The Node.js Foundation hosts several "Top Level Projects." These projects are autonomous from each other and governed by their own TSC (Technical Steering Committee) and chartered by the Node.js Foundation's Board of Directors.
Projects are free to create "Working Groups" which are autonomus groups collaborating to fulfill a set of responsibilities. Working Groups are eventually chartered by the TSC.
|-- Project A (Chartered By Board)
| |
| |-- TSC
| |-- Working Group (Chartered By Project TSC)
|-- Project B (Chartered By Board)
|-- TSC
|-- Working Group (Chartered By Project TSC)
The Foundation shall encourage new Projects and innovation in the community. New Projects enter the Node.js Foundation through a Proposal. The proposal should include their TSC Charter and Development Policy.
Project should have some prior history and be considered mature and contain a wide contributorship before submitting a proposal to enter the foundation.
State | Description |
null |
Prior to being considered for the foundation the project should mature elsewhere and achieve a wide contributorship. |
Accepted | Project is accepted into the foundation. It is entitled to the resources contained in its proposal and can form Working Groups. |
From State | To State | Review |
Proposal | Mature | Proposal Review |
Mature | Core | Core Review |
Proposal, Bootstrap, Mature, Core | Archived | Archive Review |
Before a WG is chartered it must first incubate in some manner.
If a WG needs to start in the project members are free to create a repository and begin regular meetings using the free tools available to all project members. During this period the WG is unchartered and in the "Bootstrap" cycle and is not entitled to any financial or legal resources of the foundation and can be closed at any time by the TSC. Once the WG matures it should write a proposal for the TSC to approval so the WG can move to the "Mature" phase once approved.
It is also common for Working Groups to incubate and mature outside the project. These Working Groups do not need to incubate within the project itself and instead should write a proposal for the TSC to approve and move directly to the "Mature" phase.
Working Groups shall change state following TSC reviews. WGs typically change states independently from each other, but can cooperate closely and leverage each other’s results. Projects graduate from Proposal-state, to Mature-state and finally to Core-state. Archived–state is a Project state reserved for those Projects no longer being actively developed or used by the community.
State | Description |
Incubation | WG has not been approved and is unchartered. Project does not formally exist yet, may not have real resources (yet), but is being worked on by the community. |
Proposal | WG proposal is posted and under review. |
Mature | WG is fully functioning but is not a required component of the platform. |
Core | WG is a required component of the Node.js platform. |
Archived | WG has been recognized as no longer being actively used or developed. This could be for a variety of reasons, e.g. WG successfully accomplished its goals but is no longer used, project failed, etc., and has been archived as it's no longer a going concern. |
From State | To State | Review |
Proposal | Mature | Proposal Review |
Mature | Core | Core Review |
Proposal, Bootstrap, Mature, Core | Archived | Archive Review |