This Airbean API was created for learning purposes using different "often used" technologies for example:
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB Atlas
- Mongoose
- JWT Token
- bcrypt
- Express-rate-limit
- Validator
- Helmet
- Express-mongo-sanitize
- Xss-clean
- Hpp
- Pug
- Html-To-Text
- Email Template
- Stripe Payment
- Routes
- Controllers
- Models
- Utils
Install dependencies using npm :
npm install
Create .env file in root folder with following variables :
Example :
Mongodb connection URI:
npm run dev
node server.js
GET: All Products - /api/product/
status: 'success',
results: 2,
data: {
allDocs: [
id: 'productId',
title: 'Macbook Pro',
desc: 'Macbook Pro med inbyggd mugghållare.',
price: 3999,
ratingsAverage: 5,
ratingsQuantity: 2,
reviews: [
id: 'id',
review: 'text?',
rating: 5,
createdAt: 'date',
user: {
name: 'Emmy Trulsson',
id: 'userId',
product: {
id: 'productId',
title: 'Macbook Pro med inbyggd mugghållare.',
id: 'id',
review: 'text.',
createdAt: 'date',
rating: 5,
user: {
id: 'userId',
name: 'userName',
product: {
id: 'productId',
title: 'Macbook Pro med inbyggd mugghållare.',
id: 'productId',
title: 'Brygg kaffe',
desc: 'En helt vanlig kaffe.',
price: 39,
ratingsAverage: 5,
ratingsQuantity: 1,
reviews: [
id: 'id',
review: 'text',
rating: 5,
createdAt: 'date',
user: {
id: 'userId',
name: 'userName',
product: {
id: 'productId',
title: 'Brygg kaffe',
POST: Sign up - api/user/signup
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
passwordConfirm: 'password',
- Response:
status: 'success',
token: 'token',
data: {
user: {
username: 'username',
id: 'objectId',
Cookie => Token
POST: Sign in - /api/user/login
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
- Response:
status: 'success',
token: 'token',
data: {
user: {
username: 'username',
id: 'objectId',
Cookie => Token
GET: Signout - /api/users/logut
Returns a cookie with token value "loggedout".
POST: Forgot password - /api/users/forgotpassword
"email": "email",
- Response:
Sends a email to user with a link to reset password form.
PATCH: Reset password - /api/users/resetpassword/:token
"passoword": "password",
"passowordConfirm": "password",
- Response:
Same as Sign in/Sign Up
PATCH: Update password - /api/users/updatemypassword
passoword: 'password',
passowordConfirm: 'password',
- Response:
Same as Sign in/Sign Up
PATCH: Update Me - /api/users/updateme
"name": "newname",
- Response:
status: 'success',
data: {
user: updatedUser,
POST: Create checkout-session - /api/orders/checkout-session
_id: 'objectId',
quantity: 2,
_id: 'ObjectId',
quantity: 1,
- Response:
status: 'success',
data: {
order: {
id: 'ObjectId',
finishedAt: 'createdAt + random x minutes',
eta: Number,
totalPrice: 'totalProductPrice + totalProductPrice',
createdAt: 'Date',
products: [
_id: 'ObjectId',
title: 'title',
price: xx,
quantity: 2,
totalProductPrice: 'price x quantity',
_id: 'ObjectId',
title: 'title',
price: xx,
quantity: 1,
totalProductPrice: 'price x quantity',
GET: Get Order Status - /api/orders/orderstatus/:id
status: 'success',
data: {
updatedEta: Number,
GET: Order history - /api/orders/order-history
status: 'success',
results: 1,
data: {
allDocs: [
id: '642130807c73fd2a86573427',
products: [
id: '641362674261f5c1fb2ef349',
title: 'Brygg kaffe',
price: 39,
quantity: 1,
totalProductPrice: 39,
id: '64142c06868b66b7c6fa97ca',
title: 'Klassisk kanelsnäcka',
price: 29,
quantity: 1,
totalProductPrice: 29,
