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This file outlines the regression testing plan for all platforms.

Linux / Fedora Silverblue

Testing is done on Fedora Silverblue 39.

Open a terminal (outside of toolbox), and:

cargo run --example whoami-demo
cargo run --example whoami-demo --release
cargo run --example os-strings
cargo run --example os-strings --release

Expect to see something like:

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Jeron Lau
User's Username        whoami::username():            jeron
User's Username        whoami::fallible::account():   jeron
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Zetêy
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  zetey
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Fedora Linux 39.20240202.0 (Silverblue)
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Gnome
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                x86_64
WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():                 "en/US"
User's Name            whoami::realname_os():           "Jeron Lau"
User's Username        whoami::username_os():           "jeron"
User's Account         whoami::fallible::account_os():  "jeron"
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename_os():         "Zetêy"
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():    "zetey"
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():              Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():                "Fedora Linux 39.20240202.0 (Silverblue)"
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():           Gnome
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                  X64

Now, toolbox enter, and do the same. Expecting something like:

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Jeron Lau
User's Username        whoami::username():            jeron
User's Username        whoami::fallible::account():   jeron
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          toolbox
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  toolbox
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Fedora Linux 39 (Container Image)
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Gnome
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                x86_64
WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():                 "en/US"
User's Name            whoami::realname_os():           "Jeron Lau"
User's Username        whoami::username_os():           "jeron"
User's Account         whoami::fallible::account_os():  "jeron"
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename_os():         "toolbox"
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():    "toolbox"
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():              Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():                "Fedora Linux 39 (Container Image)"
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():           Gnome
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                  X64

Linux / Ubuntu

Testing is done on Ubuntu 23.10 (virtualized on Fedora Silverblue):

Install from file within GNOME boxes (keep all defaults).

In Ubuntu Installer, do default installation.

sudo apt install git curl gcc tig # y
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh # 1
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

Clone whoami, open a terminal, and run:

cargo run --example whoami-demo
cargo run --example whoami-demo --release

Expect to see something like:

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Jeron Lau
User's Username        whoami::username():            aldaron
User's Username        whoami::fallible::account():   aldaron
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          ubuntu-box
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  ubuntu-box
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Ubuntu 23.10
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Ubuntu
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                x86_64


Testing is done on Windows 10

Clone whoami, open Git BASH, and run:

cargo run --example whoami-demo
cargo run --example whoami-demo --release

Expect to see something like:

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Aldaron Lau
User's Username        whoami::username():            Aldaron Lau
User's Username        whoami::fallible::account():   Aldaron Lau
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Helpy-Witch
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  HELPY-WITCH
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Windows
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Windows 10.0.19044 (Workstation)
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Windows
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                x86_64


Testing is done on macOS Catalina.

Clone whoami, and run:

cargo run --example whoami-demo
cargo run --example whoami-demo --release

Expect to see something like:

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Aldaron Lau
User's Username        whoami::username():            aldaronlau
User's Username        whoami::fallible::account():   aldaronlau
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Aldaron’s MacBook Air
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  Aldarons-MacBook-Air.local
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Mac OS
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Mac OS X 10.15.7
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Aqua
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                x86_64


Testing is done on FreeBSD (virtualized on Fedora Silverblue):

Download from within GNOME Boxes.

Set 4 GiB memory, and 20 GiB Storage limit

Go through the installation process, keeping all defaults.

Install packages

Log in as root

pkg install git

Log in as you

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh # 1
. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
git clone
cd whoami
# run both debug and release
cargo run --example whoami-demo
cargo run --example whoami-demo --release

Expect to see something like:

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Aldaron Lau
User's Username        whoami::username():            aldaron
User's Username        whoami::fallible::account():   aldaron
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          bsdtime
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  bsdtime
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            BSD
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Unknown: Unknown
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                x86_64


Testing is done on Tribblix (virtualized on Fedora Silverblue):

Download the 64-bit x86/x64 standard image.

Install it in GNOME Boxes (select operating system OpenIndiana Hipster).

