You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 31
The preferred way to configure openvpn-auth-oauth2 is via environment variables. If you install the openvpn-auth-auth2 via
Linux package, use the file /etc/sysconfig/openvpn-auth-oauth2
to configure openvpn-auth-oauth2.
Usage of /var/folders/cs/zz5gz_v567v7y00jpvc5v16h0000gn/T/go-build2152924040/b001/exe/main:
--config string
path to one .yaml config file (env: CONFIG_CONFIG)
--http.baseurl string
listen addr for client listener (env: CONFIG_HTTP_BASEURL) (default "http://localhost:9000")
--http.cert string
Path to tls server certificate (env: CONFIG_HTTP_CERT)
Check if client IP in http and VPN is equal (env: CONFIG_HTTP_CHECK_IPADDR)
Use X-Forward-For http header for client ips (env: CONFIG_HTTP_ENABLE__PROXY__HEADERS)
--http.key string
Path to tls server key (env: CONFIG_HTTP_KEY)
--http.listen string
listen addr for client listener (env: CONFIG_HTTP_LISTEN) (default ":9000")
--http.secret value
Cookie secret (env: CONFIG_HTTP_SECRET)
--http.template string
Path to a HTML file which is displayed at the end of the screen (env: CONFIG_HTTP_TEMPLATE)
enable TLS listener (env: CONFIG_HTTP_TLS)
--log.format string
log format. json or console (env: CONFIG_LOG_FORMAT) (default "console")
--log.level value
log level (env: CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL) (default INFO)
--oauth2.authorize-params string
additional url query parameter to authorize endpoint (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE__PARAMS)
--oauth2.client.id string
oauth2 client id (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID)
--oauth2.client.secret value
oauth2 client secret (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET)
--oauth2.endpoint.auth string
custom oauth2 auth endpoint (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_ENDPOINT_AUTH)
--oauth2.endpoint.discovery string
custom oauth2 discovery url (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_ENDPOINT_DISCOVERY)
--oauth2.endpoint.token string
custom oauth2 token endpoint (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_ENDPOINT_TOKEN)
--oauth2.issuer string
oauth2 issuer (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_ISSUER)
If true, a nonce will be defined on the auth URL which is expected inside the token. (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_NONCE) (default true)
If true, Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) RFC 7636 is used for token exchange. (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_PKCE) (default true)
--oauth2.provider string
oauth2 provider (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_PROVIDER) (default "generic")
If true, openvpn-auth-oauth2 stores refresh tokens and will use it do an non-interaction reauth. (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_REFRESH_ENABLED)
--oauth2.refresh.expires duration
TTL of stored oauth2 token. (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_REFRESH_EXPIRES) (default 8h0m0s)
--oauth2.refresh.secret value
Encryption key for stored token in encrypted format. (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_REFRESH_SECRET)
--oauth2.scopes value
oauth2 token scopes. Defaults depends on oauth2.provider (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_SCOPES)
--oauth2.validate.common-name string
validate common_name from OpenVPN with IDToken claim (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_VALIDATE_COMMON__NAME)
--oauth2.validate.groups value
oauth2 required user groups (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_VALIDATE_GROUPS)
validate client ipaddr between VPN and oidc token (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_VALIDATE_IPADDR)
validate issuer from oidc discovery (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_VALIDATE_ISSUER) (default true)
--oauth2.validate.roles value
oauth2 required user roles (env: CONFIG_OAUTH2_VALIDATE_ROLES)
--openvpn.addr string
openvpn management interface addr. Must start with unix:// or tcp:// (env: CONFIG_OPENVPN_ADDR) (default "unix:/run/openvpn/server.sock")
--openvpn.auth-pending-timeout duration
How long OpenVPN server wait until user is authenticated (env: CONFIG_OPENVPN_AUTH__PENDING__TIMEOUT) (default 3m0s)
Define auth-token-user for all sessions (env: CONFIG_OPENVPN_AUTH__TOKEN__USER) (default true)
--openvpn.bypass.cn value
bypass oauth authentication for CNs (env: CONFIG_OPENVPN_BYPASS_CN)
--openvpn.common-name.mode string
If common names are too long, use md5/sha1 to hash them or omit to skip them. If omit, oauth2.validate.common-name does not work anymore. Values: [plain,omit] (env: CONFIG_OPENVPN_COMMON__NAME_MODE) (default "plain")
--openvpn.password value
openvpn management interface password (env: CONFIG_OPENVPN_PASSWORD)
show version
openvpn-auth-oauth2 starts an HTTP listener which needs to be accessible from the OpenVPN client before the VPN connection is established.
By default, the http listener runs on :9000
It'd highly recommend putting openvpn-auth-oauth2 behind a reverse proxy which terminates the TLS connections.
It's important to configure CONFIG_HTTP_BASE_URL
because openvpn-auth-oauth2 need to know the redirect url.
# openvpn-auth-oauth2 config file
To connect openvpn-auth-oauth2 with openvpn server, add lines below:
# openvpn server.conf
# /etc/openvpn/password.txt is a password file where the password must be on first line
management /run/openvpn/server.sock unix /etc/openvpn/password.txt
# openvpn-auth-oauth2 config file
See Providers for more information
Configuration openvpn-auth-oauth2 for zitadel
# Define the public http endpoint here.
# Define a random value with 16 or 24 characters
CONFIG_OPENVPN_PASSWORD=<password from /etc/openvpn/password.txt>
CONFIG_OAUTH2_SCOPES=openid profile email offline_access
correctly. It should start with https://
following your public domain name plus port.
Some SSO Provider like Entra ID requires https://
based redirect URL.
In the default configuration, openvpn-auth-oauth2 listen on http://
There are two common ways to set up an HTTPS listener
You can use one of your favorite http reverse proxy. Configure HTTPS on reverse proxy and proxy to an HTTP instance of openvpn-auth-oauth2. For beginners, traefik is recommended since it natively supports Let's Encrypt where you can get public SSL certificates for free.
openvpn-auth-oauth2 supports HTTPS out of the box.
To set up a self-signed certificate, you can use the command below:
export DOMAIN_NAME=vpn.example.com
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.crt -subj "/CN=$DOMAIN_NAME" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:$DOMAIN_NAME"
With default settings, openvpn-auth-oauth2 does not store any tokens from the users. This requires an interactive login from user on
each authentication, included on TLS soft-resets (if reneg-sec
is triggered).
The interactive login can be avoided by requesting refresh tokens
(via oauth2 scope offline_access
; enabled by default) and store the token inside openvpn-auth-oauth2.
If enabled (via --oauth2.refresh.enabled=true
), openvpn-auth-oauth2
will store the oauth2 refresh token in an in-memory key-value store.
is using AES to encrypt the tokens.
The token will be bound to the OpenVPN client ID.
While on initially connect the interactive login is still mandatory, openvpn-auth-oauth2
tries to initiate a non-interactive login with the refresh
token against the OIDC provider and fallbacks to interactive login, if unsuccessful.
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity-platform/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow#refresh-the-access-token
- https://curity.io/resources/learn/oauth-refresh/
- https://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/refresh-tokens/main/
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