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Anton Deguet edited this page Nov 22, 2023 · 34 revisions

XML configuration file

The software requires XML files with configuration parameters for the various manipulators. Sample files with nominal values are in the share sub-directory.

For a specific da Vinci manipulator, Intuitive Surgical provides manipulator-specific calibration data in a cal file. The sample files in the repository can be used to get started but the calibrations values are quite different between systems so it is important to generate a configuration file per arm using the cal file provided by Intuitive Surgical. We provide a MATLAB-based GUI to read the cal file and generate the corresponding XML file.

Default Board IDs

We strongly recommend to use the following mapping for the board IDs and controllers. Many shared configuration files assume the following convention.

ID MTML MTMR ECM PSM1 yellow PSM2 green PSM3 red SUJ
Board ID 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 (A) 12 (C)
Board ID 2 1 3 5 7 9 11 (B)

For Si Arms and DQLA based controllers, we only use the ID of the first board. For example, Si PSM uses the single board ID 6.

Version 2.2 and higher

You should use the Python based application The script should be in your path after your build and source your devel/setup.bash (ROS 1) or install/setup.bash (ROS 2). The script requires two new settings:

  • generation: either Classic or Si
  • hardware: this depends on the controllers you have. All controllers for Classic arms delivered before 2022 are QLA1 based. All controllers for Classic arms delivered after 2022 are DQLA based. All controllers for Si arms (PSMs and ECMs) are dRAC based. The hardware type should match the output of qladisp.

Up to version 2.1

To start the config generator, open Matlab and then type:

>> cd ~/catkin_ws/src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/
>> configGUI

The previous example assumes you are building the code with ROS/catkin python tool. The first command will differ if you checked out the cisst/SAW code in a different directory (i.e. not ~/catkin/src). You can also browse through your directories using the Current Folder panel in Matlab. Once you're in the sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share folder, right click on configGUI.m and select Run. Do not open the configGUI.fig file.

  1. Choose the calibration file provided by Intuitive Surgical, or The naming convention is that the first letter indicates device type with 'm' for master tool manipulator and 'p' for patient-side manipulator, followed by the device serial number. The serial number can be found on the mechanical arm itself, on a silver label with multiple bar codes. Look for the 'TRK ID'.


  2. Choose device type under

  • MTML: master left
  • MTMR: master right
  • PSM1: patient side manipulator 1
  • PSM2: patient side manipulator 2
  • PSM3: patient side manipulator 3 (for users with full da Vinci)
  • ECM: endoscopic camera arm (for users with full da Vinci)

For version 1.5 and above: the foot pedals configuration is now in a separate file provided in the share folder, there's no need to anything for the foot pedals when generating an arm Robot IO XML configuration file. In version 1.6, all shared IO files have been moved under share/io to help reduce the clutter. Since share is included in the search path, just use the file name with the prefix 'io/', not the full path. See also console configuration file.

For version 1.4 and lower: the foot pedal can be connected to any controller. If you are generating the configuration file for the controller attached to the foot pedals, click the "Default Footpedal" button.

  1. Generate: click the generate button to generate XML configuration file.

    XML config generator screenshot

Advanced parameters

The following section is only for very specific cases. Most users should ignore this!

You can also set advanced parameters or overwrite the default settings using:

  1. Choose board ID: the board ID is the rotary switch value (4-bit from 0 to F), which should be unique among daisy-chained controller boards. The board ID should be set automatically based on the arm type using the following convention. Not all Research Kit come with the ECM and the PSM3 but the board Id should be reserved nevertheless. PSM on da Vinci come with color stickers, i.e. yellow, green and red.

    • To make sure the board IDs are physically set properly, you will have to open the controller enclosures. The board ID can be changed by turning the rotary switch with a flat head screw driver.

      Board ID selector

    • Looking from the front of the enclosure, the first board is on the left and the second is on the right. While you have the enclosure open, you should check that the QLA-FPGA sets are properly connected to the dMIB on the back of the controller: first board connected to bottom connectors, second board to top connectors.

      Controller layout

    • If your configuration is unusual, you can overwrite the default IDs and specify the board IDs manually using the drop down menu to choose the board ID. Make sure these two board IDs are different, otherwise the configuration file will not be generated. Also, if you plan to daisy chain multiple controllers, make sure you don't have two boards with the same ID on a single firewire port.

  2. Choose digital input settings. For all PSMs, the defaults shouldn't be modified unless you are using some digital inputs for a specific application. Rev 1.4 and below: For the MTMs, you need to select 'Default Footpedal' for the controller box you plan to connect the foot pedal to. If you plan to daisy chain multiple controllers, make sure the digital input names are unique. As a direct consequence, make sure only one of the MTMs is configured with the digital inputs for the foot pedal.

  3. Choose drive direction. You can hit the 'Default' button to restore the default values. This multipliers (1 or -1) allow to change the direction of each axis. This flag is used to make sure that the software uses the axis directions as defined in the Intuitive Research Kit User Manual. It is important check the direction of each axis for each arm to make sure it corresponds to the documentation using the sawIntuitiveResearchKitQtPID or any other applications that allows you to monitor the potentiometers and encoder directions as well as torque directions. If you find that the default directions don't match your hardware, please let us know.

Source Code

Python version

The code can be found in the sawIntuitiveResearchKit repository, under application/config-generator. The Python scripts contains all the data used to create the sawRobotIO1394.xml files, including gear ratios, encoder resolutions, motor maximum currents, actuator position limits...

Matlab version

This configuration generator consists of three files:

  • configGUI.m: GUI logic
  • configGUI.fig: GUI design file
  • configGenerator.m: xml file generator with real computation

If you want to know how values in the XML file are computed, please check configGenerator.m for more information.

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