Angio: An Information System For Cardiology Based On Standard Definitions and Controlled Vocabularies. Work in progress
- This piece of Software is experimental, untested, and unstable. Interface might change significantly in the future versions.
- This project is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR SUPPORT
- Patient Demographics - Patient Contacts
- Past History: Infections Record - Essential Hist ( Prior Coronary - Renal Disease ... ) Social Hist - Prior Prodedures
- Assesment: Vital Signs - Clinical Exam Prior To Cath - Chest Pain Evaluation
- Diagnostics: ECG
- Congenitals: Care Episode - Coditions - Risk Factors
- Caths: Procedure Details - Coronary Artery Anatomy - LV - Sats Pressures - Complications - Radiation Dosages - The Lesions - Collaterals - Grafts, T-Grafts
- Medications
- Angio Images can be stored for each individul Patient (Limited Functionality)
- Specific Blood Lab results
- Interventions: ASD Closures, Coarctation Procedures, Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty
- Follow Ups: ASD Closure - PCI
- Echo: Admin, Left Atrium, Right Atrium, LV structure
- LOINC: Find a Code and Search in Short and Long common Name (Postgres Full Text Searching)
- The Coronary Arteries according to the Dominance, Anatomy - Frequent Coronary Variants or Anomalies. The Grafts inserted and the T-Grafts. The Lesions in each segment of Coronaries (Segmentation Model CDISC). The Collaterals. Bulls eye.
- Saturations and Pressures on a Mullins-like diagram
- LV diagram
- Some Codes in the report are missing.
- Fields Dictionary - Terminology (~ 3096 entries). Contains Field Name, Coding Instructions and Notes. The Fields are collected from: CathPCI, Action, TVT, NCOR, IMPACT, ICD and Echo Standards HL-7.
- Pick-List Items (~ 4765 entries)
- Field Sentences. Sentences In Defferent Languages - Add your own - To be used in the Report
- Codes for the particular Field can be saved as: SNOMED-CT - Loinc - RxNorm - HL7 - RadLex
- Pick-List Items Sentences
- Pick-List Items Codes.
- Elixir 1.9.1
- Phoenix (1.4)
- Absinthe (Elixir GraphQL library)
- Bulma
Demographis List. Patient Bach
Naive Roport For Demographics in English
Saturations and Pressure in A Mullins Like graphical Report
The form for each Graft inserted
Sketch of Coronary Tree according to data Entered.
Explanation: Rigth Cor Dominance. Graft from Aorta To Distal LAD. Lesion 90% in Mid LAD. A collateral fro OM1 o Mid Lad
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
As postgres user copy all xxx.sql in the angio_dev database from the table_backup dir
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Mailing list:
- Source: