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Jest Lua Docs

The Jest Lua API is similar to the API used by JavaScript Jest.


Jest Lua doesn't inject any global variables. Every jest functionality needs to be imported from JestGlobals. For example:

local JestGlobals = require("@DevPackages/JestGlobals")

local describe = JestGlobals.describe
local expect = JestGlobals.expect
local test = JestGlobals.test

The above code is equivalent to JavaScript's:

import {describe, expect, test} from '@jest/globals'.

There are two variations of expect in jest-roblox:


This is strictly typed and is used with built in Jest matchers. For example:

-- ... JestGlobals, test defined prior to this
local expect = JestGlobals.expect

test('some test', function()
  local foo;

  expect(1).toBe(1) -- toBe is a built-in Jest matcher
  expect(foo).toBeDefined() -- toBeDefined is a built-in Jest matcher


This is loosely typed and is meant to be used with custom matchers. For example:

-- ... JestGlobals, test defined prior to this
local expectExtended = JestGlobals.expectExtended

-- extending expect to support our custom matcher `toBeEmptyString`
    toBeEmptyString = function(self, received: unknown, expected: unknown, options: OptionsReceived?)
        -- dummy implementation
        local pass = received == ""
        local message = if pass
            then ("%s is an empty string"):format(received)
            else ("%s is an NOT empty string"):format(received)
        return { actual = received, message = message, pass = pass }
test("some test", function()
    local foo

    expectExtended(foo).toBeEmptyString() -- toBeEmptyString is a custom Jest matcher

In this case, since we are using a custom matcher toBeEmptyString(), if we had used the normal expect from JestGlobals.expect, then roblox-analyze would have thrown errors because of type issues.

Note In converted code (ie. code converted by the JS to Lua tool), we often import expectExtended and assign it to a variable expect in order to reduce the amount of deviations in the file. We also mark this import as a deviation. Here's an example of such a situation:

-- ... JestGlobals, test defined prior to this
-- ROBLOX deviation START: importing expectExtended to avoid analyze errors for additional matchers
local expect = JestGlobals.expectExtended
-- ROBLOX deviation END

test('some test', function()
  local foo;

-- in this case, we get to preserve the originally converted code which uses `expect` by simply assigning `expectExtended` to `expect`
test('another test', function()
  local bar = "fizz";

-- in this case, we get to preserve the originally converted code which uses `expect` by simply assigning `expectExtended` to `expect`

Using both expect and expectExtended In a manually written file where there are both tests that use both built-in and custom matchers, it may not be possible to simply re-assign expectExtended to a variable named expect since this would mean losing type safety for built-in matchers.

In such a case, we opt for having two imports and using either expect or expectExtended depending on whether we are using built-in matchers or custom matchers.


-- ... JestGlobals, test defined prior to this
local expect = JestGlobals.expect
local expectExtended = JestGlobals.expectExtended

test('test using built-in matcher - uses expect', function()
  local foo;

test('test using custom matcher - uses expectExtended', function()
  local bar = "fizz";


This way, we can preserve the type-safety that comes with expect for built-in matchers and take advantage of the flexibility and extensibility that expectExtended provides when using custom matchers.

TL;DR - When to use expect vs expectExtended

  • When writing your own tests, if you are using built-in Jest matchers, then you should use expect.
  • If you are using custom matchers, you should use expectExtended


Note: .not is renamed to .never to avoid collision with Lua reserved key word. expect and expectExtended can also be swapped out with each other in the below examples. The differences between the two has been covered above.

  • expect(value)

  • expect.extend(matchers)

  • expect.anything()

  • expect.any(constructor)

  • expect.nothing()

  • expect.never

  • expect.arrayContaining

  • expect.arrayNotContaining - deviation: equivalent to expect.not.arrayContaining

  • expect.objectContaining

  • expect.objectNotContaining - deviation: equivalent to expect.not.objectContaining

  • expect.stringContaining

  • expect.stringNotContaining - deviation: equivalent to expect.not.stringContaining

  • expect.stringMatching

  • expect.stringNotMatching - deviation: equivalent to expect.not.stringMatching

  • expect.addSnapshotSerializer

  • expect.getState

  • expect.setState

  • .never - deviation: used in place of .not

  • .toBe(value)

  • .toBeCloseTo(number, numDigits?)

