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722 lines (649 loc) · 23.1 KB

File metadata and controls

722 lines (649 loc) · 23.1 KB


Journeys API serves a subset of GTFS static data as JSON. This project was originally created for City of Tampere, but is now open sourced. You can find more information about the original project in the ITS Factory Wiki, where the current closed source API is discussed. This open source version of the API tries to match the proprietary version as much as possible.

You can participate freely in discussions if you have questions about the API, create issues, or join our Discord Server if you want to discuss the API in less formal setting (we speak English and Finnish).



Journeys API follows a REST-styled design pattern. Each entity has an url field which allows the clients to access it. You can see this in action in Tampere GTFS data, where you would access stop point with short name 0001 using the URL:

(In the Tampere environment, the v1 part of the URL is replaced with 1 for historical reasons and backwards compatibility).

The server responds:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "location": "61.49754,23.76152",
      "municipality": {
        "name": "Tampere",
        "shortName": "837",
        "url": ""
      "name": "Keskustori H",
      "shortName": "0001",
      "tariffZone": "A",
      "url": ""

A collection of all stop points (and other entities, respectively) are accessed by omitting the entity id from the URL:

Response Structure

Journeys API response is structured as follows:

    "status" : "success",
    "data" : {
        "headers" : {
            "paging" : {
                "startIndex" : 0,
                "pageSize" : 1,
                "moreData" : false
        "body": [

The response has headers and body elements. Body elements contains the entities returned, and its content varies depending on the request made by the client. Headers contain metadata-like information about the response. startIndex tells the index of the first returned element, pageSize tells how many items were returned.

moreData property was used in the original implementation of the API, but is now kept for backwards compatibility. It will currently always return false.

Entity Queries

Journeys API allows the client use optional URL parameters in queries. For example a client could query:

<base url>/v1/stop-points

which returns all stop points in the GTFS data.

<base url>/v1/stop-points?municpalityShortName=837&tariffZone=C

returns all stop points in Tampere within tariff zone C.

Journeys API allows (comma-separated) exclusion of returned fields. For example, a client could query:

<base url>/v1/stop-points?exclude-fields=municipality,url

Which would return all stop points without the municipality and url fields.

body": [
        "location": "61.49754,23.76152",
        "name": "Keskustori H",
        "shortName": "0001",
        "tariffZone": "A"

Query reference

The reference format is

[endpoint] (experimental | stable)
    - [parameter] : [description]

The endpoints and the query parameters are listed below. Tariff Zones depend on the GTFS data itself, the reference lists the zones used in the Tampere GTFS data.

Endpoints in experimental state may still change during upcoming updates. There is no generic timeline for reaching a stable state. Usually, when a beta endpoint has been in use for a while, it will be declared as stable. You can ask about the stabilisation timeline for an experimental endpoint in the repository's discussions section.

<base url>/v1/lines (stable)
	- description : string

<base url>/v1/routes (stable)
	- lineId : string
	- name : string

<base url>/v1/journey-patterns (stable)
	- lineId : string
	- name : string
	- firstStopPointId : string
	- lastStopPointId : string
	- stopPointId : string

<base url>/v1/journeys (stable)
	- lineId : string
	- routeId : string
	- journeyPatternId : string
	- dayTypes : comma separated list of: monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday, sunday
	- departureTime : hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
	- arrivalTime : hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
	- firstStopPointId : string
	- lastStopPointId : string
	- stopPointId : string
	- gtfsTripId: string

<base url>/v1/stop-points (stable)
	- name: string 
	- location: lat,lon or lat1,lon1:lat2,lon2 (upper left corner of a box : lower right corner of a box)
	- tariffZone : one of: A,B or C (
	- municipalityName: string
	- municipalityShortName: string

<base url>/v1/stop-points/<stop-point shortName>/journeys (experimental)
	- lineId : string
	- routeId : string
	- journeyPatternId : string
	- dayTypes : comma separated list of: monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday, sunday
	- departureTime : hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
	- arrivalTime : hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
	- firstStopPointId : string
	- lastStopPointId : string
	- gtfsTripId: string
<base url>/v1/stop-points/<stop-point shortName>/journeys/active (experimental)
	- lineId : string
	- routeId : string
	- journeyPatternId : string
	- dayTypes : comma separated list of: monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday, sunday
	- departureTime : hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
	- arrivalTime : hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
	- firstStopPointId : string
	- lastStopPointId : string
	- gtfsTripId: string

<base url>/v1/municipalities (stable)
	- name: string
	- shortName: string


Please note that the entity contents is based on the GTFS data. The field values might change with the GTFS data used in the API, however the response structure and field names are accurate.


