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Anton Deguet edited this page Apr 30, 2014 · 31 revisions

Building the software

These instructions are specific to Ubuntu Linux. The low level software is Linux specific (i.e. it won't run on other OSs) but should run on any Linux distribution. High level components (all but sawRobotIO1394) can be compiled on Linux, Windows, MacOS and used in separate processes using cisstMultiTask with ICE.

1. Dependencies

  • git
  • CMake for build and configuration
  • C++ compiler, either gcc or clang
  • libraw1394: IEEE-1394 API
  • libxml2: for parsing XML config files
  • Qt 4: GUI
  • libncurses5-dev: curses based test GUI for 1394
  • flite: for some experimental text to speech
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libraw1394-dev libncurses5-dev qtcreator
sudo apt-get flite cmake-curses-gui cmake-qt-gui libopencv-dev git subversion

2. cisst/saw

The main repositories for the dVRK project are:

For ROS, you will need these extra repositories

We provide two ways to build the software:

  • Automatically download and build using the bash file
  • Download, configure and build step by step manually

Essentially, the file performs all the steps described in the manual build section.

2.1. Automatic build

To use to automatically download and build the cisst library and sawIntuitiveResearchKit, please create a directory for the library, download the script file and run the script.

# create folder: here we use ~/dev/cisst 
mkdir -p ~/dev/cisst
cd ~/dev/cisst
# download
# run script 
bash ./

Now under the ~/dev/cisst directory, there are three folders: cisst-saw, cisstNetlib-Linux and build. If you have sawIntuitiveResearchKitQtPID under the build/bin directory, the build is successful.

2.2. Manual build

These instructions allow you to go step by step if you are running into issues with the automatic build.

  1. Create folder, source, build
# create folder: here we use ~/dev/cisst 
mkdir -p ~/dev/cisst
cd ~/dev/cisst
# create source & build directories
mkdir build
  1. Check out code
git clone --recursive
  1. CMake and build
# go to build dir 
cd build
# set cmake settings
ccmake ../cisst-saw
  1. CMake settings
  • Type [c] to configure and check error
  • Press [e] to exit messages view
  • Press [t] to show advanced settings
  • Type [c] to configure and then type [e] to exit help
  • Type [c] to configure and then type [e] to exit help
  • Set CISSTNETLIB_DOWNLOAD_ARCHITECT to i686 for 32-bit system or x86_64 for 64-bit system
  • Set CISST_cisstRobot to ON
  • Set SAW_sawRobotIO1394 to ON
  • Set SAW_sawControllers to ON
  • Set SAW_sawIntuitiveResearchKit to ON
  • Set SAW_sawTextToSpeech to ON
  • Type [c] to configure and then type [e] to exit help
  • Type [c] to configure and then type [e] to exit help (you have to do it twice!)
  • Type [g] to generate

Once you're done with the CMake configuration, you can now compile the code using the command line:

make -j4 -l

The number 4 corresponds to the number of parallel compilations, replace it by whatever number of cores you have to compile faster.

3. Compile in Release mode.

Compiling in Release mode can greatly improve performances. To make sure your build is configured to use the Release mode (telling the compiler to optimize the code), go to your build directory and start CMake using:

   cmake -gui .

Alternatively, you can also use the CMake text based program using:

   ccmake .

Once CMake is started, look for the variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and make sure it is set to Release. By default, the variable is empty.

4. Setting up some environment variables

cisst/saw uses a few environment variables, standard ones such as PATH (see and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (see To simplify the user's life, we provide scripts to set these environment variables based on individual setups. To set your environment variables with bash, go in your build tree and type:

    . cisst/


  • The environment variables are set per shell, i.e. if you open a new terminal, you need to "source" the script again.

  • If you want to set the cisst variables once and for all, you can modify your .bashrc or .profile configuration files.

  • More info can be found on the cisst wiki

  • If you still have some issues with your firewire permissions and need to use sudo to start any dVRK program, the won't work since sudo starts a new shell that won't inherit the current shell's variables. So, fix the firewire permissions first (see

5. Using Qt Creator

Qt Creator is a nice IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that works well with CMake. There are many pages describing the process:

5.1. Step by step instructions

For the research kit, the basic steps are:

  • First setup your build tree manually. Starting with an empty build tree from QtCreator won't work as you need to set some CMake options first.
  • Once you have a working source and build tree (i.e. you've followed instructions above and can compile), start QtCreator and:
  • In menu File, Open File or Project, go to source directory to locate the top cisst-saw/CMakeLists.txt
  • Replace the build directory suggested by QtCreator by your own (e.g. ~/dev/cisst/build)
  • Hit Run CMake

5.2. Settings

To compile a bit faster, you can change the Build Settings and add the command line option -j4 or whatever number of core you have.

Build settings screenshot

To run and debug programs from QtCreator, go to Run Settings:

  • Select an executable target (i.e. program)
  • Add the command line options
  • Change the working directory to whatever location you have used to store your configurations file

Run settings screenshot

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