# SwiftlyChordUtilities

## A Swift package to handle musical chords


For guitar, guitalele and ukulele chords.

- Show chord diagrams in a SwiftUI `View`
- Define custom chords in **ChordPro** format
- Transpose chord definitions
- Play the chord definitions with MIDI
- SwiftUI 'bit and pieces' to alter the appearance of the chord diagram

This package is **not stable** because it's written for the 'Chord handling part' of my [Chord Provider](https://github.com/Desbeers/Chord-Provider) application.

See the Demo for details how to use the package.


## Thanks

I stole inspiration, code and the guitar database from [Swifty Chords](https://github.com/BeauNouvelle/SwiftyGuitarChords) but still send my PR's upstairs as you should do with Open Souce projects!

## In use

I use this package in my following projects:

- [Chord Provider](https://github.com/Desbeers/Chord-Provider)
- [Chords Database](https://github.com/Desbeers/Chords-Database); mainly written to alter the chords database.

## Documentation

This package is pretty well documented with DocC.

In Xcode: `Product->Build Documentation`.