We are using a random 16 byte (128 bit) string for CN. This is then "minted" into a certificate signed by an Intermediate Certificate Authority.
$ cd Licenses
$ ./create_license_request.sh `openssl rand -hex 16`
# This will output a `.key` and a `.csr` file in the local `tmp` folder
# Now choose an intermediate CA number 'n'
$ cd ../Intermediates/client-intermediate-ca-n/scripts/
$ ./signClient_csr.sh
You will be prompted for the absolute path to your CSR, e.g. /tmp/<license key>.csr
and your private key e.g. /tmp/private.pem
It will give you the location that it outputs the client certificate to, the contents of which are as follows:
- client public certificate
- intermediate CA public certificate
- client private key
As the file created will contain a private key, caution should be taken in transit