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[1.0] 2021-04-09

First public release. Here are the changes compared with the last early-access release version 0.4.2.

OpenNIC Shell (1.0)

  • Upgraded to Vivado 2020.2.
  • Changed the AXI-stream interfaces between shell and user logic boxes. See for details.
  • Restructured the repo. Now all the RTL code are under "open-nic-shell". The "open-nic" repo will become an umbrella for the OpenNIC project.
  • Introduced a new approach to build the shell with user plugins. See for details.
  • Added support for build timestamp. The timestamp is recorded automatically in the format 0xMMDD_HHMM, where the first MM is for month and the second for minute. It can be read from the register 0x0 via BAR2.
  • Adjust RX insertion loss from 12dB to 20dB, so that longer cables can work more reliably.
  • Enable RS-FEC on CMAC.
  • Simulation code is removed and will be pushed into a separate repo.

OpenNIC Driver (1.0)

  • Updated the CMAC core version check to be compatiable with Vivado 2020.2.
  • Added randomization of MAC address generation.
  • Enabled RS-FEC support.
  • Adjusted the waiting time for RX lane alignment.
  • Disabled TX completion interrupt and move the completion routine into a couple of different contexts.

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