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Telemetry Sample

This sample runs a simple web server that makes calls to other in-cluster services and responds to requests with "Hello World!". The purpose of this sample is to show generating metrics, logs and distributed traces. This sample also shows how to create a dedicated Prometheus instance rather than using the default installation.


  1. A Kubernetes cluster with Knative Serving installed.
  2. Check if Knative monitoring components are installed:
kubectl get pods --namespace knative-monitoring
  1. Install Docker.
  2. Check out the code:
go get -d


Build the application container and publish it to a container registry:

  1. Move into the sample directory:
cd $GOPATH/src/
  1. Set your preferred container registry:

This example shows how to use Google Container Registry (GCR). You will need a Google Cloud Project and to enable the Google Container Registry API.

  1. Use Docker to build your application container:
docker build \
  --tag "${REPO}/serving/samples/telemetry-go" \
  --file=serving/samples/telemetry-go/Dockerfile .
  1. Push your container to a container registry:
docker push "${REPO}/serving/samples/telemetry-go"
  1. Replace the image reference path with our published image path in the configuration file (serving/samples/telemetry-go/sample.yaml):

    • Manually replace: image: with image: <YOUR_CONTAINER_REGISTRY>/serving/samples/telemetry-go


    • Use run this command:

      perl -pi -e "${REPO}@g" serving/samples/telemetry-go/sample.yaml

Deploy the Service

Deploy this application to Knative Serving:

kubectl apply --filename serving/samples/telemetry-go/

Explore the Service

Inspect the created resources with the kubectl commands:

  • View the created Route resource:
kubectl get route --output yaml
  • View the created Configuration resource:
kubectl get configurations --output yaml
  • View the Revision that was created by the Configuration:
kubectl get revisions --output yaml

Access the Service

To access this service via curl, you need to determine its ingress address.

  1. To determine if your service is ready: Check the status of your Knative gateway:
# In Knative 0.2.x and prior versions, the `knative-ingressgateway` service was used instead of `istio-ingressgateway`.

# The use of `knative-ingressgateway` is deprecated in Knative v0.3.x.
# Use `istio-ingressgateway` instead, since `knative-ingressgateway`
# will be removed in Knative v0.4.
if kubectl get configmap config-istio -n knative-serving &> /dev/null; then

kubectl get svc $INGRESSGATEWAY --namespace istio-system --watch

When the service is ready, you'll see an IP address in the EXTERNAL-IP field:

NAME                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                                      AGE
xxxxxxx-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   80:32380/TCP,443:32390/TCP,32400:32400/TCP   2d

CTRL+C to end watch.

Check the status of your route:

kubectl get route --output yaml

When the route is ready, you'll see the following fields reported as:

    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  1. Export the ingress hostname and IP as environment variables:
export SERVICE_HOST=`kubectl get route telemetrysample-route --output jsonpath="{.status.domain}"`

# In Knative 0.2.x and prior versions, the `knative-ingressgateway` service was used instead of `istio-ingressgateway`.

# The use of `knative-ingressgateway` is deprecated in Knative v0.3.x.
# Use `istio-ingressgateway` instead, since `knative-ingressgateway`
# will be removed in Knative v0.4.
if kubectl get configmap config-istio -n knative-serving &> /dev/null; then

export SERVICE_IP=`kubectl get svc $INGRESSGATEWAY --namespace istio-system --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"`
  1. Make a request to the service to see the Hello World! message:
curl --header "Host:$SERVICE_HOST" http://${SERVICE_IP}
  1. Make a request to the /log endpoint to generate logs to the stdout file and generate files under /var/log in both JSON and plain text formats:
curl --header "Host:$SERVICE_HOST" http://${SERVICE_IP}/log

Access Logs

You can access to the logs from Kibana UI - see Logs for more information.

Access per Request Traces

You can access to per request traces from Zipkin UI - see Traces for more information.

Accessing Custom Metrics

You can see published metrics using Prometheus UI. To access to the UI, forward the Prometheus server to your machine:

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector=app=prometheus-test --output=jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 9090

Then browse to http://localhost:9090.

Clean up

To clean up the sample service:

kubectl delete --filename serving/samples/telemetry-go/