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File metadata and controls

896 lines (653 loc) · 26.3 KB


Redesign APIs related to sending and receiving Unix socket ancillary data.

The new APIs should provide safe and ergnomic access to commonly-used functionality such as file descriptor passing, and also expose extension points that third-party libraries can use to integrate platform-specific behavior.


The existing APIs for ancillary data enabled by the unix_socket_ancillary_data feature are incomplete, non-extensible, and difficult to use correctly. They cannot be stabilized in their current state.

API coverage

Ancillary data is widely used among Unix platforms for passing metadata about a socket operation to userspace. Ancillary data consists of "control messages", which are platform-specific datastructures usually defined by a C struct. Examples include IP packet timestamps, Unix process PIDs/UIDs/GIDs, and SELinux security labels.

The current implementation supports only two control message types:

  • SCM_RIGHTS for transferring file descriptors via AF_UNIX sockets.
  • SCM_CREDS / SCM_CREDENTIALS for identifying the peer of an AF_UNIX socket.

The only socket domain supported by the current implementation is AF_UNIX, via the UnixDatagram and UnixStream types. The functions added to these types do not support per-call options such as MSG_OOB or Linux's MSG_DONTROUTE.


Lack of support in std for platform-specific functionality may be acceptable if the API exposes extension points for third-party libraries, but the current implementation does not.

  • Control messages are represented as an enum (os::unix::net::AncillaryData). It is not possible to third-party libraries to support additional control message types.

  • The wrappers around sendmsg / recvmsg functions are implemented as inherent functions of UnixDatagram and UnixStream, rather than as a trait. Adding support for ancillary data to TcpStream and UdpSocket on Unix platforms would require adding similar functions to those types.

  • Types defined in third-party libraries (for example to support Linux's SOCK_SEQPACKET or SOCK_RAW) cannot support ancillary data via the current public API.

It should be possible for a library to define its own control messages and/or sockets, and have them integrate with the standard library's types

Resistance to misuse

The current API is easy to use incorrectly, leading to crashes and mysterious misbehavior.

  • File descriptors are represented as RawFd. When trying to work with SCM_RIGHTS messages it is easy to either (1) leak open files, or (2) drop an open file before its descriptor has been sent.

  • The SocketAncillary struct does not take ownership of file descriptors received from the socket, which may result in file descriptor exhaustion if the peer sends a larger SCM_RIGHTS message than expected.

  • Various parts of the code interpret a user-provided &[u8] as a pointer to struct cmsghdr and inspect its fields, which may cause errors due to unaligned reads on some platforms.

The alignment problems may be fixable with a thorough code review, but the current handling of file descriptors is incompatible with Rust's ownership model. It would be better to use BorrowedFd and OwnedFd to represent the lifetime of file descriptors encoded within ancillary data.

Guide-level explanation

TODO: What level of explanation is appropriate? Should it be written assuming general knowledge of ancillary data and the Unix sockets API?


Sending a file descriptor:

use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::net::{AncillaryDataBuf, MessageSender, UnixStream};
use std::os::fd::AsFd;

fn send_file(stream: &UnixStream, file: File) -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let mut ancillary_buf = AncillaryDataBuf::new();
    let mut ancillary = ancillary_buf.to_ancillary_data();

    MessageSender::new(stream, b"\x00")
        .ancillary_data(&mut ancillary)

Receiving a file descriptor:

use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::net::{AncillaryDataBuf, MessageReceiver, UnixStream};

fn recv_file(stream: &UnixStream) -> std::io::Result<File> {
    // TODO: expose CMSG_SPACE() in a user-friendly way.
    const ANCILLARY_CAPACITY: usize = 100;

    let mut ancillary_buf = AncillaryDataBuf::with_capacity(ANCILLARY_CAPACITY);
    let mut ancillary = ancillary_buf.to_ancillary_data();

    let mut buf = [0u8; 1];
    MessageReceiver::new(stream, &mut buf)
        .ancillary_data(&mut ancillary)

    let mut received_fds: Vec<_> = ancillary.received_fds().collect();
    if received_fds.len() != 1 {
        // TODO: error handling (std::io::Error if not enough FDs returned)
        panic!("didn't receive enough FDs");
    let received_fd = received_fds.pop().unwrap();

Reference-level explanation

Control messages

Each control message is represented as a ControlMessage struct, which holds a reference to the underlying data.

struct ControlMessage<'a>;

impl ControlMessage<'a> {
    fn new(
        cmsg_level: c_int,
        cmsg_type: c_int,
        data: &'a [u8],
    ) -> ControlMessage<'a>;