<base url>/v1/lines
    "status" : "success",
    "data" : {
        "headers" : {
            "paging" : {
                "startIndex" : 0,
                "pageSize" : 1,
                "moreData" : false
        "body": [
                "href" : "<base url>/v1/lines/1",
                "name" : "1",
                "description" : "Kaupin kampus - Keskustori - Lentävänniemi"


<base url>/v1/routes
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
    "body": [
        "url": "<base url>/v1/routes/288",
        "lineUrl": "<base url>/v1/lines/50",
        "name": "Lempäälä - Koskipuisto H",
        "journeyPatterns": [
            "url": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/507",
            "originStop": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/7559",
            "destinationStop": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/0517",
            "name": "Lempäälä - Koskipuisto H"
        "journeys": [
            "url": "<base url>/v1/journeys/8726",
            "journeyPatternUrl": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/507",
            "departureTime": "07:10:00",
            "arrivalTime": "07:52:30",
            "dayTypes": [
            "dayTypeExceptions": [
                "from": "2015-04-30",
                "to": "2015-04-30",
                "runs": "yes"
            "url": "<base url>/v1/journeys/8728",
            "journeyPatternUrl": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/507",
            "departureTime": "07:10:00",
            "arrivalTime": "07:52:30",
            "dayTypes": [
            "dayTypeExceptions": [
                "from": "2015-05-14",
                "to": "2015-05-14",
                "runs": "no"
        "geographicCoordinateProjection": "6131429,2375268:-349,183:-259,177:-334,61:-225,-67 ..."

geographicCoordinateProjection contains information on how to draw the route on a map. This field is encoded to save bandwidth and the client must decode the fields value. The field takes form:

lat1,lon1:delta_lat2,delta_lon2:delta_lat3,delta_lon3 ...

A client would decode the field by subtracting delta_lon2 from lon1 and delta_lat2 from lat1 and dividing result with 10000. This results in a coordinate pair from which delta_lat3 and delta_lon3 could be subtracted again and so on. First lat1 and lon1 should be just divided with 10000.

Assuming the projection would start with 6131429,2375268:-349,183:-259,177:-334,61:-225,-67 ..., the first coordinate pair can be obtained by dividing comma separated values with 10000. Therefore, first coordinate pair would be:

lat1: 6131429 / 100000 = 61.31429
lon1: 2375268 / 100000 = 23.75268

==> lat1,lon1 = 61.31429,23.75268

Second coordinate pair would be obtained like this:

lat2: (6131429 - (-349)) = 6131778 => 6131778 / 100000 = 61.31778
lon2: (2375268 - 183) = 2375085 =>  2375085 / 100000 = 23.75085

==> lat2,lon2 = 61.31778,23.75085

Respectively, third coordinate pair would be obtained like this:

lat3: (6131778 - (-259)) = 6132037 => 6132037 / 100000 = 61.32037
lon3: (2375085 - 177) = 2374908 =>  2374908 / 100000 = 23.74908

==> lat3,lon3 = 61.32037,23.74908

And so on.


<base url>/v1/journeys
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "activityUrl": "<vehicle activity base url>/vehicle-activity/4_1340_1005_3596",
      "arrivalTime": "14:51:00",
      "calls": [
          "arrivalTime": "14:51:00",
          "departureTime": "14:51:00",
          "stopPoint": {
            "location": "61.51211,23.68481",
            "municipality": {
              "name": "Tampere",
              "shortName": "837",
              "url": "<base url>/v1/municipalities/837"
            "name": "Hiedanranta D",
            "shortName": "1005",
            "tariffZone": "B",
            "url": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/1005"
      "dayTypeExceptions": [],
      "dayTypes": [
      "departureTime": "13:40:00",
      "directionId": "0",
      "gtfs": {
        "tripId": "77_15831_9189616"
      "headSign": "Hiedanranta",
      "journeyPatternUrl": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/2212da15031a5cbf3a3c8ffecc59a00f",
      "lineUrl": "<base url>/v1/lines/4",
      "routeUrl": "<base url>/v1/routes/2318969642",
      "url": "<base url>/v1/journeys/77_15831_9189616",
      "wheelchairAccessible": true

