- The Node Beginner Book
- Node.js: JavaScript on the Server
- Node JS Tutorial for Beginners | The Net Ninja
- Node.js & Express From Scratch | Traversy Media
- Recipe App Using Node.js & PostgreSQL | Traversy Media
- Professional Node.js Book
- 30 days of node
- How to contribute to Open Source
- Contributing to My First Open Source Project
- How to Start an Open Source Project on GitHub (that people use) maybe?
- How to get started into open source in 5 steps
- MDN HTML - for exploring all that HTML has to offer
- MDN CSS- for exploring all that CSS has to offer
- MDN JavaScript- for exploring all that JavaScript has to offer
- Sass - supercharged CSS
- Node.js - should be your primary reference for building backend projects
- Express - an excellent framework to accompany Node.js on the backend
- MongoDB - for storing data
- Mongoose - access to MongoDB from Node.js made easy(er)
- Passport.js - remember this link when you have to setup a login system
- D3 - for creating awesome graphs and charts
- Angular - option for creating single page apps on the frontend
- Vue - option for creating single page apps on the frontend
- Redux - for managing state in a single page app
- Karma - venture into testing
- Jest - venture into testing
- Webpack - module bundler for use in your build process (so you can minify your HTML/CSS/JavaScript among other things and deliver an optimized build to production)
- Babel - makes the new JavaScript work on old browsers (or node versions for that matter)
- ESLint - for helping to keep your code clean
- Prettier - more help keeping your code clean
- Travis - continuous deployment (how to trigger a build/deploy whenever you commit your changes via git)