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Zihan Chen edited this page May 1, 2014 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the cisst_ros_integration wiki!


cisst-ros is a ROS stack that provides a bridge for a cisst component to communicate with other ROS nodes. This tutorial covers build process, setup bridge and provides an example.


cisst_ros_bridge depends on CISST library.


# clone cisst-ros 
$ cd /PATH/TO/CATKIN_WS/src  
$ git clone

# catkin make 
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make    # you may need to specify cisst build path using cmake 
                 # default cisst_DIR path: PATH/TO/CISST/build/cisst/

Run Example

# start example
rosrun cisst_ros_bridge example_bridge 

This example publishes to /sawROSExample/get_value_1 and subscribes to /sawROSExample/set_value_1. In one terminal try echo the /sawROSExample/get_value_1 topic using rostopic echo /sawROSExample/get_value_1. Now open another terminal and type rostopic pub -1 /sawROSExample/set_value_1 std_msgs/Double 10 to change the value1 in the test component. At this time point, you should see the /sawROSExample/get_value_1 the Value1 has been set to 10.


A bridge class is both a mtsTaskPeriod component and a ROS node.

For a complete list of supported command see the next table:

Cisst ROS Function
ReadCommand Publisher AddPublisherFromReadCommand
EventVoid Publisher AddPublisherFromEventWrite
EventWrite Publisher AddPublisherFromEventVoid


  • How to add cisst_msgs
  • How to add more data type


  • Add support for required interface
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