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File metadata and controls

302 lines (198 loc) · 14.2 KB

Users, rights and groups

resto provide a user authentication and authorization mechanism allowing to manage access to ressources in particular to authorize CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on collections, catalogs and items.


On the first launch of resto, one user (admin) is created with a user {userId} equals to 100. This user is automatically added to the admin group (see chapter on groups below).

Add a new user

The following example shows how to add a new user. When adding a new user, it will be automatically associated with default rights (see chapter on rights below).

    # Add a new user
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/johnDoe.json "http://localhost:5252/users"

The above command should returns an HTTP 200 response including the newly create user profile

            "message":"User johndoe@localhost created and activated",
                    "registrationdate":"2024-04-08 07:18:19.77169",

Notes :

  • The activated value set to 1. This means that the user is created and validated i.e. you can use authenticate with this user within resto. If you want to check for email address before allowing user to authenticate to resto, you have to set the USER_AUTOVALIDATION environment value to false in config.env. In this case, the user will receive an email including a validation link. The activated value will be set to 1 upon user's validation link resolution.

Update user profile

Updating user profile can be done either by administrator or by the user itself:

    # Update johndoe bio with John Doe credentials
    curl -X PUT -d@examples/users/johnDoe_update.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/users/johndoe"

Get user profile

First create another user Jane Doe:

    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/janeDoe.json "http://localhost:5252/users"

User profiles can only be viewed by authenticated user

    # John Doe ask for Jane Doe profile 
    curl "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/users/janedoe"

User can get its own profile directly using the shorcut /me

    # John Doe get its own profile
    curl "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/me"

Note: when requesting the profile of another user (e.g. John Doe requesting Jane Doe profile), only a limited set of the profile properties are returned. These properties are defined in the user settings

Get an authorization token (optional)

To authenticate to resto endpoint, you can either provide the email/password of an existing user or an authentication token.

You can generate a bearer authentication token valid for 100 days for the above user with the following command:

    ./scripts/generateAuthToken -i johndoe -d 100

The result should be:


The token can be used to request authenticated endpoint, for instance to get the user profile:

    # Using email/password
    curl "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/users/johndoe"

    # Using bearer token
    export JOHN_DOE_BEARER=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJqb2huZG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNzM0MTAxNDI2LCJleHAiOjE3NDI3NDE0MjZ9.erUUOUBlbjtXswP7suvyzLmUgcR9y_qib1CfDS1m-ds
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JOHN_DOE_BEARER}" "http://localhost:5252/users/johndoe"


The rights defines access to resto ressources in particular to authorize CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on collections, catalogs and items.

rights are defined as boolean properties within a JSON object. The default user's rights are the following:

            // If true the user can create a collection
            "createCollection": false,

            // If true the user can delete a collection he owns
            "deleteCollection": true,

            // If true the user can update a collection he owns
            "updateCollection": true,

            // If true the user can delete any collection whether he owns it or not
            "deleteAnyCollection": false,

            // If true the user can update any collection whether he owns it or not
            "updateAnyCollection": false,
            // If true the user can create a catalog
            "createCatalog": true,

            // If true the user can delete a catalog he owns
            "deleteCatalog": true,

            // If true the user can update a catalog he owns
            "updateCatalog": true,

            // If true the user can delete any catalog whether he owns it or not
            "deleteAnyCatalog": false,

            // If true the user can update any catalog whether he owns it or not
            "updateAnyCatalog": false,

            // If true the user can add an item to a collection he owns
            "createItem": true,

            // If true the user can delete an item he owns
            "deleteItem": true,

            // If true the user can update a, item he owns
            "updateItem": true,
            // If true the user can add an item to any collection whether he owns it or not
            "createAnyItem": false,

            // If true the user can delete any item whether he owns it or not
            "deleteAnyItem": false,

            // If true the user can update any item whether he owns it or not
            "updateAnyItem": false


Get user rights

To get the rights for John Doe:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JOHN_DOE_BEARER}" "http://localhost:5252/users/johndoe/rights"

The result should be :


Set user rights

Only a user in the admin group (see chapter on groups below) can set the rights of a user.

    # Allow John Doe to create collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/johnDoe_rights.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/users/johndoe/rights"

The result should returns :

    {"status":"success","message":"Rights set","rights":{"createCollection":true}}

Note that existing rights are not deleted when setting rights but are merged with input rights.


groups can be used to share rights among group members.

On the first launch of resto, two groups are created :

  • The admin group identified by id 0.
  • The default group identifier by id 100

All users are automatically added to the default group

Add a group

Any user can add a group. Note that the group name must be unique.