Set 4 GiB memory, and 16 GiB Storage limit

Login as jack (password jack)

su - root # password `tribblix`
format # 0, quit
./live_install -G c1t0d0 develop # replace c1t0d0 with disk
reboot -p

Login as jack (password jack)

Now, install Rust (use bash instead of sh, sh doesn't work)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash # 1
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"


git clone
cd whoami
# run both debug and release
cargo run --example whoami-demo
cargo run --example whoami-demo --release

Expected output is

WhoAmI 1.5.0

User's Language        whoami::langs():               ??
User's Name            whoami::realname():            Tribblix Jack
User's Username        whoami::username():            jack
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          tribblix
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  tribblix
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            illumos
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Tribblix
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Unknown: Unknown
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                Unknown: i86pc


Tested on Fedora Silverblue 40

Update Rust Nightly and Stable

rustup update nightly stable
rustup target add --toolchain stable x86_64-unknown-redox

Install pre-requisites

sudo dnf install git file autoconf vim bison flex genisoimage gperf glibc-devel.i686 expat expat-devel fuse-devel fuse3-devel gmp-devel perl-HTML-Parser libpng-devel libtool libjpeg-turbo-devel libvorbis-devel SDL2_ttf-devel mesa-libOSMesa-devel m4 nasm po4a syslinux texinfo sdl12-compat-devel ninja-build meson python3-mako make gcc gcc-c++ openssl patch automake perl-Pod-Html perl-FindBin gperf curl gettext-devel perl-Pod-Xhtml pkgconf-pkg-config cmake cbindgen just mpfr-devel qemu doxygen 'perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)'

cargo install --locked --force --version 0.1.1 cargo-config

Get redox source

mkdir -p build/
cd build/
git clone --origin upstream --recursive
cd redox
git submodule update --recursive --init

Create our demo recipe

Back in the root whoami directory, make sure whome is updated to the whoami testing branch.

mkdir -p build/redox/cookbook/recipes/demos/whome/
cp recipe.toml build/redox/cookbook/recipes/demos/whome/
cp build/redox/config/desktop.toml build/redox/config/x86_64/ardaku.toml

In build/redox/config/x86_64/ardaku.toml, under [packages], add:

whome = {}

Select the config

IN build/redox/mk/, set:


Build Redox

Back in cd build/redox, this takes a while

make all


make rebuild

Run Redox

make qemu

Test it

Verify you are on the new version

whome --version

Default settings should output:

realname:     user
username:     user
devicename:   redox
hostname:     redox
distro:       Redox OS 0.9.0
desktop_env:  Orbital
platform:     Redox
arch:         Unknown: x86_64


Build web example and start webserver on Fedora Silverblue.

Check the web console in Firefox:

User's Name            whoami::realname():            Anonymous
User's Username        whoami::username():            anonymous
User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US, en
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Firefox 122.0
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  localhost
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Unknown Linux
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Web Browser
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                wasm32

Check the web console in Opera:

User's Name            whoami::realname():            Anonymous
User's Username        whoami::username():            anonymous
User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US, en
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Opera
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  localhost
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Unknown Linux
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Web Browser
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                wasm32

Check the web console in Chrome:

User's Name            whoami::realname():            Anonymous
User's Username        whoami::username():            anonymous
User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US, en
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Chrome
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  localhost
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Unknown Linux
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Web Browser
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                wasm32

Check the web console in Ungoogled Chromium:

User's Name            whoami::realname():            Anonymous
User's Username        whoami::username():            anonymous
User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US, en
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          Chrome
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  localhost
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Unknown Linux
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Web Browser
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                wasm32

Check the web console in GNOME Web (Epiphany):

User's Name            whoami::realname():            Anonymous
User's Username        whoami::username():            anonymous
User's Language        whoami::langs():               en/US
Device's Pretty Name   whoami::devicename():          GNOME Web
Device's Hostname      whoami::fallible::hostname():  localhost
Device's Platform      whoami::platform():            Linux
Device's OS Distro     whoami::distro():              Unknown Linux
Device's Desktop Env.  whoami::desktop_env():         Web Browser
Device's CPU Arch      whoami::arch():                wasm32