Paka is designed to handle cluster management in a team setting. To activate this feature, you'll need to establish a shared storage backend. This backend will hold the state data for the cluster provision.
A practical choice for this shared storage backend is AWS S3. You can set it up by using the PULUMI_BACKEND_URL
environment variable. The format for this is PULUMI_BACKEND_URL=s3://<bucket-name>/<path>
It's important to note that Paka uses Pulumi for cluster provisioning, hence the use of the Pulumi backend URL.
To run functions on dedicated nodes, you can use the function
field in the cluster spec. This field allows you to specify a node label that the function should run on.
- nodeTypes: ["t3a.large"]
diskSize: 20
isSpot: true
minInstances: 1
maxInstances: 3
To run jobs on dedicated nodes, you can use the job
field in the cluster spec. This field allows you to specify a node label that the job should run on.
enabled: true
brokerStorageSize: 40Gi
- nodeTypes: ["t3a.large"]
diskSize: 20
isSpot: true
minInstances: 1
maxInstances: 3
For AWS deployment, logs are sinked to AWS CloudWatch. You can view the logs by navigating to the CloudWatch console and selecting the log group for the function you want to monitor. Alternatively, you can use the Stern CLI ( to view the logs.
To view the model logs, you can use the following command:
stern --selector app=model-group
To view the function logs, you can use the following command:
stern "my-app*"
For model groups, you can scale the cluster by updating the maxInstances
field in the cluster spec. This field specifies the maximum number of instances that can be created for the model group. And then set up appropriate auto-scaling triggers.
Scaling by CPU utilization:
- name: auto-scale-model
minInstances: 1
maxInstances: 3
- type: cpu
type: Utilization
value: "50"
Scaling by Prometheus metrics:
enabled: true
- name: auto-scale-model
minInstances: 1
maxInstances: 3
- type: prometheus
serverAddress: http://kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.prometheus.svc.cluster.local:9090 # Prometheus endpoint
metricName: latency_p95
threshold: '20000' # Set to 20s, tune as needed
query: | # Trigger scaling if p95 latency exceeds 20s
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{destination_service="llama2-7b-chat.default.svc.cluster.local"}[5m])) by (le))
For functions, you can adjust the scaling parameters as you deploy the function.
paka function deploy --name my-function --source . --entrypoint serve --min-instances 1 --max-instances 3 --scaling-metric concurrency --metric_target 2