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Anton Deguet edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 16 revisions


This is totally experimental and not that useful. When building for Mac OS, one can use the dVRK stack with simulated arms (in kinematic mode) and potentially with the real arms with the ethernet interface (Local Link). The ethernet interface requires firmware version 7 or higher AND controllers with a physical a network interface. Even with the network interface, the Mac OS build is laking the current features:

  • ROS. The code will run but you will need to use something like the sawsSocketStreamer or sawOpenIGTKLink to communicate between programs
  • Potentiometer calibration and gravity compensation identification (calibration programs are using ROS)
  • catkin build



The current process is not automated. It might be possible to install the programs wstool and catkin since both are Python based but I didn't try. The build is performed in steps and each step requires to configure (CMake), build and install. I also favor "Unix Makefiles" but one could probably use Xcode projects.

Get the code

mkdir ~/dVRK
cd ~/dVRK
clone --recursive


When using CMake, pick the generator "Unix Makefiles" and select "Specify native compilers". In the next window, specify the "Fortran" compiler only. It you've installed the compiler mentioned above, it should be /usr/local/bin/gfortran. For CMake, use the source directory /Users/you/dVRK/cisst-saw/cisstNetlib. Please note that you in /Users/you should be replaced by your login name.

In CMake, set:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to /Users/you/dVRK/install

Then in CMake, configure and generate. In the build tree, build using make and then install with make install.


In CMake, use the generator "Unix Makefiles" and the source tree should be /Users/you/dVRK/cisst-saw.

In CMake, set:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to /Users/you/dVRK/install
  • CISSTNETLIB_DIR to /Users/you/dVRK/install
  • Cisstnetlib_DIR to /Users/you/dVRK/install/cmake
  • CISST_HAS_QT5 checked - you will also need to set all the Qt paths, e.g. Qt5Core_DIR set to /Users/you/Qt/5.15.2/clang_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
  • CISST_HAS_JSON checked
  • CISST_USE_SI_UNITS checked
  • CISST_cisstRobot checked
  • SAW_sawControllers checked
  • SAW_sawIntuitiveResearchKit checked
  • SAW_sawRobotIO1394 checked

You should be able to configure and generate in CMake. In your build tree for cisst-saw, make -j. No need to build.

Run the code

In your build tree for cisst-saw, you will need to set some environment variables:

source cisst/
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Users/you/dVRK/build/cisst-saw/cisst/cisstReflexxesTypeII/lib

The last command is to find the share library for Reflexxes. The path with depend on where you built cisst-saw.

Then go in your source tree:

cd ~/dVRK/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/console
sawIntuitiveResearchKitQtConsoleJSON -j console-full-system-simulated.json
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