Table of contents Overview Glossary Staking & Hardware Ethereum 2.0 Keys Ethereum 2.0 - Depositing Process Depositing to Ethereum 2.0 Step by Step: How to join the Ethereum 2.0 Testnet Prysm client Windows Beaconnode & validator using prysm.bat (recommended) Slasher with Windows using prysm.bat Beaconnode & validator using Docker Installing Docker on Windows Home Installing Docker on Windows Pro macOS Beaconnode & validator using (recommended) Run a Slasher using Beaconnode & validator using Docker Essential commands (macOS & Windows) Lighthouse client Beaconnode & validator with macOS Run a Goerli node (ETH1) & beaconnode (ETH2) Beacon Fuzzer Fuzzing on Windows Installing Docker on Windows Pro Installing Docker on Windows Home Fuzzing on macOS Explorer Charts