So far you've learned the following about React:
- Creating and nesting Components
- Passing props and how to using them in JSX
- Importing and setting up state
- Updating state and re-rendering the Component
- Adding and calling event listeners
- Capturing user input
Now it's time to put it all together.
Here is a working version of the app so you have a reference of the base functionality that you are being asked to implement.
Here is the Starter CodeSandbox
For this exercise you will do the following:
- Examine the working live solution and look over the HTML elements
- Will pass down functions to the corresponding Components in order to liff those values back into App and update state.
- Update state to include the value which will then update the UI to show that item
- Create a new Form Component that provides the user the following inputs:
- product name
- price
- submit button
- Configure the inputs will be
- The Component will pass the data captured to it's parent (App)
- Render a full list of the products with name and price
- When an item is clicked the value will be lifted to App
- App will update state and place the item
- Render the list of products in your shopping cart
- When an item is clicked the index of that item in the array will be lifted to App
- App will remove the item from the array based on its index and update state