Test summary: 88% Line coverage: 77%
For D3, my part is mainly handling the REST service endpoints of "PUT", "POST" and "DEL". In addition, me and my partner together worked on the debugging phase.
Main contrubutions:
Add the REST endpoints: https://github.com/CS310-2017Jan/cpsc310project_team13/commit/62e170bbfcaeb7af99969f54a840e80bf09ce5f3
Debug for the new format of query: https://github.com/CS310-2017Jan/cpsc310project_team13/commit/90cc6726ae8556f2df0163054a3bfac97d98983a
For D3. Our score is not that satisfying because we began relatively late and due to some accidentally schedule of internet accessbility. We did not work efficiently as we could.