This folder contains concurrent editing traces. Concurrent editing traces are made when multiple users concurrently, collaboratively write a text document together.
These are (obviously) useful for benchmarking CRDTs - since the whole point of a text based CRDT is to allow users to do this sort of thing.
These traces are made of a series of transactions. In each transaction, one user (agent
field) made some set of edits (patches
field) to bring the document from a starting state (specified by parents
) to some other state. Ideally, each transaction represents a self contained editing event that happened at a specific moment in time - for example, a keystroke, a paste event, etc.
The patches field works the same as in the sequential traces - its a tuple of [pos, del_len, ins_content]
. But these data sets are quite complex to replay because of the parents
field. The parents field contains indexes of other (previous) items in the list of transactions.
If the parents field contains:
- Nothing (
), the document state before this transaction is an empty string. - A single item (
), the document state before this transaction is the same as the document state after the transaction identified by the index - Multiple items (
[a, b]
), the parent transactions are first merged (using any algorithm). And then this transaction is applied.
None of the data sets here have any concurrent inserts at the same location in the document. As a result, any text based CRDT or OT system should be able to replay these histories and end up with the same resulting document.
The easiest way to use these data sets is to convert them to your CRDT's internal format. This can be done somewhat inefficiently in about 100 LOC so long as your CRDT has some equivalent of the following methods:
crdt.fork() // Clone the CRDT's entire structure, in memory
crdt.localReplace(position, num_deleted_chars, inserted_string)
Once you've converted these traces to your CRDT's format, you can replay them using whatever methods you like.
Here is a version of this conversion script written for automerge:
"kind": "concurrent",
"endContent": "yoooo ho ho\n",
"numAgents": 2,
"txns": [
"parents": [],
"numChildren": 1,
"agent": 0,
"time": "2023-11-22T04:49:00+00:00",
"patches": [
[ 0, 0, "hi there\n"]
"parents": [ 0 ],
"numChildren": 1,
"agent": 0,
"patches": [
"time": "2023-11-22T04:50:00+00:00",
[ 0, 8, "" ],
[ 0, 0, "yoooo"]
"parents": [ 1 ],
"numChildren": 0,
"agent": 1,
"time": "2023-11-22T04:51:00+00:00",
"patches": [
[ 5, 0, " ho ho"]
Each file in this folder is a (gzipped) JSON document with the same format. The files contain JSON objects with the following top level fields:
(string): "concurrent"endContent
(string): The expected contents of the document after all changes have been applied. This exists mostly as a checksum / validation that the trace has been replayed correctly.numAgents
(integer): The number of user agents in this editing trace. User agents (below) will be identified using the integers from0
tonumAgents - 1
: A list of "transaction" objects. Each object describes 1 or more patches, made by some peer, at some point in time. (Caveat: the last transaction may contain no patches)
Transactions (txns) have the following fields:
: This names the index of other items in the txn list that this transaction happened causally after. (Using 0-based indexing).- If the parents list is empty, the item comes after "root" (the start of time). The document always starts as the empty string (
) in this state. Only the first item in the list of transactions will have an empty parents list. - If the list contains 2 or more items, the state named by those items is merged before the operations contained in this transaction are applied. The list of parents must always be minimal. (All items in the parents list must be concurrent with all other items in the parents list).
- If the parents list is empty, the item comes after "root" (the start of time). The document always starts as the empty string (
: A list of patches made, in sequence, to the document. The format here is the same format as patches in the sequential traces folder. Each item in this array is a quad of (position, num characters deleted, inserted string, timestamp). The position names the unicode codepoint offset into the document where this edit took place. (I may publish ascii-only variants of editing traces as well to make this easier to interpret). If there are multiple patches in a transaction, they are applied in sequence. (Each patch assumes all previous patches in the transaction have already been applied). The timestamp is specified in RFC3339 format - better known as the ISO 8601 format.agent
: This is an integer ID of the user agent which made this transaction. These are in the range from0..numAgents
: The number of other (later) txns which contain this txn in their parents list. This is included for convenience - but it can be trivially recomputed.time
: The timestamp at which the transaction happened, if known. This timestamp is in RFC3339 format, aka ISO8601 timestamp format. A timestamp is always present even if it is not known.
All editing traces listed here maintain some invariants to make processing / replaying them easier:
- To make the trace replayable by multiple CRDTs with different ordering rules, its invalid for 2 users to ever concurrently insert content at the same location in the document. This obviously makes these data sets unsuitable for correctness testing, but I think this is fine in benchmark data because concurrent inserts at the same location in a document are quite rare in practice. Its rare enough that it shouldn't affect benchmark results so long as the behaviour when concurrent inserts do land at the same time, performance isn't pathological.
- Parents:
- Transactions are chronologically ordered. (Well, as much as possible) So for each transaction, all of the parents have indexes which point earlier in the list.
- The first transaction must have no parents. The first transaction must be the only transaction with no parents.
- The parents of each item must all be mutually concurrent
- There are no "dangling" transactions. The last transaction transitively "contains" (comes after) all other transactions in the trace.
- All transactions except the last must have a non-empty list of patches.
- All the changes from each user agent are fully ordered. Its invalid for a single user agent to make concurrent changes.
I really want more data sets in this folder! Now its easier to make data sets like this, I'll collect a few more over time.
This document is a description & emotional debrief after watching an episode of Friends in 2023. The editing trace is quite short - there are only 26k inserts + deletes, to create a 21kb document. The document is pure ASCII. The 2 users were typing concurrently into the document with 1 second of (artificial) network latency. There are nearly 4000 transactions in this document.
This document does not contain timestamps. All changes appear to have happened at the unix epoch. And transaction boundaries were not captured during this recording, so every keystroke appears within its own entire transaction.
This data set is provided under the CC BY 4.0 license.
This dataset is a debrief / brain dump written by 2 people who went to clown school together. This trace is structurally very similar to friendsforever - the users were typing at the same time (though this time with 0.5secs of simulated latency). The resulting documents are the same size, too - coming in at 21kb. This editing trace has 5380 transactions.
In this dataset we have also captured the precise timestamp of every single keystroke. This data is stored down to 1 second of accuracy. And each transaction correctly references a single user edit.
This data set is provided under the CC BY 4.0 license.