The quality/ability/extent of being correct.
Correctness is a system quality attribute that refers to the accuracy and precision of the system's output or behavior with respect to its intended purpose or specification. Correctness includes related system quality attributes of accuracy and precision.
Correctness is a non-functional requirement that is crucial for ensuring the reliability, usability, and security of the system. The correctness of a system depends on its ability to handle different input scenarios, detect and handle errors and exceptional conditions, fulfill the user's expectations, and maintain consistency and coherence of its data and behavior.
Correctness is a cross-functional constraint: TODO
Achieving correctness requires a systematic and rigorous approach to the system's design, development, testing, and maintenance. It involves identifying and validating the system's requirements, ensuring the completeness and consistency of its design, implementing and testing the system's functionality and behavior, and monitoring and maintaining the system's quality over time.
Define correct: In the context of computers and software, "correct" refers to the accuracy and functionality of a program or system in performing its intended tasks without errors or issues. A correct program will operate as intended, producing accurate results in accordance with its specifications and without causing any unexpected issues or errors.
Wikipedia: Correctness (computer science: A system is correct with respect to a specification if the system behaves as specified. For example functional correctness refers to the input-output behavior of an algorithm (i.e. for each input it produces an output that satisfies the specification).
Dictionary: correctness: conformity to fact or truth; freedom from error; accuracy. the quality of being proper; conformity to an acknowledged or accepted standard. the quality of being just or right in a judgment or opinion.