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File metadata and controls

264 lines (188 loc) · 9.68 KB


Reddit importer for OpenText Explore (Voice of the customer solution) This command-line application pool Reddit thread periodically, to ingest the Submissions (Article/Post) of our interest.

These submissions are inserted into the Solr Server used by OpenText Explore.

Once the Submission are available in OpenText Explore you can create your owns dashboards to analyze the information listened.

OpenText™ Explore is a business discovery solution that allows business and call center professionals to view cross-channel interactions collectively for a comprehensive picture of customer behaviors and relationships.

Command line execution

This utility is distributed as a runnable .jar file.

These are the accepted parameters:

usage: java -jar OTExploreRedditImporter-20.4.2.jar

  • -h, --host (Optional) Solr host URL (used by OpenText Explore). Default value: http://localhost:8983
  • -i, --itag (Optional) Explore Importer tag. Added to each article importer. Default value: "Reddit"
  • -s, --subreddit (Mandatory) Subreddit thread name
  • -f, --filter (Optional) Filter subreddit messages (Must contains some of the words separated by commas)
  • -t, --time (Optional) Seconds between each call against Reddit API. Default value 60 seconds

Example of invocation

$ java -jar OTExploreRedditImporter-20.4.2.jar --subreddit CanadaPost --rtag "Reddit Canada Post" 

$ java -jar OTExploreRedditImporter-20.4.2.jar --subreddit CanadaPost --rtag "Reddit Canada Post" --host http://localhost:8983 

$ java -jar OTExploreRedditImporter-20.4.2.jar --subreddit CanadaPost --rtag "Reddit Canada Post" --host http://localhost:8983 --time 300

$ java -jar OTExploreRedditImporter-20.4.2.jar --subreddit personafinance --rtag "Persona finance" --filter="Vanguard,Chase"

Development environment configuration

The steps includes in this section are only required if you want to compile your own .jar and use your owns Reddit's app credentials, otherwise are not required.

Reddit API

Create a Reddit OAuth2 app

Reddit uses OAuth2 to authenticate 3rd party apps. The first thing you'll need to do is to register your app here. For the sake of simplicity, let's create a script app.

Create a Reddit OAuth2 app

You'll need the client ID and client secret later.

Configuration file:

Configuration file that specifies the credentials to use the Reddit API:

It supports theses properties:

  • username: Reddit user name
  • password: Reddit user password
  • clientID: Reddit client unique identifier (Personal use script)
  • clientSecret: Reddit client secret (Secret)

This file shows an example:


Place it to either the current directory, root of the CLASSPATH directory.

Explore configuration


The configuration file Explore.Configuration.xml is located at <EXPLORE_HOME>\Explore.Configuration.xml, e.g.

D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\Explore\Explore.Configuration.xml 

Reddit DocType

We must add a new DocType tag under the in Explore.Configuration.xml in order to identify 'Reddit' as a new input/document type analyzed by Explore:

        <Field column="Source">
        <Field column="Source">
        <Field column="Source">
        <Field column="Source">
          <Name>URL count</Name>
        <Field column="Source">
        <Field column="Source">
          <Name>Reddit Importer Tag</Name>

Reddit doc type

Group Redditt

We must add a new Group tag under the in Explore.Configuration.xml in order to identify Reddit submissions as a new group that can be used to filter by:

  <!--<CriteriaItem parametric="true" advancedSearch="true" trendWidget="true" autoPopulate="true" reloadUserData="true" groupBy="single" numberBuckets="6">
    parametric:     Show criteria item in the filter section on the search tab. Default value: false
    advancedSearch: Show criteria in the advanced search dialog. . Default value: true
    trendWidget:    Display criteria in the trend widget settings dialog. Only to be used with numeric criterias. Default value: false
    reloadUserData: Allows to reload user values for a parametric criteria. EG MAS Source. Default value: false
    groupBy:        Allows to group values in 3 ways: "single", "numeric" or "alphabetical"
    numberBuckets:  Number of buckets when gruping using numeric or alphabetical. Default value: 5
    numericStats:   Numeric criteria to be used in the Statistical Summary or in the High and Low Comparison widget.    

    <Group name="Reddit">	             
      <CriteriaItem parametric="true" groupBy ="alphabetical" numberBuckets="20">

      <CriteriaItem parametric="true" groupBy ="numeric" numberBuckets="10" advancedSearch="true" numericStats="true">

      <CriteriaItem parametric="true" groupBy ="alphabetical" numberBuckets="20">

      <CriteriaItem parametric="true" groupBy ="alphabetical" numberBuckets="20">
      <CriteriaItem parametric="true" groupBy ="alphabetical" numberBuckets="20">
      <CriteriaItem parametric="true" groupBy ="alphabetical" numberBuckets="5" advancedSearch="true" >
        <Name>Reddit Importer tag</Name>


Reddit group

schema.xml (Solr)

The Solr configuration file schema.xml is located at <SOLR_HOME>\solr-7.3.1\server\solr\configsets\interaction_config e.g.


New Reddit fields on Solr

We must define new fields to be able to import extra metadata related with each Reddit submission


  <field name="subreddit" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" />
  <field name="subreddit_search" type="explore_filter_text" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
  <copyField source="subreddit" dest="subreddit_search" />

  <field name="score" type="pint" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" />
  <field name="score_search" type="explore_filter_text" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
  <copyField source="score" dest="score_search" />

  <field name="permalink" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" />
  <field name="permalink_search" type="explore_filter_text" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
  <copyField source="permalink" dest="permalink_search" />
  <field name="url" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" />
  <field name="url_search" type="explore_filter_text" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
  <copyField source="url" dest="url_search" />
  <field name="thumbnail" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" />
  <field name="thumbnail_search" type="explore_filter_text" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
  <copyField source="thumbnail" dest="thumbnail_search" />   
  <field name="rtag" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" />
  <field name="rtag_search" type="explore_filter_text" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
  <copyField source="rtag" dest="rtag_search" />


NOTE: Field must be named using lowercase

Apply the changes on your instance

Please, see [apply the changes on your instance](.(