The app uses json_serializable
to generate toJson
and fromJson
for several
classes. The associated files all have an associated .g.dart
file. If you
change any of the associated classes, you can regenerate the code by running
pub run build_runner build
from the given package's directory.
The app uses mono_repo
to organize
multiple packages inside the repository.
To use mono_repo
, first activate it:
pub global activate mono_repo
Note: Run
pub global list
to make sure the version is at least2.0.0
has two kinds of configuration files:
(in the root directory)mono_pkg.yaml
(in each package directory)
pub global run mono_repo pub get
for the package. (Use the existing ones as template.) -
pub global run mono_repo travis
from the root. -
Revert change in
: always usepub get
instead ofpub upgrade
dart2js --dump-info --minify --trust-primitives --trust-type-annotations static/js/script.dart -o static/js/script.dart.js
Generally speaking it is very easy to run the entire application locally (though be careful: it uses production data by default)!
Switch to using dev/staging data (optional)
To use a different Google Cloud Project, the app/lib/shared/configuration.dart
file needs
to be modified. For that, change the fromEnv
method to create a _local
with the name of the new Google Cloud project you will need to create:
factory Configuration.fromEnv(EnvConfig env) {
+ return new Configuration._local(<gcloud-project>);
- if (env.gcloudProject == 'dartlang-pub-dev')) {
- return new Configuration._dev();
- } else {
- return new Configuration._prod();
- }
This can be done in two ways, running with or without Docker. Running with Docker will be closer to the way the app runs on production (e.g. including using a memcache) -- though the turnaround time is a bit longer.
For both variants, it is necessary to obtain a service account key for the Cloud Project.
Such a key can be obtained via the Developers Console
under IAM and Admin > Service Accounts > Create Service Account
using the JSON
(not the P12
key variant.
You will also need to enable Datastore support for your new project using the following link:<gcloud-project>
To run the frontend
(default) application locally, follow these steps:
pub-dartlang-dart $ cd app
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ pub get
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ export GCLOUD_PROJECT=<gcloud-project>
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ export GCLOUD_KEY=<path-to-service-account-key.json>
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ dart bin/server.dart default
The server will be available via at localhost:8080
To run the analyzer
service locally:
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ dart bin/server.dart analyzer
To run the application locally with Docker follow these steps (please note you need to have the
service account key inside the checkout (preferably at key.json
), because only files inside
the checkout can go into the docker context):
pub-dartlang-dart $ vim Dockerfile
# NOTE: Uncomment the following lines for local testing:
ADD key.json /project/key.json
ENV GCLOUD_KEY /project/key.json
ENV GCLOUD_PROJECT <gcloud-project>
pub-dartlang-dart $ docker build .
pub-dartlang-dart $ docker run -it <docker-imgage-hash>
The server will be available via at The IP address might differ
and can be obtained via docker ps
and docker inspect <container-id>
In addition to the app, you can also run a local memcache instance with docker:
docker run -ti -p 11211:11211 memcached -vv
The unittests for the site can be run (tested on linux) via:
pub-dartlang-dart $ cd app
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ pub get
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ pub run test
00:17 +63: All tests passed!
PNGs are compressed using Zopfli -
There is a homebrew formula for Mac:
A simple wrapper is a convenient way to use it:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
zopflipng -m -y $1 $tmpfile
mv $tmpfile $1
To shard across multiple CPUs:
find . -iname '*png*' | xargs -n 1 -P 8'
If one wants to use customized versions of packages we depend on (e.g. package:markdown
with a fix)
we do this by adding them to this repository and wiring things up.
Here is an example of using a customized version of package:markdown
# Create the customized-package
pub-dartlang-dart $ mkdir -p pkgs
pub-dartlang-dart $ cp -Rp ~/.pub-cache/hosted/ pkgs/markdown
pub-dartlang-dart $ vim pkgs/markdown/lib/**/*dart
# Change pubspec.yaml
pub-dartlang-dart $ cd app
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ vim pubspec.yaml
+ markdown:
+ path: ../pkgs/markdown
pub-dartlang-dart/app $ pub get
# Change Dockerfile to include it into the docker context.
pub-dartlang-dart $ vim Dockerfile
ADD app/pubspec.* /project/app/
+ADD pkgs project/pkgs
RUN pub get