;
if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0;
// compute the disability amount
function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
if ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
|| (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
|| (anEmployee.isPartTime))
return 0;
// compute the disability amount
// 重构后
function disabilityAmount(anEmployee) {
if (isNotEligableForDisability()) return 0;
// compute the disability amount
function isNotEligableForDisability() {
return ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
|| (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
|| (anEmployee.isPartTime));
如果两条分支都是正常行为,就应该使用形如if … else …的条件表达式;如果某个条件极其罕见,就应该单独检查该条件,并在该条件为真时从函数中返回。这样的单独检查常常被称为"卫语句"(guard clauses)。
卫语句的精髓就是:给某一条分支以特别的重视。如果使用if … else …结构,对if分支和else分支的重视都是同等的。卫语句不同,告诉读者:"这种情况不是本函数的核心逻辑所关心的,如果真的发生了,请做一些必要的整理工作,然后退出"。
// 重构前
function payAmount(employee) {
let result;
if (employee.isSeparated) {
result = { amount: 0, reasonable: 'SEP' };
} else {
if (employee.isRetired) {
result = { amount: 0, reasonable: 'RET' };
} else {
// logic to compute amount
result = someFinalComputation();
return result;
// 重构后
function payAmount(employee) {
if (employee.isSeparated) return { amount: 0, reasonable: 'SEP' };
if (employee.isRetired) return { amount: 0, reasonable: 'RET' };
return someFinalComputation();
// 重构前
function plumages(birds) {
return new Map(birds.map(b => [b.name, plumage(b)]));
function speeds(birds) {
return new Map(birds.map(b => [b.name, airSpeedVelocity(b)]));
function plumage(bird) {
switch (brid.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return 'average';
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return (bird.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? 'tired' : 'average';
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (bird.voltage > 100) ? 'scorched' : 'beautiful';
return 'unknown';
function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
switch (brid.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return 35;
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return 40 - 2 * bird.numberOfCoconuts;
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (bird.isNailed > 100) ? 0 : 10 + bird.voltage / 10;
return null;
function plumage(bird) {
return new Bird(bird).plumage;
function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
return new Bird(bird).airSpeedVelocity;
class Bird {
constructor(birdObject) {
Object.assign(this, birdObject);
get plumage() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return 'average';
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? 'tired' : 'average';
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (this.voltage > 100) ? 'scorched' : 'beautiful';
return 'unknown';
get airSpeedVelocity() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return 35;
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return 40 - 2 * this.numberOfCoconuts;
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (this.isNailed > 100) ? 0 : 10 + this.voltage / 10;
return null;
function plumage(bird) {
return new Bird(bird).plumage;
function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
return new Bird(bird).airSpeedVelocity;
function createBird(bird) {
switch (bird.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return new EuropeanSwallow(bird);
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return new AfricanSwallow(bird);
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return new NorwegianBlueParrot(bird);
return new Bird(bird);
class Bird {
constructor(birdObject) {
Object.assign(this, birdObject);
get plumage() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return 'average';
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? 'tired' : 'average';
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (this.voltage > 100) ? 'scorched' : 'beautiful';
return 'unknown';
get airSpeedVelocity() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return 35;
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return 40 - 2 * this.numberOfCoconuts;
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (this.isNailed > 100) ? 0 : 10 + this.voltage / 10;
return null;
class EuropeanSwallow extends Bird {}
class AfricanSwallow extends Bird {}
class NorwegianBlueParrot extends Bird {}
// 重构后
function plumage(bird) {
return new Bird(bird).plumage;
function airSpeedVelocity(bird) {
return new Bird(bird).airSpeedVelocity;
function createBird(bird) {
switch (bird.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return new EuropeanSwallow(bird);
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return new AfricanSwallow(bird);
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return new NorwegianBlueParrot(bird);
return new Bird(bird);
class Bird {
constructor(birdObject) {
Object.assign(this, birdObject);
get plumage() {
return 'unknown';
get airSpeedVelocity() {
return null;
class EuropeanSwallow extends Bird {
constructor(birdObject) {
Object.assign(this, birdObject);
get plumage() {
return 'average';
get airSpeedVelocity() {
return 35;
class AfricanSwallow extends Bird {
constructor(birdObject) {
Object.assign(this, birdObject);
get plumage() {
return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? 'tired' : 'average';
get airSpeedVelocity() {
return 40 - 2 * this.numberOfCoconuts;
class NorwegianBlueParrot extends Bird {
constructor(birdObject) {
Object.assign(this, birdObject);
get plumage() {
return (this.voltage > 100) ? 'scorched' : 'beautiful';
get airSpeedVelocity() {
return (this.isNailed > 100) ? 0 : 10 + this.voltage / 10;
例2 用多态处理变体逻辑
// 重构前
function rating(voyage, history) {
const vpf = voyageProfitFactor(voyage, history);
const vr = voyageRisk(voyage);
const chr = captainHistoryRisk(voyage, history);
if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return 'A';
else return 'B';
function voyageRisk(voyage) {
