- Updated to latest personal tweaks to reveal.js from my teaching stuff.
- A few bug fixes around the possibility of multiple classes for a list entry using the colon format.
- Add a postprocessing function to modify the HTML file and allow customization of lists.
- Change package name to avoid non-alphanum characters.
- Add pandoc variable "hash" to configure template to tell reveal.js to add hashing to URLs.
Fix handling of markdown extensions to work with Pandoc
Fixed problems with calculating markdown_extensions when user had not specified any overrides with md_extensions.
Added News.md
Fixed problems with imports in revealjs.R
Fixed imports in DESCRIPTION
Fixed globalVariables so the package passes checks without any errors, warnings, or notes.
- Merge rstudio-master version 0.9
- Fix calculation of path to reveal.js library
- Merge rstudio-master version 0.8
- Major merge with rstudio-master version
- Options for:
- Setting reveal.js controls in YAML header
- Setting md_extensions and mathjax_scale arguments in header revealjs_jg YAML options
- Specifying margins, height, and width of slides in YAML
- Handle YAML argument tex_defs to define macros for MathJax
- Got rid of unnecessary "custom_transition_path"
- Added missing documentation for custom reveal.js themes