user: {
id: '6412e4aadf3816c8eac75e2e',
username: 'emmy',
id: '6412e4aadf3816c8eac75e2e',
paymentId: 'id',
totalPrice: 68,
paid: true,
eta: 19,
createdAt: '2023-03-27T05:58:24.046Z',
updatedAt: '2023-03-27T05:58:24.046Z',
GET: User Data - /api/user/me
_id: 'id',
name: 'name',
username: 'username',
email: 'email',
role: 'user',
photo: 'userimg.jpeg',
passwordChangedAt: 'time',
reviews: [
_id: '641da1b64031259eebb2b0dc',
review: 'Starkt kaffe!',
rating: 5,
createdAt: 'time',
user: {
_id: 'id',
name: 'username',
product: {
_id: '641362a54261f5c1fb2ef34f',
title: 'Enkel Espresso',
POST: Create a review - /api/reviews
review: 'Helt okej kanelsnäcka',
rating: 3,
product: 'productId',
- Response:
status: 'success',
data: {
review: 'Helt okej kanelsnäcka',
rating: 3,
createdAt: 'date',
user: 'userId',
product: 'productId',
DELETE: Delete a review - /api/reviews/id
"status": "success",
DELETE: Deactive Me - /api/deleteme
"status": "success",
GET: All orders - /api/orders
status: 'success',
results: 1,
data: {
allDocs: [
id: '642130807c73fd2a86573427',
products: [
id: '641362674261f5c1fb2ef349',
title: 'Brygg kaffe',
price: 39,
quantity: 1,
totalProductPrice: 39,
id: '64142c06868b66b7c6fa97ca',
title: 'Klassisk kanelsnäcka',
price: 29,
quantity: 1,
totalProductPrice: 29,
user: {
id: '6412e4aadf3816c8eac75e2e',
username: 'emmy',
id: '6412e4aadf3816c8eac75e2e',
paymentId: 'id',
totalPrice: 68,
paid: true,
eta: 19,
createdAt: '2023-03-27T05:58:24.046Z',
updatedAt: '2023-03-27T05:58:24.046Z',
DELETE: Delete order - /api/orders/id
status: "success",
POST: Add a product to menu - /api/product/
title: 'Espresso',
desc: 'En enkel espresso.',
price: 43,
- Response:
status: 'success',
data: {
title: 'En enkel espresso.',
desc: 'En enkel espresso.',
price: 43,
ratingsAverage: 4,
ratingsQuantity: 0,
_id: 'objectid',
PATCH: Update a product - /api/product/:id
"title": "En Fluffig Semla"
- Response:
status: 'success',
data: {
title: 'newtitle',
_id: 'objectid',
DELETE: Delete product - /api/product/id
status: "success",
GET: Get all users - /api/users
status: 'success',
results: 1,
data: {
allDocs: [
'_id': 'userid',
name: 'name',
username: 'username',
email: 'email',
role: 'admin',
passwordChangedAt: 'date',
photo: 'userimg.jpeg',
reviews: [],
DELETE: Delete user - /api/user/id
status: "success",
PATCH: Update user - /api/user/id
"role": "admin",
- Response:
status: 'success',
data: {
user: updatedUser,
GET: Get top rated products - /api/product/top-5-products
status: 'success',
results: 5,
data: {
allDocs: [
'_id': '641362a54261f5c1fb2ef34f',
title: 'Enkel Espresso',
price: 45,
ratingsAverage: 5,
reviews: [
_id: '641da1b64031259eebb2b0dc',
review: 'Starkt kaffe!',
rating: 5,
createdAt: '2023-03-24T13:11:06.019Z',
user: {
_id: '6412e4aadf3816c8eac75e2e',
name: 'Emmy Trulsson',
id: '6412e4aadf3816c8eac75e2e',
product: {
_id: '641362a54261f5c1fb2ef34f',
title: 'Enkel Espresso',
GET: Get most sold products - /api/product/most-sold-products
status: 'success',
data: {
stats: [
_id: '641362674261f5c1fb2ef349',
title: 'Brygg kaffe',
totalSold: 24,
_id: '641362af4261f5c1fb2ef352',
title: 'Dubbel Espresso',
totalSold: 15,
_id: '641362854261f5c1fb2ef34c',
title: 'Kaffe Latté',
totalSold: 13,
GET: Get sales stats - /api/orders/total-income
status: 'success',
data: [
totalIncome: [
total: 19613,
monthlyIncome: [
_id: 1,
monthTotal: 114,
_id: 3,
monthTotal: 4420,
_id: 4,
monthTotal: 15079,