    // Opaque platform-specific integers; same as `struct cmsghdr` fields.
    fn cmsg_level(&self) -> c_int;
    fn cmsg_type(&self) -> c_int;

    // The type-specific data of this control message.
    fn data(&self) -> &[u8];

    // Whether this control message is truncated, such as by being received
    // into a too-short buffer.
    fn truncated(&self) -> bool;

A &ControlMessages represents a buffer full of control messages. It can be inspected and iterated over to obtain ControlMessage values.

struct ControlMessages;

impl ControlMessages {
    fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> &ControlMessages;
    fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8];
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
    fn iter(&self) -> ControlMessagesIter<'_>;

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a ControlMessages {
    type Item = ControlMessage<'a>;
    type IntoIter = ControlMessagesIter<'a>;

struct ControlMessagesIter<'a>;

impl<'a> Iterator for ControlMessagesIter<'a> {
    type Item = ControlMessage<'a>;

impl ControlMessagesIter<'a> {
    // For inspecting non-iterable fragment in truncated buffer.
    fn into_bytes(self) -> &'a [u8];

Ancillary data

struct AncillaryData

An AncillaryData is responsible for combining the serialized control messages with a notion of file descriptor ownership, ensuring that (1) borrowed FDs live long enough to be sent, and (2) received FDs aren't leaked.

struct AncillaryData<'a, 'fd>;

impl Drop for AncillaryData;

impl AncillaryData<'a, 'fd> {
    fn new(
        control_messages_buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
    ) -> AncillaryData<'a, 'fd>;

    // returns initialized portion of `control_messages_buf`.
    fn control_messages(&self) -> &ControlMessages;

    // copy a control message into the ancillary data; error on out-of-capacity.
    fn add_control_message(
        &mut self,
        control_message: impl Into<ControlMessage<'_>>,
    ) -> Result<(), AncillaryDataNoCapacity>;

    // Add an `SCM_RIGHTS` control message with given borrowed FDs.
    fn add_file_descriptors(
        &mut self,
        borrowed_fds: &[BorrowedFd<'fd>],
    ) -> Result<(), AncillaryDataNoCapacity>;

    // Transfers ownership of received FDs to the iterator.
    fn received_fds(&mut self) -> AncillaryDataReceivedFds<'_>;

    // Obtain a mutable buffer usable as the `msg_control` pointer in a call
    // to `sendmsg()` or `recvmsg()`.
    fn control_messages_buf(&mut self) -> Option<&mut [u8]>;

    // Update the control messages buffer length according to the result of
    // calling `sendmsg()` or `recvmsg()`.
    fn set_control_messages_len(&mut self, len: usize);

    // Scan the control messages buffer for `SCM_RIGHTS` and take ownership of
    // any file descriptors found within.
    unsafe fn take_ownership_of_scm_rights(&mut self);

struct AncillaryDataReceivedFds<'a>;

impl<'a> Iterator for AncillaryDataReceivedFds<'a> {
    type Item = OwnedFd;

fn AncillaryData::received_fds

By default an AncillaryData has no received FDs, and this method will ignore FDs added via add_file_descriptors. The iterator holds a mutable borrow on the AncillaryData, and will close any unclaimed FDs when it's dropped.

Internally, the iteration works by scanning the control message buffer for SCM_RIGHTS. As the iteration proceeds the buffer is mutated to set the "taken" FDs to -1 (a sentinal value for Unix file descriptors).

fn AncillaryData::control_messages_buf

The returned slice, if not None, will (1) be non-empty and (2) have the same length as the control_messages_buf passed to AncillaryData::new(). Any portion of the buffer not initialized by add_control_message or add_file_descriptors will be zeroed.

When this method is called the AncillaryData will have its control messages length cleared, so a subsequent call to control_messages_buf() returns None. If the AncillaryData contains received FDs, they will be closed.

fn AncillaryData::set_control_messages_len

Does not take ownership of FDs in any SCM_RIGHTS control messages that might exist within the new buffer length.


  • if len > control_messages_buf.len()
  • if control_messages_buf() hasn't been called to clear the length.

The second panic condition means that creating an AncillaryData and then immediately calling set_control_messages_len will panic to avoid potentially reading uninitialized data.

Also, calling set_control_messages_len() twice without an intervening control_messages_buf() will panic to avoid leaking received FDs.

fn AncillaryData::take_ownership_of_scm_rights


  • if set_control_messages_len() hasn't been called since the most recent call to control_messages_buf().
    • That method is what keeps track of how much of the received buffer contains owned FDs, and trying to take ownership of SCM_RIGHTS without knowing how much to scan is almost certainly a programming error.

