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title teaching exercises
Lesson Deployment

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions

  • What is the two-step model of deployment?
  • Why do we preserve both generated markdown and HTML?


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives

  • Understand the two-step model for lesson deployment
  • Understand how our lessons are deployed on GitHub


Building A Lesson

Static site generators all know one thing: how to translate markdown to an HTML website. The Carpentries Lesson Infrastructure is no different in that it will generate an HTML website from markdown files using [pandoc]. The difference is how we handle the generated content to make your lesson portable and transferrable.

Working With Generated Content

[The Carpentries has formally supported generated content from R lessons in the form of R Markdown files since 2016][rmd-blog] and we are working on a solution to incorporate generated content from other languages in the future. If you do not use generated content in your lesson, you can skip this section.

The default paradigm for R Markdown is to first generate markdown output from the R Markdown document, convert it to HTML, and then discard the generated markdown output.

Source: "Teaching In Production" by Dr. Allison Horst,{alt="A stylized flowchart with 'good ideas', 'code', and 'data' flowing into '.Rmd', transformed to '.md' via 'knitr', and then transformed to 'html', 'pdf', and 'docx' via 'pandoc'. There is an illustration of a hedgehog knitting a sock to the left and a rabbit wearing the other sock on the right."}

However, this default behavior for generated content is not conducive for collaboration on lessons because the outputs often live in the same place as the source files. Moreover, if any changes occur in the software used to generate content, inspecting the differences between two HTML files is difficult because of markup. We created the {sandpaper} package to alleviate these downsides by clearly separating the generated content from the source material by taking advantage of a two-step model of deployment.

The Two-Step Model of Deployment

To alleviate the downsides of working with generated content, The Carpentries Workbench employs a two-step model of deployment when you run sandpaper::build_lesson()

  1. Take any source files with content that needs to be interpreted (e.g. R Markdown) and render them to markdown in a staging area ignored by git.
  2. Apply the HTML style to the markdown files in the staging area to create the lesson website.

The two-step model of lesson deployment{alt='Diagram showing the process of build_lesson(rebuild = TRUE), starting from R Markdown to Markdown and finally to HTML. R Markdown is highlighted as being the only element tracked by git.'}

All of the generated content lives in the site/ folder, and importantly: it is all cached and ignored by git. Ignoring generated content locally means that the source of truth for these files is no longer dependent on the maintainer's local setup.

The reason we have this model is also for portability. It's because markdown output is a lot easier to audit than HTML when something goes wrong, rendered markdown can be transferred to other contexts (e.g. books or blogposts), and we can swap out the generators without needing to rewrite the entire pipeline.

:::::::::::::: callout

Did you know?

When the lesson is pushed to GitHub, all of the generated content IS stored in separate branches so that we can provide a way for you to audit changes from pull requests.


Deploying On GitHub

For historical reasons, GitHub used the Jekyll static site generator to deploy their documentation websites, but because we no longer use Jekyll, we we deploy our sites in a different manner.

On GitHub, we store generated content in two orphan branches called md-outputs and gh-pages for the generated markdown and html, respectively. We use [GitHub Actions Workflows][gh-workflows] to build, validate, and deploy our lessons on GitHub pages. Because the markdown and HTML outputs are preserved in the git history, we can tag and preserve them for archiving.

These workflows are the source of truth for the lessons and will keep your lesson up-to-date with the latest version of the HTML template. Moreover, each week, these workflows will check for updates and, if there are any, a pull request will be created to ensure you are using the latest versions. You can read more about updating your workflows in the Maintenance chapter.

If you use R Markdown in your lesson, you will notice that for every pull request (PR), a GitHub bot comments on your pull requests informing you about what content has changed and gives you a link to the differences between the current state of the md-outputs branch and the proposed changes. You can find out more about this in the Pull Request chapter.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints

  • Lessons are built using a two-step process of caching markdown outputs and then building HTML from that cache
  • We use GitHub Actions to deploy and audit generated lesson content to their websites
