- Set up virtual environment with
virtualenv venv
and activate itsource venv/bin/activate
a. Note: Windows commands are slightly different - In the virtual environment shell, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To add newly installed libraries to requirements.txt, can fun
pip freeze > requirements.txt
after installation
- To run the server:
uvicorn main:app --reload
a. Runs on port 8000 by default but can specify withuvicorn main:app --reload --port 8000
b. http://localhost:8000/docs contains openapi (swagger) c. http://localhost:8000/redoc contains Redocs d. http://localhost:8000/openapi.json contains the openapi specification automatically created for you by fastapi based on your routes
- Requirements.txt has too many libraries for production but is fine for now. Clean up unnecessary ones
- Run
gcloud app deploy
- To view service, run
gcloud app browse
- Ran
gcloud auth application-default login
to authenticate google secret manager
- Agent Builder allows you to easily add additional data to an LLM
- Can build an LLM with access to your FHIR store on Agent Builder
- Doesn't look like apps built with Agent Builder can be deployed via API
- Google AI Studio is a GUI to help with prompt engineering. Ex: can give it expected inputs and outputs and then it feeds those as examples into the model.
- VertexAI
- Fine-Tuning: modify model weights based on a labeled data set
- RAG: provide additional information to the model before it replies. Need to search for the correct data
- On Google, you can use their no-code tools to give it data, and then it does a semantic search for you
- You'd need to do more of this on your own if you weren't using google's infrastructure