    # Create dummy group
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/dummyGroup.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/groups"

The result should be

    {"status":"success","message":"Group created","id":1000,"name":"My first group","owner":"${JOHN_DOE_USER_ID}"}

Note: When a user create a group, the user is automaticaly added to this group (except if the user is an admin)

Set group rights

Only a user in the admin group can set the rights for a group

    # Set rights for dummy group allowing members to createAnyItem
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/dummyGroup_rights.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/groups/My%20first%20group/rights"

The result should returns :

    {"status":"success","message":"Rights set","rights":{"createAnyItem":true,"createCollection":true}}

Note that existing rights are not deleted when setting rights but are merged with input rights.

Add user to a group

Only a user in the admin group or the owner of the group can add user to a group

    # Add John Doe in group dummyGroup - not that this is unecessary because it was automatically added during group creation
    # Admin add John Doe in group dummyGroup
    curl -X POST "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/groups/My%20first%20group/users" -d '{"username":"johndoe"}'
    # Consequently, John Doe's rights now includes rights from its groups
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JOHN_DOE_BEARER}" "http://localhost:5252/users/johndoe/rights"

    # Result of previous request shows that John Doe can now createAnyItem since he is in dummyGroup
    # {"rights":{"createCollection":true,"deleteCollection":true,"updateCollection":true,"deleteAnyCollection":false,"updateAnyCollection":false,"createItem":true,"updateItem":true,"deleteItem":true,"createAnyItem":true,"deleteAnyItem":false,"updateAnyItem":false,"downloadItem":false}

Remove user from a group

Only a user in the admin group or the owner of the group can remove a user from a group

    # Remove John Doe from dummyGroup
    curl -X DELETE "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/groups/103/users/johndoe"

    # Consequently, John Doe's rights do not include anymore rights from dummyGroup
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JOHN_DOE_BEARER}" "http://localhost:5252/users/johndoe/rights"

    # {"rights":{"createCollection":true,"deleteCollection":true,"updateCollection":true,"deleteAnyCollection":false,"updateAnyCollection":false,"createItem":true,"updateItem":true,"deleteItem":true,"createAnyItem":false,"deleteAnyItem":false,"updateAnyItem":false,"downloadItem":false}

Ownership and visibility


The following resources have an ownership i.e. they belong to a user:

  • item
  • catalog
  • collection
  • group

The ownership is referenced by the user identifier.

An owned resource can only be updated and deleted by its owner or by a user with a Any right (e.g. updateAnyCollection or deleteAnyCatalog). See the rights section for more detailed information.


The following resources have a visibility status:

  • item
  • catalog
  • collection

The visibility property is an array of group identifiers. For a given resource, only user belonging to one of the group within the resource visibility array can see it.

Unless specified, every resource is visible by every user (i.e. its visibility property is set by default to an array containing the default group).

Set up group and user to play with visibility

First create John Doe user if not exist then create a group and add John Doe to this group:

    # John Doe register
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/johnDoe.json "http://localhost:5252/users"

    # Admin create a dummy group
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/dummyGroup.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/groups"

    # Admin add John Doe in group dummyGroup
    curl -X POST "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/groups/My%20first%20group/users" -d '{"username":"johndoe"}'

    # Admin allows John Doe to create collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/users/johnDoe_rights.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/users/johndoe/rights"

Update an item to make it visible only to a group

John Doe is in group dummyGroup and has right to create a collection:

    # John Doe Create collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/collections/JohnDoeCollection.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/collections"

    # And add an item to this collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/JohnDoeItem.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection/items"

    # This item is visible by everyone
    curl "http://localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection/items"

Now John Doe change the visibility of the item to dummyGroup only:

    curl -X PUT -d@examples/items/johnDoeItem_visibility.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection/items/JohnDoeItem/properties"

    # The item is not visible anymore to users
    curl "http://localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection/items"

    # Except to users belonging to dummyGroup (like John Doe)
    curl "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection/items"

Update a collection to make it visible only to a group

John Doe change the visibility of the JohnDoeCollection to dummyGroup only:

    curl -X PUT -d@examples/collections/johnDoeCollection_update.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection"

    # The collection is not visible anymore to users
    curl "http://localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection"

    # Except to users belonging to dummyGroup (like John Doe)
    curl "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/collections/JohnDoeCollection"

Note: The collection visibility can also be set during collection creation by adding the "visibility" property to the collection json description

Create a catalog to make it visible only to a group

John Doe creates a catalog that is only visible by dummyGroup:

    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/JohnDoeCatalog.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/catalogs"

    # The catalog is not visible to users
    curl "http://localhost:5252/catalogs"

    # Except to users belonging to dummyGroup (like John Doe)
    curl "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/catalogs"

Update a catalog to make it visible for everyone

John Doe change visibility to default group so everyone can see it:

    curl -X PUT -d@examples/catalogs/JohnDoeCatalog_update.json "http://johnDoe%40localhost:dummy@localhost:5252/catalogs/JohnDoeCatalog"