  • .toBeDefined()

  • .toBeFalsy()

  • .toBeGreaterThan(number)

  • .toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(number)

  • .toBeInstanceOf

  • .toBeLessThan(number)

  • .toBeLessThanOrEqual(number)

  • .toBeNan() - Alias for .toBeNaN

  • .toBeNaN()

  • .toBeNil()

  • .toBeNull() - Alias for .toBeNil

  • .toBeTruthy()

  • .toBeUndefined() - Alias for .toBeNil

  • .toContain(item)

  • .toContainEqual(item)

  • .toEqual(value)

  • .toHaveLength(number)

  • .toHaveProperty(keyPath, value?)

  • .toMatch(regexp | string)

  • .toMatchInstance(instance) - deviation: Roblox only (matches on Roblox Instance)

  • .toMatchObject(object)

  • .toMatchSnapshot(propertyMatchers?, hint?)

  • .toStrictEqual(value)

  • .toBeCalled()

  • .toBeCalledTimes(number)

  • .toBeCalledWith(nthCall, arg1, arg2, ...)

  • .toHaveBeenCalled()

  • .toHaveBeenCalledTimes(number)

  • .toHaveBeenCalledWith(arg1, arg2, ...)

  • .toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(arg1, arg2, ...)

  • .toHaveBeenNthCalledWithtoHaveBeenNthCalledWith(nthCall, arg1, arg2, ...)

  • .toHaveLastReturnedWith(value)

  • .toHaveNthReturnedWith(nthCall, value)

  • .toHaveReturned()

  • .toHaveReturnedTimes(number)

  • .toHaveReturnedWith(value)

  • .toReturn()

  • .toReturnTimes(number)

  • .toReturnWith(value)

  • .toThrow()

  • .toThrowError(error)

  • .toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(hint?)

Not supported

  • expect.closeTo(number, numDigits?)
  • expect.hasAssertions()
  • .resolves
  • .rejects
  • .toMatchInlineSnapshot(propertyMatchers?, inlineSnapshot)
  • .toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(inlineSnapshot)
  • expect.assertions(number)

Tagged templates are not available in Lua. As an alternative, a headings string must be used with a list of arrays containing the same amount of items as headings. Eg:

  { 0, 1, 1 },
  { 1, 1, 2 }
})("returns $expected when given $a and $b",
        local a: number, b: number, expected = ref.a, ref.b, ref.expected
        jestExpect(a + b).toBe(expected)

Concurrent methods are NOT supported ATM:

  • test.concurrent(name, fn, timeout)
  • test.concurrent.each(table)(name, fn, timeout)
  • test.concurrent.only.each(table)(name, fn)
  • test.concurrent.skip.each(table)(name, fn)

Adjusted note:

Note: If a promise is returned from test, Jest will wait for the promise to resolve before letting the test complete. Jest will also wait if you provide a 2nd argument to the test function, usually called done. This could be handy when you want to test callbacks. See how to test async code here.



  • jest.resetModules()
  • jest.isolateModules(fn)
  • jest.mock(moduleName, factory, options)
  • jest.unmock(moduleName)
  • jest.requireActual(moduleName)

Not supported

  • jest.disableAutomock()
  • jest.enableAutomock()
  • jest.createMockFromModule(moduleName)
  • jest.doMock(moduleName, factory, options)
  • jest.dontMock(moduleName)
  • jest.setMock(moduleName, moduleExports)
  • jest.requireMock(moduleName)

Mock timers


  • jest.useFakeTimers()
  • jest.useRealTimers()
  • jest.runAllTimers()
  • jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()
  • jest.clearAllTimers()
  • jest.advanceTimersByTime(msToRun: number)
  • jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(steps: number?)
  • jest.getTimerCount()
  • jest.setSystemTime(now: (number | DateTime)?)
  • jest.getRealSystemTime()

Not supported

  • jest.runAllTicks()
  • jest.runAllImmediates()


