The quality/ability/extent of being heterogeneous; contrast homogeneity.
Heterogeneity is a system quality attribute, a non-functional requirement, and a cross-functional constraint that refers to the ability of a system to interact with different types of components, systems, or platforms.
Heterogeneity is a system quality attribute, and refers to the ability of a system to support the integration and interoperability of diverse components, systems, or platforms. This means that the system should be able to communicate with other systems or components, regardless of their make or model, and exchange data and information seamlessly.
Heterogeneity is a non-functional requirement, and specifies the need for a system to operate in a diverse and complex environment. It requires the system to be flexible, adaptable, and scalable, enabling it to work effectively in different contexts, scales, and configurations.
Heterogeneity is a cross-functional constraint, and defines the need for different functional groups or teams to collaborate and work together to achieve system interoperability and integration. It requires communication, coordination, and alignment across different domains and disciplines, such as software engineering, network engineering, security, and performance engineering.
Define heterogeneous: Heterogeneous refers to a mixture or combination of different types, models, or brands of computers and software. It implies that the computing environment is not uniform, and different systems with diverse platforms, operating systems, architectures, or configurations are interconnected and used together for a common purpose, such as data processing, communication, or collaboration. Heterogeneous computing requires specialized tools and techniques to manage the complexity and ensure compatibility and interoperability among the different components.
Wikipedia: Homogeneity and heterogeneity: uses diverse technologies, such as multiple languages and frameworks.
Dictionary: heterogeneous: different in kind; unlike; incongruous. composed of parts or elements that are all of different kind. not homogeneous.