The activityUrl points to a service which hosts vehicle activity data. Currently, for Tampere, the vehicle activity is available at

which means the activityUrl would be

You can set this via the JOURNEYS_VA_BASE_URL environment variable. For example, in a Linux shell:


Journey Patterns

<base url>/v1/journey-patterns
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "destinationStop": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/3521",
      "direction": "1",
      "journeys": [
          "arrivalTime": "04:48:00",
          "dayTypeExceptions": [
              "from": "2025-02-06",
              "runs": "no",
              "to": "2025-02-06"
          "dayTypes": [
          "departureTime": "03:55:00",
          "headSign": "Hervanta",
          "journeyPatternUrl": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/b299a71359332e86a3b4c0c0cbfefa4b",
          "url": "<base url>/v1/journeys/77_15838_9308598"
      "lineUrl": "<base url>/v1/lines/8B",
      "name": "Haukiluoma - Hervanta",
      "originStop": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/1668",
      "routeUrl": "<base url>/v1/routes/691625816",
      "stopPoints": [
          "location": "61.51861,23.60668",
          "municipality": {
            "name": "Tampere",
            "shortName": "837",
            "url": "<base url>/v1/municipalities/837"
          "name": "Haukiluoma",
          "shortName": "1668",
          "tariffZone": "B",
          "url": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/1668"
          "location": "61.4552,23.849",
          "municipality": {
            "name": "Tampere",
            "shortName": "837",
            "url": "<base url>/v1/municipalities/837"
          "name": "Hervanta",
          "shortName": "3521",
          "tariffZone": "B",
          "url": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/3521"
      "url": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/b299a71359332e86a3b4c0c0cbfefa4b"

Stop Points

List stop points
<base url>/v1/stop-points
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "location": "61.49754,23.76152",
      "municipality": {
        "name": "Tampere",
        "shortName": "837",
        "url": "<base url>/v1/municipalities/837"
      "name": "Keskustori H",
      "shortName": "0001",
      "tariffZone": "A",
      "url": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/0001"
List schedules (journeys) for stop points

The response includes all journeys for the stop point, including active and inactive journeys. The active journeys include the date of the query in their validity period. Inactive journeys are not valid on the date of the query. This is determined by the validFrom and validTo fields in the response.

<base url>/v1/stop-points/<stop-point shortName>/journeys

The <stop-point shortName> should match to a shortName field in the <base url>/v1/stop-points endpoint response for a stop-point.

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "activityUrl": "<base url>/v1/vehicle-activity?journeyRef=40A_1905_8166_0001",
      "arrivalTime": "19:05:00",
      "dayTypeExceptions": [],
      "dayTypes": [
      "departureTime": "19:05:00",
      "directionId": "1",
      "gtfs": {
        "tripId": "78_15453_8651235"
      "headSign": "Pikonlinna",
      "journeyPatternUrl": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/147773b7a88c9e53637a5589948b2c8d",
      "journeyUrl": "<base url>/v1/journeys/78_15453_8651235",
      "lineId": "40A",
      "lineUrl": "<base url>/v1/lines/40A",
      "routeUrl": "<base url>/v1/routes/2497870624",
      "stopPointUrl": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/0001",
      "validFrom": "2025-03-01",
      "validTo": "2025-03-01",
      "wheelchairAccessible": true
List active schedules (journeys) for stop points

The response includes only the active journeys for the stop point. The active journeys include the date of the query in their validity period. Inactive journeys are not valid on the date of the query. This is determined by the validFrom and validTo fields in the response.

<base url>/v1/stop-points/<stop-point shortName>/journeys/active

The <stop-point shortName> should match to a shortName field in the <base url>/v1/stop-points endpoint response for a stop-point.