  • mockFn.getMockName()
  • mockFn.mock.calls
  • mockFn.mock.results
  • mockFn.mock.instances
  • mockFn.mock.lastCall
  • mockFn.mockClear()
  • mockFn.mockReset()
  • mockFn.mockRestore()
  • mockFn.mockImplementation(fn)
  • mockFn.mockImplementationOnce(fn)
  • mockFn.mockName(value)
  • mockFn.mockReturnThis()
  • mockFn.mockReturnValue(value)
  • mockFn.mockReturnValueOnce(value)

Not supported

  • jest.isMockFunction(fn) - Note this can be easily added
  • jest.spyOn(object, methodName) - Note spyOn is a feature that we need and have created a workarounds for now
  • jest.spyOn(object, methodName, accessType?)
  • jest.mocked<T>(item: T, deep = false)
  • mockFn.mockResolvedValue(value)
  • mockFn.mockResolvedValueOnce(value)
  • mockFn.mockRejectedValue(value)
  • mockFn.mockRejectedValueOnce(value)
  • jest.MockedFunction-
  • jest.MockedClass



  • jest.setTimeout(timeout)

Not supported

  • jest.retryTimes()

Configuration only available via project's jest.config.lua file. This file needs to be placed in the src directory (or directly in Workspace (see WorkspaceStatic directory mapping in jest.project.json))

-- Sync object
local config = {
    verbose = true,

return config

-- Or async function
return Promise.resolve():andThen(function()
    return {
        verbose = true,


These correspond to JS Jest options


deviation: type means that the option's type deviates from the original upstream types

  • clearMocks [boolean]

  • displayName [string, object]

  • projects [array] deviation: type

  • restoreMocks [boolean]

  • rootDir [Instance] deviation: type

  • roots [array] deviation: type

  • setupFiles [array] deviation: type

  • setupFilesAfterEnv [array] deviation: type

  • slowTestThreshold [number]

  • snapshotSerializers [array] deviation: type

  • testFailureExitCode [number]

  • testMatch [array]

  • testPathIgnorePatterns [array]

  • testRegex [string | array]

  • testTimeout [number]

  • verbose [boolean]

To be supported

  • globalSetup [string] Not supported YET
  • globalTeardown [string] Not supported YET

Not supported


  • automock [boolean]
  • bail [number | boolean]
  • cacheDirectory [string]
  • collectCoverage [boolean]
  • collectCoverageFrom [array]
  • coverageDirectory [string]
  • coveragePathIgnorePatterns [array]
  • coverageProvider [string]
  • coverageReporters [array<string | [string, options]>]
  • coverageThreshold [object]
  • dependencyExtractor [string]
  • errorOnDeprecated [boolean]
  • extensionsToTreatAsEsm [array]
  • extraGlobals [array]
  • forceCoverageMatch [array]
  • globals [object]
  • haste [object]
  • injectGlobals [boolean]
  • maxConcurrency [number]
  • maxWorkers [number | string]
  • moduleDirectories [array]
  • moduleFileExtensions [array]
  • moduleNameMapper [object<string, string | array>]
  • modulePathIgnorePatterns [array]
  • modulePaths [array]
  • notify [boolean]
  • notifyMode [string]
  • preset [string]
  • prettierPath [string]
  • reporters [array<moduleName | [moduleName, options]>]
  • resetMocks [boolean]
  • resetModules [boolean]
  • resolver [string]
  • runner [string]
  • snapshotFormat [object]
  • snapshotResolver [string]
  • testEnvironment [string]
  • testEnvironmentOptions [Object]
  • testResultsProcessor [string]
  • testRunner [string]
  • testSequencer [string]
  • testURL [string]
  • timers [string] NOTE: not sure about this
  • transform [object<string, pathToTransformer | [pathToTransformer, object]>]
  • transformIgnorePatterns [array]
  • unmockedModulePathPatterns [array]
  • watchPathIgnorePatterns [array]
  • watchPlugins [array<string | [string, Object]>]
  • watchman [boolean]



Should be the same taking into account not supported matchers

Tests can return a Promise and Jest Lua will wait for the promise to resolve.

Note: It is also worth noting that tests can ONLY return either a Promise or nil.

Jest Lua supports done callback as a second param to the test function eg.

test("the data is peanut butter", function(_ctx, done)
  function callback(error_, data)
    if error_
      expect(data).toBe('peanut butter');
    end, function(err)
