Find all task under a given Epic (i.e. EMEA-2459)
"Epic Link" = EMEA-2459
Find all subtasks under returned issues above:
issue IN subtasksOf(' "Epic Link" = EMEA-2459 ')
All together (Epic, Task & Subtask)
key = EMEA-2459 OR "Epic Link" = EMEA-2459 OR issue IN subtasksOf(' "Epic Link" = EMEA-2459 ')
Create a filter and assign the logic to select the epics:
-- Safe this as filter and remember the new filter-id (e.g. filter=123) project = TESTPRJ AND component = PRJ AND labels in (dev-project, qs-projekt)
Create the JQL query searching for epics/issues defined in the previous filter AND all issues below them:
issueFunction in issuesInEpics("filter = 123") OR filter = 123
Source: https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/jql-functions.html#_more_complex_examples
issueFunction in epicsOf("status = erledigt AND labels = Abrechnung") and component = CTP