Safety: contents of control messages become OwnedFd, so this has all the safety requirements of OwnedFd::from_raw_fd().

struct AncillaryDataBuf

An AncillaryDataBuf is an owned variant of AncillaryData, using heap allocation (an internal Vec<u8>). It exposes a subset of the Vec capacity management methods.

struct AncillaryDataBuf<'fd>;

impl AncillaryDataBuf<'fd> {
    fn new() -> AncillaryDataBuf<'static>;
    fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> AncillaryDataBuf<'static>;

    fn capacity(&self) -> usize;

    fn control_messages(&self) -> &ControlMessages;

    // copy a control message into the ancillary data; panic on alloc failure.
    fn add_control_message(
        &mut self,
        control_message: impl Into<ControlMessage<'_>>,

    // Add an `SCM_RIGHTS` control message with given borrowed FDs; panic on
    // alloc failure.
    fn add_file_descriptors(&mut self, borrowed_fds: &[BorrowedFd<'fd>]);

    // Used to obtain `AncillaryData` for passing to send/recv calls.
    fn to_ancillary_data<'a>(&'a mut self) -> AncillaryData<'a, 'fd>;

    // Clears the control message buffer, without affecting capacity.
    // This will not leak FDs because the `AncillaryData` type holds a mutable
    // reference to the `AncillaryDataBuf`, so if `clear()` is called then there
    // are no outstanding `AncillaryData`s and thus no received FDs.
    fn clear(&mut self);

    // as in Vec
    fn reserve(&mut self, capacity: usize);
    // as in Vec
    fn reserve_exact(&mut self, capacity: usize);

    // as in Vec
    fn try_reserve(
        &mut self,
        capacity: usize,
    ) -> Result<(), TryReserveError>;

    // as in Vec
    fn try_reserve_exact(
        &mut self,
        capacity: usize,
    ) -> Result<(), TryReserveError>;

impl Extend<ControlMessage<'_>> for AncillaryDataBuf;
impl Extend<&ControlMessage<'_>> for AncillaryDataBuf;

fn AncillaryDataBuf::to_ancillary_data

The returned AncillaryData will be initialized with the same control messages, capacity, and borrowed FDs as the AncillaryDataBuf. Specifically, it's as if the entire capacity of the internal Vec is passed to AncillaryData::new().

When the AncillaryData is dropped its received FDs will be closed. The AncillaryDataBuf does not retain ownership of received FDs. Otherwise the API to reuse an AncillaryDataBuf between calls gets really complicated.

The only subtle part of to_ancillary_data is that it transfers logical ownership of the control messages, but not the control messages buffer. So after calling this function the AncillaryDataBuf::control_messages() method returns an empty &ControlMessages, and any calls to add_control_message or add_file_descriptors. It's basically an implicit clear().

Sending messages

The SendMessage and SendMessageTo traits

These traits are implemented for socket types that implement sendmsg. They are equivalent to the current send_vectored_with_ancillary and send_vectored_with_ancillary_to functions, but also accept SendOptions for per-send flags, and aren't specific to AF_UNIX sockets.

trait SendMessage {
    fn send_message(
        bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>],
        ancillary_data: &mut AncillaryData<'_, '_>,
        options: SendOptions,
    ) -> io::Result<usize>;

trait SendMessageTo {
    type SocketAddr;

    fn send_message_to(
        addr: &Self::SocketAddr,
        bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>],
        ancillary_data: &mut AncillaryData<'_, '_>,
        options: SendOptions,
    ) -> io::Result<usize>;

The SendMessage trait will be implemented for:

  • std::net::TcpStream
  • std::net::UdpSocket
  • std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram
  • std::os::unix::net::UnixStream

The SendMessageTo trait will be implemented for:

  • std::net::UdpSocket
  • std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram

These traits aren't sealed, so they can be implemented by third-party libraries.