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "activityUrl": "<base url>/v1/vehicle-activity?journeyRef=40A_1905_8166_0001",
      "arrivalTime": "19:05:00",
      "dayTypeExceptions": [],
      "dayTypes": [
      "departureTime": "19:05:00",
      "directionId": "1",
      "gtfs": {
        "tripId": "78_15453_8651235"
      "headSign": "Pikonlinna",
      "journeyPatternUrl": "<base url>/v1/journey-patterns/147773b7a88c9e53637a5589948b2c8d",
      "journeyUrl": "<base url>/v1/journeys/78_15453_8651235",
      "lineId": "40A",
      "lineUrl": "<base url>/v1/lines/40A",
      "routeUrl": "<base url>/v1/routes/2497870624",
      "stopPointUrl": "<base url>/v1/stop-points/0001",
      "validFrom": "2025-03-01",
      "validTo": "2025-03-01",
      "wheelchairAccessible": true


<base url>/v1/municipalities
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "headers": {
      "paging": {
        "startIndex": 0,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "moreData": false
  "body": [
      "name": "Tampere",
      "shortName": "837",
      "url": "<base url>/v1/municipalities/837"

About caching

Journeys API supports caching of responses. The cache has two modes: short cache and long cache. Short cache can be enabled for a specific time period (defined in hours), for example from 0 to 5. This can be used to fine tune the cache expiration close to the time when the current service day ends and a new service day begins. The service day change should ideally fall between the short cache period, and the short cache duration should be set so that it is shorter than the time between the stop of the last journey of the current service day and the start of the first journey on the next service day. This allows the cache to evict the previous day's journeys before the new journeys on the next service day start (with possibly on a different schedule), so that stale items from the previous day are no longer in the cache. Please see the "Environment variables" section for the environment variables that control the cache.

Running the server binary

After downloading the binary, run

chmod +x ./journeys.api-linux-amd64
./journeys.api-linux-amd64 start

View help (and supported command line options):

./journeys.api-linux-amd64 help

Environment variables

argument explanation
JOURNEYS_GTFS_PATH path to directory where the GTFS files are located
JOURNEYS_BASE_URL the base of the outputted URLs in responses
JOURNEYS_VA_BASE_URL the base of the outputted vehicle activity URLs in responses
JOURNEYS_PORT the port where the service will run. defaults to 8080
JOURNEYS_SHORT_CACHE_LOWER_BOUND the lower hour of short cache period. defaults to 0
JOURNEYS_SHORT_CACHE_UPPER_BOUND the upper hour of short cache period. defaults to 5
JOURNEYS_SHORT_CACHE_DURATION the short cache duration. defaults to 30 minutes
JOURNEYS_LONG_CACHE_DURATION the long cache duration. defaults to 2 hours

Development Environment

After cloning the repository, download the dependencies:

go mod download

Start the server:

go run cmd/journeys/journeys.go start

View help (and supported command line options):

go run cmd/journeys/journeys.go help

You can update dependency versions (if needed) in standard Go way:

  1. Update the version of the (dependency) package in the go.mod file
  2. Run go get -u <package-name> to update the package

The Tampere environment

The GTFS files for the Tampere region can be downloaded from ITS Factory. We currently use the Tampere GTFS files for development, but you should be able to use other cities' GTFS files as well, assuming the GTFS data is similar.

There are a couple of Makefile targets to run the server with the Tampere environment:

# Run the server with the default development environment variables (localhost for internal URL links)
make tre-dev
# Run the server with the default development environment variables ( for internal URL links)
make tre

Using the Makefile is not required, you can run the server with go command and set the environment variables manually.

Endpoint compatibility with the proprietary Journeys API for the City of Tampere

This repository provides a subset of functionality that is available in the proprietary Journeys API for City of Tampere. You should expect endpoint compatibility with the proprietary Journeys API according to the following table:

Endpoint Status Notes
/lines Fully compatible -
/routes Fully compatible -
/journey-patterns Fully compatible -
/journeys Fully compatible -
/stop-points Fully compatible -
/municipalities Fully compatible -
/lines/:lineId Fully compatible -
/routes/:routeId Fully compatible -
/journey-patterns/:journeyPatternId Fully compatible -
/journeys/:journeyId Fully compatible -
/stop-points/:stopPointId Fully compatible -
/municipalities/:municipalityId Fully compatible -
/vehicle-activity n/a Not supported currently
/stop-monitoring n/a Not supported currently
/files/gtfs n/a Not supported currently

Please note:

  • This repository might add the missing endpoints in the future
  • You should not expect the response object properties to be in the same order as in the proprietary API
  • You should not expect the response array items to be in the same order as in the proprietary API
  • You should not expect the response page sizes to match the proprietary API. We aim to return all items in one page, however the paging information is maintained for backwards compatibility