let result = 1;
if (voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
if (voyage.length > 8) result += voyage.length - 8;
if (['china', 'east-indies'].includes(voyage.zone)) result += 4;
return Math.max(result, 0);
function captainHistoryRisk(voyage, history) {
let result = 1;
if (history.length < 5) result += 4;
result += history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
if (voyage.zone === 'china' && hasChina(history)) result -= 2;
return Math.max(result, 0);
function hasChina(history) {
return history.some(v => 'china' === v.zone);
function voyageProfitFactor(voyage, history) {
let result = 2;
if (voyage.zone === 'china') result += 1;
if (voyage.zone === 'east-indies') result += 1;
if (voyage.zone === 'china' && hasChina(history)) {
result += 3;
if (history.length > 10) result += 1;
if (voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
if (voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
} else {
if (history.length > 8) result += 1;
if (voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
return result;
注意到在captainHistoryRisk、voyageProfitFactor两个函数中voyage.zone === 'china' && hasChina(history)
function rating(voyage, history) {
return new Rating(voyage, history).value;
class Rating {
constructor(voyage, history) {
this.voyage = voyage;
this.history = history;
get value() {
const vpf = this.voyageProfitFactor;
const vr = this.voyageRisk;
const chr = this.captainHistoryRisk;
if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return 'A';
else return 'B';
get voyageRisk() {
let result = 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
if (this.voyage.length > 8) result += this.voyage.length - 8;
if (['china', 'east-indies'].includes(this.voyage.zone)) result += 4;
return Math.max(result, 0);
get captainHistoryRisk() {
let result = 1;
if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china' && this.hasChinaHistory) result -= 2;
return Math.max(result, 0);
get voyageProfitFactor() {
let result = 2;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china') result += 1;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'east-indies') result += 1;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china' && this.hasChinaHistory) {
result += 3;
if (this.this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
} else {
if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
return result;
get hasChinaHistory() {
return this.history.some(v => 'china' === v.zone);
class ExperienceChinaRating extends Rating {}
function createRating(voyage, history) {
if (voyage.zone === 'china' && history.some(v => 'china' === v.zone)) {
return new ExperienceChinaRating(voyage, history);
return new Rating(voyage, history);
function rating(voyage, history) {
return createRating(voyage, history).value;
get voyageProfitFactor() {
let result = 2;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china') result += 1;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'east-indies') result += 1;
result += this.voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor;
return result;
get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
let result = 0;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china' && this.hasChinaHistory) {
result += 3;
if (this.this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
} else {
if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
return result;
class Rating {
get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
let result = 0;
if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
return result;
class ExperienceChinaRating {
get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
let result = 0;
result += 3;
if (this.this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
return result;
// 重构后
function createRating(voyage, history) {
if (voyage.zone === 'china' && history.some(v => 'china' === v.zone)) {
return new ExperienceChinaRating(voyage, history);
return new Rating(voyage, history);
function rating(voyage, history) {
return createRating(voyage, history).value;
class Rating {
constructor(voyage, history) {
this.voyage = voyage;
this.history = history;
get value() {
const vpf = this.voyageProfitFactor;
const vr = this.voyageRisk;
const chr = this.captainHistoryRisk;
if (vpf * 3 > (vr + chr * 2)) return 'A';
else return 'B';
get voyageRisk() {
let result = 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 4) result += 2;
if (this.voyage.length > 8) result += this.voyage.length - 8;
if (['china', 'east-indies'].includes(this.voyage.zone)) result += 4;
return Math.max(result, 0);
get captainHistoryRisk() {
let result = 1;
if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
return Math.max(result, 0);
get voyageProfitFactor() {
let result = 2;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china') result += 1;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'east-indies') result += 1;
result += this.voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor;
return result;
get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
let result = 0;
if (this.history.length > 8) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 14) result -= 1;
return result;
get hasChinaHistory() {
return this.history.some(v => 'china' === v.zone);
class ExperienceChinaRating extends Rating {
get captainHistoryRisk() {
let result = 1;
if (this.history.length < 5) result += 4;
result += this.history.filter(v => v.profit < 0).length;
if (this.voyage.zone === 'china' && this.hasChinaHistory) result -= 2;
return Math.max(result, 0);
get voyageAndHistoryLengthFactor() {
let result = 0;
result += 3;
if (this.this.history.length > 10) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 12) result += 1;
if (this.voyage.length > 18) result -= 1;
return result;
如果只需要从这个对象读取数据,可以提供一个字面量对象(literal object),其中所有的值都是预先填充好的。如果除简单的数值之外还需要更多的行为,就需要创建一个特殊对象,其中包含所有公用行为所对应的函数。
一个通常需要特殊处理的值就是null,这个模式常被叫做"Null对象"(Null Object)模式。