The std::os::unix::net::SendOptions type wraps flags passed to the Unix sockets API functions send and sendmsg. It has inherent methods for options defined by the POSIX standard.

struct SendOptions;

impl Default for SendOptions;

impl SendOptions {
    fn new() -> SendOptions;

    fn as_send_flags(&self) -> c_int;

    fn custom_flags(&mut self, flags: c_int) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_EOR
    fn end_of_record(&mut self, end_of_record: bool) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_OOB
    fn out_of_band(&mut self, out_of_band: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn no_signal(&mut self, no_signal: bool) -> &mut Self;


The MessageSender helper struct provides an ergonomic API around the SendMessage / SendMessageTo traits.

struct MessageSender<S, 'a>;

impl<S, 'a> MessageSender<S, 'a> {
    fn new(
        socket: &'a S,
        buf: &'a [u8],
    ) -> MessageSender<S, 'a>;

    fn new_vectored(
        socket: &'a S,
        bufs: &'a [IoSlice<'a>],
    ) -> MessageSender<S, 'a>;

    fn ancillary_data(
        &mut self,
        ancillary_data: &'a mut AncillaryData<'_, '_>,
    ) -> &mut MessageSender<S, 'a>;

    fn options(
        &mut self,
        options: SendOptions,
    ) -> &mut MessageSender<S, 'a>;

impl<S: SendMessage> MessageSender<S, '_> {
    fn send(&mut self) -> io::Result<usize>;

impl<S: SendMessageTo> MessageSender<S, '_> {
    fn send_to(&mut self, addr: &S::SocketAddr) -> io::Result<usize>;

Receiving messages

The RecvMessage and RecvMessageFrom traits

These traits are implemented for socket types that implement recvmsg. They are equivalent to the current recv_vectored_with_ancillary and recv_vectored_with_ancillary_from functions, but also accept RecvOptions for per-recv flags, and aren't specific to AF_UNIX sockets.

trait RecvMessage {
    fn recv_message(
        bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>],
        ancillary_data: &mut AncillaryData<'_, '_>,
        options: RecvOptions,
    ) -> io::Result<(usize, RecvResult)>;

trait RecvMessageFrom {
    type SocketAddr;

    fn recv_message_from(
        bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>],
        ancillary_data: &mut AncillaryData<'_, '_>,
        options: RecvOptions,
    ) -> io::Result<(usize, RecvResult, Self::SocketAddr)>;

The RecvMessage trait will be implemented for:

  • std::net::TcpStream
  • std::net::UdpSocket
  • std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram
  • std::os::unix::net::UnixStream

The RecvMessageFrom trait will be implemented for:

  • std::net::UdpSocket
  • std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram

These traits aren't sealed, so they can be implemented by third-party libraries.


The std::os::unix::net::RecvOptions type wraps flags passed to the Unix sockets API functions recv and recvmsg. It has inherent methods for options defined by the POSIX standard.

The MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC flag is always set on platforms for which it is defined.

struct RecvOptions;

impl Default for RecvOptions;

impl RecvOptions {
    fn new() -> RecvOptions;

    fn as_recv_flags(&self) -> c_int;

    fn custom_flags(&mut self, flags: c_int) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_OOB
    fn out_of_band(&mut self, out_of_band: bool) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_PEEK
    fn peek(&mut self, peek: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn wait_all(&mut self, wait_all: bool) -> &mut Self;


The std::os::unix::net::RecvResult type wraps flags returned from the Unix sockets API function recvmsg. These flags indicate various status conditions about the received data. It has inherent methods for flags defined by the POSIX standard.

struct RecvResult;

impl RecvResult {
    fn new(flags: c_int) -> RecvResult;

    fn custom_flags(&self, flags: c_int) -> bool;

    // MSG_EOR
    fn end_of_record(&self) -> bool;

    // MSG_OOB
    fn out_of_band(&self) -> bool;

    // MSG_TRUNC
    fn normal_data_truncated(&self) -> bool;

    fn control_data_truncated(&self) -> bool;


The MessageReceiver helper struct provides an ergonomic API around the RecvMessage / RecvMessageFrom traits.

struct MessageReceiver<S, 'a>;

impl<S, 'a> MessageReceiver<S, 'a> {
    fn new(
        socket: &'a S,
        buf: &'a mut [u8],
    ) -> MessageReceiver<S, 'a>;

    fn new_vectored(
        socket: &'a S,
        bufs: &'a mut [IoSliceMut<'a>],
    ) -> MessageReceiver<S, 'a>;

    fn ancillary_data(
        &mut self,
        ancillary_data: &'a mut AncillaryData<'_, '_>,
    ) -> &mut MessageReceiver<S, 'a>;

    fn options(
        &mut self,
        options: RecvOptions,
    ) -> &mut MessageReceiver<S, 'a>;

impl<S: RecvMessage> MessageReceiver<S, '_> {
    fn recv<S>(&mut self) -> io::Result<(usize, RecvResult)> {

impl<S: RecvMessageFrom> MessageReceiver<S, '_> {
    fn recv_from(&mut self) -> io::Result<(usize, RecvResult, S::SocketAddr)>;

