MATLAB code for analysis of FRAP data
MATLAB code in bfmatlab and FRAP_analysis-master are both required for FRAP_Analysis_v1.m. Make sure to update the path locations in lines 10 and 11 of FRAP_Analysis_v1.m to match the local directories for your workstation.
Prior to using the code, make sure to update lines 50 and 51 cooresponding to the bleachFrame and frameLength to match your experimental conditions.
To compute fractional recovery curves for every movie in a directory, supply the directory location on line 13 for the "outdir" variable. Multiple directories can be specified by listing directory in an array (ex: {folder1, folder2, ...}). Additionally confirm that "ToDo" on line 39 is set to "0".
Set the "ToDo" variable to "1" on line 39 and ensure that the file selection scheme for the "myExt: variable in line 45 matches the files you would like to pool for analysis. Additionally, update the "compiled_Csv" variable on line 48 where the outputs from two-exponential fits will be recorded.
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