Linux-specific extensions


Linux-specific flags to sendmsg.

trait SendOptionsExt: Sealed {
    fn confirm(&mut self, confirm: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn dont_route(&mut self, dont_route: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn dont_wait(&mut self, dont_wait: bool) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_MORE
    fn more(&mut self, more: bool) -> &mut Self;


Linux-specific flags to recvmsg.

trait RecvOptionsExt: Sealed {
    fn dont_wait(&mut self, dont_wait: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn err_queue(&mut self, err_queue: bool) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_TRUNC
    fn truncate(&mut self, truncate: bool) -> &mut Self;

impl RecvOptionsExt for os::unix::net::RecvOptions;


Linux-specific flags returned by recvmsg.

trait RecvResultExt: Sealed {
    fn err_queue(&self) -> bool;

impl RecvResultExt for os::unix::net::RecvResult;


Represents the SCM_CREDENTIALS control message, and can be converted to/from a ControlMessage.

struct ScmCredentials;

impl ScmCredentials {
    fn matches(msg: &ControlMessage<'a>) -> bool;

    fn pid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn uid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn gid(&self) -> c_int;


Represents the SCM_SECURITY control message, and can be converted to/from a ControlMessage.

struct ScmSecurity<'a>;

impl ScmSecurity<'_> {
    fn matches(msg: &ControlMessage<'a>) -> bool;

    fn selinux_security_label(&self) -> &CStr;

FreeBSD-specific extensions


FreeBSD-specific flags to sendmsg.

trait SendOptionsExt: Sealed {
    fn dont_route(&mut self, dont_route: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn dont_wait(&mut self, dont_wait: bool) -> &mut Self;

    // MSG_EOF
    fn eof(&mut self, eof: bool) -> &mut Self;


FreeBSD-specific flags to recvmsg.

trait RecvOptionsExt: Sealed {
    // MSG_TRUNC
    fn truncate(&mut self, truncate: bool) -> &mut Self;

    fn dont_wait(&mut self, dont_wait: bool) -> &mut Self;


Represents the SCM_CREDS control message, and can be converted to/from a ControlMessage.

struct ScmCreds;

impl ScmCreds {
    fn matches(msg: &ControlMessage<'a>) -> bool;

    fn pid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn uid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn euid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn gid(&self) -> c_int;

    fn groups(&self) -> &[c_int];

MacOS-specific extensions


MacOS-specific flags to sendmsg.

trait SendOptionsExt: Sealed {
    fn dont_route(&mut self, dont_route: bool) -> &mut Self;


Represents the SCM_CREDS control message, and can be converted to/from a ControlMessage.

struct ScmCreds;

impl ScmCreds {
    fn matches(msg: &ControlMessage<'a>) -> bool;

    fn pid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn uid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn euid(&self) -> c_int;
    fn gid(&self) -> c_int;

    fn groups(&self) -> &[c_int];


This RFC would significantly expand the public API surface of os::unix::net.

The handling of file descriptor ownership is more complex than the current implementation, which uses RawFd. There may be soundness issues in the conversion of SCM_RIGHTS into a Vec<OwnedFd>, for example if a way is found to call take_ownership_of_scm_rights on a user-defined buffer from safe code.

Rationale and alternatives

The primary alternative is to continue using the existing API, which has known blockers to stabilization (see Motiviation).

Prior art

This RFC would obsolete and/or significantly alter the implemenation of the following unstable features:

Several third-party Rust libraries provide access to ancillary data

Some other languages include ancillary data support as part of their standard library's network functionality, in various levels of abstraction:

Unresolved questions

It might be nice to support a unified abstraction over SCM_CREDS or equivalent on the minor Unix and Unix-like platforms ({Dragonfly,Net,Open}BSD, Solaris, Fuchsia).

  • My preference is to leave this to separate ACPs so that the MVP implementation can be developed on platforms with easy CI coverage.

Depending on how difficult they are to implement, some or all of the OS-specific extensions described in this RFC might be handled as separate features on their own stabilization schedule.

  • For example, the new types in os::freebsd::net::* might be part of a freebsd_ancillary_data_exts feature if they cause issues similar to those experienced by the current implementation.

Future possibilities

For this initial version I plan to minimize the number of platform-specific control message types supported by the standard library. Those types can be added in future RFCs and/or ACPs, possibly after prototyping as third-party libraries.

Specifically, I don't want to cover the Linux-specific control messages related to TCP/UDP/IP in the initial stabilization.